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      • KCI등재

        참여적 작업시스템이 조직성과에 영향을 미치는 과정에 관한 연구

        조봉순(Bongsoon Cho),김기태(Kitae Kim),최장호(Jang-Ho Choi),이동섭(Dongseop Lee) 한국고용노사관계학회 2009 産業關係硏究 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 참여적 작업시스템이 종업원의 역량, 직무만족과 연결되고, 궁극적으로 조직의 성과에 기여하는 메커니즘을 규명해 보고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위해 한국직업능력개발원에서 2005년과 2007년에 실시한 인적자본기업패널(HCCP: Human Capital Corporate Panel) 자료와 한국신용정보의 재무정보를 활용하였으며, 연구의 대상은 1, 2차 조사에 모두 응답한 280개 제조업기업으로 한정하였다. 가설 검증을 위하여 LISREL을 이용한 경로분석을 실시하였다. 분석 결과 참여적 작업시스템은 종업원의 역량수준을 향상시키고, 구성원의 직무만족을 높이며 조직의 재무적 성과를 높이는 것으로 나타났으며, 직무만족은 조직의 재무적 성과에 긍정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 종업원 역량은 직무만족을 통해 조직성과에 간접적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 참여적 작업시스템은 종업원 역량 향상과 직무만족이라는 과정을 통해 직ㆍ간접적으로 조직성과에 기여하는 것으로 보인다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로 이론적ㆍ실천적 시사점과 향후의 연구 과제를 도출하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the internal processes in the relationship between the participative work system and financial performance of firms. The participative work system considered in this study includes 360 degree feedback, MBO(Management by Objectives), cafeteria benefits program, quality circle, suggestion system, knowledge mileage program, 6-sigma, job rotation. This study investigated the mediation effects of employee job satisfaction and competency. The sample of this study consists of 280 manufacturing firms in Korea. Path analysis using LISREL was applied to test five hypotheses developed for this study. Results showed that the participative work system had effects on both employee competency and job satisfaction, and its indirect effects on firm performance through competency and job satisfaction were also significant. In addition, the participative work system did show a significant direct impact on firm performance. Whereas employee competency led to job satisfaction, its relationship to firm performance did not turn out to be significant. Instead, competency had an indirect effect on firm performance through job satisfaction. We concluded this article with theoretical and managerial implications and suggestions for future research.

      • KCI등재

        자기효능감과 성과의 관계에 대한 재연구

        이동섭(Dongseop Lee)/김기태(Kitae Kim)/조봉순(Bongsoon Cho) 한국인사조직학회 2008 인사조직연구 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 과업성과의 예측변수로서의 자기효능감과 개인성격 변수들의 상대적 효과를 검증한다. 사회인지이론(social cognitive theory)은 성과를 비롯한 다양한 행위 변수를 설명하는 요인으로서 자기효능감의 중요성을 강조하였으며, 지난 30년간 많은 연구의 결과가 이를 지지하였다. 하지만 최근 Judge, Jackson, Shaw, Scott, & Rich(2007)는 메타분석결과에 의거한 경로분석을 통해, 개인성격 변수가 포함될 경우 자기효능감의 효과는 사라진다는 주장을 전개하였다. 본 논문은 Judge et al.의 연구에 내재된 방법론적인 한계를 감안할 때, 자기효능감의 과잉변수화 주장에 대해서는 보다 신중한 해석이 필요하다는 점을 지적하고, 그 대안으로 자기효능감과 Big 5 성격 변수를 동시에 포함하는 개별연구(primary study)를 통해 고유한 자기효능감 효과의 존재 유무를 살펴보았다. 156명의 대학생을 표본으로 하여 2회에 걸쳐 실시된 본 연구의 자료 분석결과에 의하면, Judge et al.(2007)에서와는 달리, 성격 변수의 효과는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 반면, 자기효능감은 과업성과에 대해 일관적으로 유의한 예측력을 보였다. The purpose of the study is to empirically examine the relative impacts of Big 5 personality factors and self efficacy on task performance, controlling for mental ability and experience. Self-efficacy, the central variable of human regulatory mechanisms in social cognitive theory, has been proposed to be one of the most powerful cognitive determinants of human behavior(Bandura, 1986, 1997, 2006a; Locke & Latham, 1990). Research for over two decades has shown that self-efficacy has an impact on a variety of motivational and behavioral outcomes in clinical, athletic sport, educational, and various organizational settings (Holden, 1991; Holden, Moncher, Schinke, & Barker, 1990; Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991; Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). However, Judge, Jackson, Shaw, Scott, and Rich (2007) recently called the validity of these findings into question. They suggested that the unique contribution of self-efficacy in predicting performance may become negligible if individual traits, which have been largely neglected in social cognitive theory, are considered simultaneously. Using meta-analytic path analysis on the relationships among Big 5 personality traits, mental ability, experience, self-efficacy, and task performance, they reported a substantially reduced incremental predictive validity of self-efficacy when individual difference variables were controlled for. On the basis of this finding, they concluded that given the significant relationships of personality and intelligence to self-efficacy, task-specific self-efficacy may simply be a superfluous byproduct of a smart and generally confident person (Judge et al., 2007). We argue that the conclusion made by Judge et al.(2007) is premature and potentially erroneous. In testing the incremental predictive validity of self-efficacy on performance with individual difference variables controlled for, Judge et al. combined psychometric meta-analysis and path analysis, a procedure we found has critical limitations. First, the biggest problem in the procedure Judge et al. used concerns that relative predictive power between Big 5 personality traits and self-efficacy, which is the most important aspect of their model, had not been examined by any of the individual studies included in their meta-analytic synthesis. In other words, the “relative” part of data is entirely missing, and this makes their conclusion about relative predictive power in fact based on missing data. Missing data is considered one of the most critical problems in this procedure because estimation of certain relationships (e.g., path coefficients) in the model may become difficult or distorted due to missing data (Becker & Schram, 1994; Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995). Second, due to the systematic missing data in Judge et al.(2007), it may be possible that different parts of the model (e.g., the relationships between Big 5 traits and performance, between self-efficacy and performance, and between Big 5 traits and self-efficacy) are based on substantially differing populations. This variation in meta-analytic correlations is a critical issue, for the test of a path model can be affected even when only one of the variables included in the path model is moderated by a certain other variable (Viswesvaran & Ones, 1995). A series of moderator analyses conducted by Judge et al. themselves showed that the relationship between self-efficacy and performance was stronger, for example, when self-efficacy was measured with grid type measures rather than with Likert type measures, when performance domain was relatively specifically identifiable task performance rather than overall job performance, and when performance was assessed objectively rather than subjectively. We view these results as indicating numerous sources of systematic variation in their path model. Given the scarcity of research properly evaluating the relative predictive validity of self-efficacy, more primary studies including both self-efficacy and various

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