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        [논문] 2004년 북한 개정형법의 내용과 의미에 관한 연구

        윤대규(Yoon Dae-Kyu) 한국형사법학회 2005 형사법연구 Vol.24 No.-

        In June 2004, the North Korean criminal code underwent drastic revision. The most significant change was the broadening in the scope of regulations. The breadth of the code was almost doubled, from 161 to 305 articles. The most modified and enlarged area of criminal law concerned the economy. Previously, Chapter 4 Section 2, which covered criminal acts against the socialist economy, contained only 18 articles. Now, Chapter 5 Section 2, covering acts against the economy (note the absence of the adjective "socialist") has been expanded to 74 articles. Another important change has been the adoption of nulla poena sine lege, or the principle of legality. This basic principle of criminal law states that no one can be penalized for actions not strictly prohibited by law. While this was brought on at least partly by international criticism of the North's human rights, it is still a significant improvement from a legal perspective. There was also change in the arena of penalties. While there was previously only one category for hard labor, now there are three classes of penalty, hard labor for life, terminable hard labor (1-15 years), and reeducation (6 months-2 years). What these changes mean is that, while the socialist system is still safeguarded, free market transactions have been officially recognized, and the judicial system is expected to be more adept at dispute resolution. This is in order to create an environment that is more attractive to the international community as well as foreign investors. Protection of individuals and society from the new crimes emerging in the changing social environment appears to be significantly enhanced. These changes are indicative of the direction in which the DPRK' is moving. It goes without saying that in an intricately connected society, a wide scope of laws need to be devised in a number of specific areas. Basic law reform as well as the development of specialized legislation is still necessary in order to bring the North's code up to a level comparable to that of a constitutionalist, free, democratic society. Although criminal law in North Korea is still in need of further improvement, recent reform can be seen as a significant step in the right direction.

      • KCI등재후보

        북한사회에서의 법의 성격

        윤대규(Yoon Dae Kyu) 북한법연구회 2003 북한법연구 Vol.6 No.-

        한 사회의 법은 그 국가의 성격을 반영하고 있듯이 북한사회의 법도 북한의 국가성격을 반영하고 있다. 북한의 국가 성격을 사회주의국가,주체사상에 바탕한 종교국가,세습적 권력체제에 바탕한 봉건적 독재국가, 선군정치에 바탕한 병영국가로 본다 면 북한의 법도 이러한 성격을 반영하고 있다. 본 논문은 이에 바탕하여 북한법의 성격을 사회주의법, 주체사상의 실현도구, 동양 유교법, 억압적 법,법제상의 특성으로 나누어 서술하고 있다. 그러나 북한법의 이러한 성격은 대외 경제개방과 더불어 큰 변화를 맞이하게 될 것으로 보인다 This article describes the character of North Korean law as reflection of the nature of the Democratic People s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The cultural and political complexity of this peculiar socilist, pseudo-religious state based on indigenous ]uche ideology, one-man dictatorship, and military-first politics has deeply influenced its law, whose characteristics can be described as socialist, Confusion, repressive, formalistic, and /故如-enforcing. Fundamentally, law in the DPRK is mandated to serve as a tool to maintain and reinforce the absolute rule of its dictator. However, a decade-plus of mounting economic problems continue to jeopardize the regime s survival, inducing it to respond with attempts to broaden and diversify North Korea’s economic cooperation with the international community. This approach, however, will indubitably have an impact on the character of North Korean law, pushing it to compromise itself so as to attract and accommodate foreign investment.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국의 노동법제 개혁과 글로벌 거버넌스에 대한 북한의 시각과 대응

        윤대규(Yoon Dae kyu),민경배(Min Kyung bae) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2014 인문사회과학연구 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 중국의 노동법제 개혁과 이를 위한 글로벌 거버넌스의 지원에 대해 여전히 계획경제를 고수하고 있는 북한이 어떤 시각과 대응을 해 오고 있는지를 검토한 것이다. 중국의 노동법제 개혁에 대한 글로벌 거버넌스 차원의 협력과 지원의 목표는 시장경제질서의 정착에 맞추어져 있었다. 북한은 노동법제 개혁을 포함한 글로벌 거버넌스 차원에서 이루어지는 다양한 형태의 법제협력은 결국 제국주의국가들이 법이라는 수단을 활용하여 경제적 예속을 가속화하는 도구로 인식하고 있다. 북한은 자신의 '사회주의노동법'이 자본주의국가는 물론 다른 사회주의국가의 노동법과도 다른 '우리식의 독특한 사회주의 노동법 구성 체계'라고 그 우수성을 주장하고 있다. 그러나 개성공업지구에서 북한의 사회주의노동법이 아닌 시장경제기능을 일정하게 수용한 '개성공업지구 노동법제'가 적용되고 있다. 개성공업지구 노동법제가 시장경제체제에 기초한 노동법제의 개혁에는 크게 미치지 못하지만 북한의 사회주의노동법 내용에서 상당히 진일보한 것으로 그에 대한 대응으로 판단할 수 있다. This study addresses the standpoints and responses of North Korea, which still adheres to planned economy, toward global governance to support the reform of labor law in People's Republic of China On the level of global governance claiming such principles as rule of law, democracy, market economy, and protection of human rights, international organizations and individual states have set the settlement of market economy order as the aim in their cooperation for and support of the reform of labor law in People's Republic of China. Accordingly, lifelong employment, based on planned economy system, has been replaced by contract-based employment. And as administrative intervention decreases, labor policies have been gradually legalized and the relationship between labor and management has been legally regulated. Key issues of the reform included systematic introduction of labor contract, diversification of employment forms, introduction and utilization of dismissal system, diversification of labor conditions, permission of organizations to protect the rights of workers, and systematization of resolution of labor disputes. With virtually no experience of international cooperation on the level of global governance, the standpoints of North Korea toward international cooperation are generally negative. North Korea's acceptance of global cooperation and support may mean change of its systems and reform of laws to support the change. North Korea regards various forms of legal cooperation on the level of global governance, including reform of labor law, as a means imperialist states employ to accelerate others' economic subordination to them. Arguing that its "socialist labor law" is different from the labor law of not only capitalist states but also other socialist ones, North Korea claims its excellency as "our unique socialist labor law system." However, the legislation of "Hapyeongbeop", the Joint Investment Law, in 1984 to open up its economy to foreign countries and the designation of special economic districts triggered the reform of labor law. For the present, different from North Korea's socialist labor law as it has accepted functions of market economy to some extent, the "Labor Law of Gaeseong Industrial District" is applied, among several special economic districts, only to Gaeseong Industrial District. The labor law of Gaeseong Industrial District is far from the reform of labor law toward market economy system. Nevertheless, it is another step for the socialist labor law of North Korea. The government of South Korea should continuously seek alternative policies that can drive reformative development of the labor law of Gaeseong Industrial District and change of North Korea's socialist labor law based on the reform. The first step of such efforts should be communication and reconciliation, which will result in reinforcement of exchange and cooperation between the two Koreas and establishment of a peace regime.

      • KCI등재

        사회주의 체제전환국 노동 및 경제 관련 법제 개혁과 글로벌 거버넌스

        윤대규(Yoon, Dae Kyu),최은석(Choi, Eun Suk) 국민대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.26 No.1

        베트남은 중국과 더불어 대표적인 아시아 사회주의국가로 알려진 나라이다. 특히 1986년 12월 도이모이(Doi Moi) 정책을 채택하면서 전면적 개혁에 착수하게 되었다. 사회주의국가였던 베트남은 국유기업이 민영화되고 외국기업이 들어오면서 베트남의 노동정책도 변화하기 시작하였다. 글로벌 거버넌스의 법제 지원으로 베트남의 개방 후 두드러진 노동정책의 특징 중 하나가 1994년 노동법의 제정이다. 이 노동법 전문에는 ‘인민의 번영, 국가의 부강, 공정한 문명사회’ 지향이라는 국가목표만 표기되어 있었으나, 2003년 노동법 개정에서는 ‘민주적인 사회’를 추가한 점은 북한에 시사하는 바가 크다. 베트남은 시장경제화를 통한 경제성장을 도모하여 사회주의로 이행한다는 전략을 천명하고, ‘시장’의 원리를 도입하여 경제를 활성화시키기 위해 글로벌 거버넌스의 법제 지원을 통해 개혁개방의 실질화를 유지시켜 왔다. 본 논문에서는 글로벌 거버넌스 차원에서 베트남의 노동법제 변화에 어떤 대외적 조치를 통해 지원해 왔는지 살펴보고, 나아가 베트남의 경험이 북한 노동법제에 주는 시사점은 무엇인지를 찾고자 한다. Vietnam is one of the leading Asian socialist states along with China. The country has been executing an all-out reform since it adopted the Doi Moi policy in December 1986. The labor policy of Vietnam is also changing as the post-socialist country started privatizing state enterprises and allowing foreign companies to tap into the local market. One of the most striking changes in the labor policy came when Vietnam enacted a new labor law in 1994. While the ‘prosperity of people, rich and powerful country, and fair civilized society’ were specified as the state objectives of the labor law, the ‘democratic society’ was newly added to the term of labor law in 2003. Such change has large implications to North Korea. Vietnam has made it clear that it would develop its economy through adopting a market economy system to enhance its socialism eventually. Therefore, the country has been maintaining its reform and opening drive through the legislative supports of global governance in bid to help revitalize its economy through the ‘market’ system. This study aims to identify how the Vietnamese government has provided external supports to the change of its labor laws in terms of global governance and the implications of Vietnamese transitions to the labor law system of North Korea.

      • KCI등재
      • 산업용 로봇 승강프레임에 대한 최적설계 및 내구평가

        한성욱(Sung Wook Han),강윤식(Yun Sik Kang),윤대규(Dae Kyu Yoon),김상현(Sang Hyun Kim) 대한기계학회 2015 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2015 No.11

        Vertical frame lets a arm assembly with glass substrate move up and down, so it must have high stiffness and strength. We applied new manufacturing process by using design optimization process such as topology and size optimization in order to satisfy the request of high stiffness and light weight. The proposed model should be evaluated for endurance strength. Therefore fatigue assessment for weak point of aluminum welding area of vertical frame studied with hot spot stress approach. And the actual stress measuring from test was compared and evaluated with the dynamic stress calculated from multi-body dynamics considering flexible body.

      • KCI등재
      • 서독과 나토회원국(NATO)에 적대적인 스파이행위를 한 구동독국가공안부와 동독인민군 정보요원들의 처벌문제

        윤대규,하태영 慶南大學校法學硏究所 1999 慶南法學 Vol.15 No.-

        "나는 몇 년전부터 북한이 급속한 붕괴보다는 일정한 안전을 말하던 이들의 편에 서 있습니다. 그런 예측에 힘입어, 내게는 또한 북한이 10년이나 지속되지는 않으리라는 것이 분명해 보입니다. 북한은 인접국들과 미국의 암묵적이고 약간은 수치스러운 동의에 의해서만 생존하고 있습니다. 연착륙이나 기대하면서 말입니다. 더 개연성이 있는 것은 북한 내부의 혁명이 지나치게 잘 계산된 그 시나리오를 중단시키리라는 것입니다. 북한 민중에게 정상적인 생활을 영위할 권리를 무한정 금지시킬수는 없습니다. 내가 아는 북한 내부사정으로 보건데 북한은 정상적인 나라가 아니라 공포정치 국가입니다. 그것은 종말이 있을 것이며, 무한정 연장될 수는 없습니다". 출전: 기 소르망, 프랑스 대표적 지성(인터뷰), 신동아, 2000년 2월호, 84면_-93면(88면_-89면).

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