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        유제춘(Jechun Yu) 대한노인정신의학회 2008 노인정신의학 Vol.12 No.2

        Delirium is a complex clinical syndrome that has had many names. That shows delirium has many different aspects and clinical courses in the view of cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms, and that makes the clinicians embarrassed. Delirium in elderly patients is sometimes under detected and poorly managed by the both surgeons and physicians, and tends to be related with grave prognosis. So the understanding and the full acquaintance with the delirium is one of the most important task for the geriatric psychiatrists. This review discusses the concept, evaluation and treatment guidelines. The cardinal symptom of delirium is the disturbance in consciousness accompanied with various cognitive functional disturbances. The diagnosis of delirium is composed of the identification, the severity evaluation and finding the causes of delirium. The management of delirium consists of correcting the underlying problems, providing the safe and comfortable environment and prescribing suitable medications.

      • KCI등재

        자살예방협의체에 속한 지역사회중심 원조전문가의 클라이언트 자살 경험의 맥락과 패턴

        유제춘(Yu, Jechun),심우찬(Shim, Woochan) 한국정신건강사회복지학회 2020 정신보건과 사회사업 Vol.48 No.4

        본 연구는 지역사회중심 원조전문가가 클라이언트의 자살 전 후로 경험한 이야기를 맥락과 패턴 분석을 이용하여 탐색한 질적연구이다. 자료는 D시 자살예방협의체에 속한 9명의 사회보장서비스와 정신건강서비스 관련 원조전문가를 대상으로 초점집단면접(FGI)을 통해 수집하였다. 분석 결과 연구참여자들의 업무환경적 맥락 안에는 지역사회 내 자살사건 노출, 클라이언트의 질병, 빈곤, 그리고 사회관계망의 부재, 1인 사례관리 책임제, 자살 협박, 공적 책임성, 긴장과 불안 속 사례관리가 주요 요소로 드러났다. 클라이언트의 자살을 경험한 연구참여자들 대부분은 초기에 감정적으로는 무덤덤함을, 그리고 인지적으로는 후회와 죄책감을 느꼈다. 반성적 고찰은 민감하고 적극적인 개입 방향의 변화를 가져 왔다. 하지만 시간이 흐르면서 클라이언트 자살에 대한 자신의 반응을 어떻게 해석하고 해결해야 할지 혼란스러웠고, 자신의 업무 역량과 자살예방사업에 대한 회의감도 느꼈다. 클라이언트의 자살 경험 이후의 환경적 맥락에는 동료와 상사의 심리적지지, 슈퍼비전, 그리고 교육이 있었다. 이들은 상담의 필요성을 느끼면서도 심리상담 서비스를 활용하고 있지 않았고, 업무로부터의 휴식은 특별한 배려가 있는 경우 가능했다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 한 정책적 제언으로 본 논문은 2인 1조 사례관리 체계 구축, 그리고 전문적 상담과 쉼의 제도화에 대한 논의를 포함하고 있다. This qualitative study explores experiences of helping professionals before and after their clients’ suicide incidents using context and pattern analysis. Data were collected from focus group interviews with 9 community-based helping professionals involved in the suicide prevention coalition of D metropolitan city. The result shows that the work-environment context of study participants included the following themes: pre-exposure to suicide incidents in the community; clients’ illness, poverty and weak social network; one-person in charge of high-risk suicidal case management system; suicidal ideation as a threat; public responsibility; high-tension and anxiety prone case management. Study participants’ most often mentioned first emotional reaction towards their clients’ suicide was ‘not much emotion or numbness’ which was followed by strong cognitive reactions, ‘regrets and guilt.’ Such reflective review led to behavioral change described as ‘sensitive and active intervention.’ As time passed, they felt more confused as to how to interpret and deal with their reactions towards clients’ suicide. They also began to doubt their own work efficiency and effectiveness of the suicide prevention program. Post-client suicide context included support from their peers and supervisors as well as supervision and education. They felt the need of professional counseling services which were available to them but they did not utilize them. Based on these findings, this study includes policy implication on a paired-team case management system approach and mandatory counseling as well as mandatory time-off for helping professionals.

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