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        연구논문 : 사회과학 ; 이탈리아의 포도 및 와인 생산 동향

        안순영 ( Soon Young Ahn ),유영산 ( Young San Yu ),윤해근 ( Hae Keun Yun ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2012 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        이탈리아는 포도 재배 면적과 생산량, 와인 생산량 및 소비량이 세계에서 최상위권의 나라이며, 역사적으로는 유럽 전체로 와인 문화를 전파한 유럽 와인의 아버지라 할 수 있다. 이태리의 국민들은 식전주(Aperitif)인 발포성 와인부터 레드 및 화이트 와인, 그리고 디저트용인 그라파(Grappa)까지 다양한 포도주를 즐기는 생활 습성을 가졌으며 이로 인해 이태리의 포도주 산업은 계속해서 발전하여 왔다. 주요 포도주 생산지는 크게 4지역으로 북서부 지역(피에몬테, Piemonte), 북동부 지역(베네토, Veneto), 중부 지역(토스카나, Toscana), 그리고 남부 지역(시칠리아 섬, Sicilia) 이다. 남북으로 길게 뻗은 국토로 지중해성 기후와 지역마다 다양한 지형, 토양 및 기후에 의해 이태리는 전국에 걸쳐 와이너리가 분포하고 있다. 생식 용 포도나무 수형은 풀리아 덕식으로 우산형 수형과 비슷하다. 지역의 특색을 대표할 수 있는 포도품종을 재배하며, 생식용은 빅토리아, 이탈리아, 센테니얼, 블랙펄 등의 품종과, 양조용으로는 산죠배제, 메르롯 등의 품종이 주로 재배되고 있다. 우리나라에서도 지역의 기후와 환경에 적합한 품종을 선택하고 재배방식을 발전시켜 외국산 포도와의 경쟁력을 확보해야 할 것이다. Italy is one of the world`s highest countries in the viewpoints of grape growing area and production, wine production and consumption. Historically, Italy has been called as a father of the European wines which spreaded a wine culture to other countries. Because the Italian people had been accustomed to enjoying the various wine in their life, the wine industry continued to develop in Italy. The major wine production areas are Piemonte, Veneto, Toscana, and Sicilia in Italy. Italy is located north and south long in the Mediterranean coast, and shows the various characteristics in the fields of terrain, soil, and climate conditions, a large number of the wineries are distributed throughout the whole country. Popular trellis system for table grape varieties is Apulia tendone which is similar to Korean umbrella-shape training system. Several famous grape cultivars including ``Victoria``, ``Italia``, ``Centennial``, and ``Black Pearl`` for fresh fruit and ``Sangiovesse`` and ``Merlot`` are grown in Italian major grape production areas. Italian grape production with their own developed system can be an informative model in Korean grape growers for increasing competition power against ones imported from foreign countries.

      • 대추나무의 開化特性에 關한 硏究

        鄭仙英,劉永山 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1994 연구논문집 Vol.49 No.1

        대추의 結實安定윽 위한 墓礎 硏究로써 무등과 복조品種를 팡시하여 대추꽃의 형태적특성과 開花時期, 開花時刻,開花段階 및 柱頭의 receptivity등을 硏究 調査하여 다음의 結果를 얻었다. 대추꽃은 花器構造가 특이하여 꽃받침과 화반이 發達되고 꽃잎은 退化되어 있었다. 小花의 開化過程은 7段階로 子분되었으며 꽃받침이 수평으로 展開되는 4段階를 完全開花로 보았다. 대추꽃은 11∼12時부터 꽃봉오리가 열개되어 2시경에 開花最盛期를 보였으며 氣溫과 일조시수에따라 開花時刻이 多少 變化되었다. 開葯은 꽃잎에서 수술이 分離됨과 同時에 일어났으며 화사의 탄력과 訪花昆蟲에의해 受粉이 이루어졌다. 開葯時 花粉 發芽率은 60%이상이었으나 時間이 經過함에 따라 점차 감소되어 18시간이후에는 6%에 불과하였다. 柱頭上에 受粉된 花粉은 수분후 12시간 이후부터 發芽되기 시작하여 24시간까지 發芽率이 擔加되었고 柱頭上의 花粉發芽率은 開花當日이 가장 높았다. This experiment was conducted to investigate the floral morphological characteristics and their flowering habits such as flowering duration, opening time of day, flowering stage and stigma receptivity with 'Moodeung' and 'Bokjo' Chinese jujubes during blooming period. The results were as follows : Sepal and disc are specially developed but petal degenerated in florets of cyme inflorescence. Jujube trees showed very long blooming period and the flowering continued during about 55-60day until middle of August. Anthesis was completed between 12:00 and 4:00 PM in the used jujube cultivars and flowering stage was divided into seven stages. Flowering time of day was changed by atmospheric conditions such as temperature,sunshing hours. Anther dehiscence started on the time when the stamens emerged from petal and then pollens were rapidly transfered by pollinator. But unless disturbed pollen grains were sticky and remained on the anther. Percentage of pollen germination showed over 60% shortly after anther dehiscence, But it was gradually decreased and then was only 6% in 18 hours after anther dehiscence. Germination of pollen grains on stigma began from 12 hours after pollination and the receptivity of stigma showed high during 4 hours after anthesis.

      • 뽕나무 오디의 利用에 關한 硏究 : I. Fruit Characteristics of Mulberry I. 오디의 果實特性에 關한 基礎硏究

        金文浹,高光出,林秀浩,劉永山 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.2

        This experiment was origninally designed to examine the usability of mulberry fruit as fresh fruit. A total of 87 cultivars were analyzed of their fruit characteristics in 1979 at Sericultural Experiment Station. The results were as follows: 1. Four cultivars such as Kokuso-No.20, Himetsuru, Tsuruta, Ohbawase, were excellent of their fruit chracteristics among the tested mulberry cultivars. Especially, Kokuso-No.20, was the most promsing in terms of large fruit size, high sugar content, high fruit quality as well as high yield. 2. Baeg un-No.3, Josang-No.1, Kang won-No.3 needed further examination. Kang won-No.3 showed the highest sugar content. 3. When mulberry commercially grows for fresh fruits, it is presumed that the perishability due to the soft and juicy fresh of mulberry fruit will causes difficulties in transporting and marketing and that harverting labor will be much required.

      • Gibberellin 處里 巨峰葡萄의 無核化 機構에 關한 硏究 : (第1報) Gibberellin 處理 巨峰葡萄의 胚珠生長 및 退化에 關한 硏究 I. Study on Growth and Degeneration of Ovules as Affected by Gibberellin in 'Kyoho' Grapes.

        劉永山,朴英順 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1983 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Growth and degeneration of Ovules were observed to investigate the process of seed abortion from anthesis to berry setting stage in 'Kyoho' grapes applied with GA 100ppm. 1. Growth of ovules were promoted by GA application and the ovules were increased markedly in size as compared to untreated ones by 6 days after anthesis. 2. In GA-treated ovules nucellus began to be separated rapidly at 4 days after anthesis. Thus most of ovules was not increased beyond 1mm in size, and at 14 days after anthesis 97.3 percent of ovules were degenerated. 3. GA-treated berries were not droped in spite of collapse of ovules and the berries became seedless. 4. In untreated ovaries, degeneration of ovules started late. Degenerated ovules were also a high proportion but low as compared to GA-treated ones. At 14 days after anthesis 38 percent of ovules in setted-berries were developed normally and became seeds. 5. In shatter berries, ovules were collapsed or the nucellus was separated completly from embryo asc. Untreated-berries began to drop markedly in accordance with ovules collapse.

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