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김응춘(EC Kim),이근용(KY Lee),윤상열(SY Yoon),이영옥(YO Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1968 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.11 No.4
A case of spontaneous uteriner upture was presented in a woman who was 36-years-old, Multipara(6-0-0-5), the spontaneous rupture of uterus was occured at 9th month of pregnancy and subtotal hysterectomy was performed and combined with laparotomy, and both tabectomy, and a reviewed briefly the literature of it.
구병삼(BS Koo),이근용(KY Lee),윤상렬(SY Yoon),송주천(JC Song) 대한산부인과학회 1966 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.9 No.12
Laceration or rupture of the vagina may occur during sexual intercourse. Although this accident is uncommon. Two cases of the vaginal fornix injury due to coitus is presented with brief review of literature on vaginal injury due to coitus.
박용재(YJ Park),이성균(SK Lee),송주천(JC Song),정윤영(WY Chung),이근용(KY Lee),이상옥(SO Lee),오혜숙(HS Oh) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.4
A case of acardiac anencephalic monster associating with single ovum twin combined with hydr- amnios is presented, and it`s review of literatures was made briefly.