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        조선 의서 『향약집성방』중에 실린 상한(傷寒) 논의 연구

        오재근(Chae-Kun Oh) 한국의사학회 2012 한국의사학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to derive the features of cold damage clinical medicine during the early days of the Chosun(朝鮮 period by analyzing discussions on cold damage published in the official medical book of the Chosun period, Compendium of Prescription from the Countryside(鄕藥集成方, CPC). Cold damage was one of the typical diseases in East Asia where there was constant seeking of the utilization of prescriptions, ways of preparations, and awareness regarding cold damage as shown in Zhang, Zhongjing(張仲景)’s Treatise on Cold Damage Disease(傷寒論, TCDD) below. Traditional Korean medicine which possessed the medical universality of East Asia also was no exception and through an analysis of the part on cold damage in CPC, it is expected that medical features of cold damage in Korea passed down from the Koryo(高麗) Dynasty to the early Chosun period will be revealed. For this, first there needs to be an organization of past discussions on cold damage surrounding the existence of infection and after checking the issues, exploring which of the writings related to TCDD and editions are being utilized through an analysis on citing literature of Cold Damage Disease Literature(傷寒門) and Heat Pathogen Disease Literature(熱病門 which have developed discussions on cold damage in CPC. In addition, by comparing Peaceful Holy Benevolent Prescription(太平聖惠方, PHBP) and Complete Record of Sacred Benevolence(聖濟總錄, CRSB), known to have greatly influenced CPC and Cold Damage Literature and Heat Pathogen Disease Literature, features of form and content used by CPC were analyzed. Features of form were examined through pattern of organization and number of citing literature were examined and for features of content, cold damage infection, classification, syndrome differentiation method, and utilization of materia medica among prescriptions were examined. Discussions on cold damage as being uninfectious as stated in Treatise on the Pathogenesis and Manifestations of All Diseases(諸病源候論) unlike pestilence(疫癘), epidemic pathogen(時氣), warm pathogen disease(溫病), and heat pathogen disease were excluded in PHBP. PHBP opened the possibility of cold damage infection and later writings, CRSB and CPC also follow this. As a result of analyzing citing literature of the part on cold damage in CPC, it is uncertain which edition of TCDD is being utilized; however, the most distinctive feature was that Classified Emergency Materia Medica(證類本草) and not writings specializing in cold damage are in use. In general, although CPC in terms of form is similar to CRSB, content creation predominantly depended on PHB. More specifically; first, in terms of the existence of cold damage infection, arguments of PHBP and CRSB are maintained. Second, in terms of cold damage classification, although CRSB is followed, heat pathogen disease is classified separately developing PHBP as is. Third, in terms of method, as Bock of Keep Healthy(南陽活人書) and CRSB compiled in later times are cited, it is deemed that arguments were raised to a certain extent regarding six-meridian syndrome differentiation(六經辨證). Fourth, although the majority of utilized materia medica among cold damage prescriptions utilize Materia Medica from the Countryside(鄕藥本草) in CPC and materia medica from Korean Peninsula, this is due to the desire for the compilation performance of CPC to be propagated to ordinary citizens and not the ruling class. CPC as the official medical book compiled in the early days of the Chosun period was greatly influenced by the Song(宋 Dynasty’s medical books, PHBP and CRSB shows that cold damage medicine in the early Chosun Period indeed possesses the medical universality of East Asia. Furthermore, the features of published medical theory and prescriptions reveal the existence of the cold damage medical tradition of the Chosun period serving as clues for cold damage research tradition among Korea’s medical history.

      • KCI등재

        ‘건강(health)’에 대한 한의학적 고찰

        오재근(Chae-Kun Oh),김용진(Yong-Jin Kim) 한국의철학회 2008 의철학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        현대의학은 신체의 구조와 기능상의 정상과 비정상에 대해 생리학, 생화학 및 형태학적으로 그 이상을 지적할 수 있는지에 초점을 맞추고 있다. ‘health’는 일본의학자들에 의해 당시 수용된 의학적 근거에 기초하여 ‘健康’으로 번역되었고 이후 일본의 정치·경제·사회적 문제와 결부되면서 외부에서 강제 될 수 있는 것으로까지 해석되었으며 제국주의 시대를 거치면서 ‘신체검사’와 함께 무비판적으로 조선 및 동아시아에 이식되었다. 黃帝內經(이하 內經으로 약칭함)은 사람을 개별적, 사회적, 환경적 특징에 따라 구분하여 일률적이지 않은 기준을 제공하고 있으며 몸의 상태를 ‘未病’이라는 개념을 활용하여 연속적인 흐름상에서 살피고 있다. 그러므로 서양의학에 의거하고 또 당대의 역사적 환경을 기반으로 번역된 ‘健康’은 동아시아의 몸과 관련된 기존의 시각을 충분히 담아내지 못하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 몸에 드러나는 현상을 기술하는 학문인 의학은 내용상 개별 지역의 자연적, 사회적 환경, 역사, 문화 등과 결부되어 지역마다 독특한 특징을 보인다. ‘健康’ 역시 몸을 둘러싸고 있는 철학적, 또는 역사적, 의학적 특성에 맞게 새롭게 해석되어야 한다. The modern medical science has focused on the possibilities whether it can point out the disorder about physical structures, functions and their normal or abnormal status physiologically, biochemically and morphologically. ‘Health’ was translated into ‘健康’ by the Japanese medical researchers. The idea of health, which was first conceptualized on the medical bases, came to be interpreted as something which can be improved by some external forces when the original idea was contextualized with political, economical and social concerns. And assumedly this Japanese interpretation of ‘健康’ has pervaded into the area of Eastern culture during the Japanese imperial period. The man is classified by individual, social, environmental criteria not fixed in 『黃帝內經』. We can look into the continuous status of body from illness to health using the concept of 未病 in 『黃帝內經』. Therefore ‘健康’ translated by western medicine and history surroundings of 19th century, it couldn’t explain feature of East Asian health meaning. The medical science which describes the phenomena occurred in human body has shown distinctive features for each region when it is contextualized with natural, social circumstances, history and culture of that region. The concept of 健康 should be newly interpreted to agree with the philosophical, historical and medical peculiarities of human body in the eastern cultural area.

      • KCI등재

        『동의보감』과 『향약집성방』의 『증류본초』 활용 -『향약집성방』 「향약본초」, 『동의보감』 「탕액편」을 중심으로-

        오재근 ( Chae Kun Oh ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2011 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.24 No.5

        Classified Emergency Materia Medica is a pharmacopoeia published by the government of the Song(宋) dynasty. After publishment, it had a decisive effect on East-Asian herbology of China, Korean & Japan. Sakae Miki(三木榮), Tameto Okanisi(岡西爲人) wrote papers on the subjects of type, publishing process, bibliographic terms of Classified Emergency Materia Medica published in the early and middle years of Joseon Dynasty. Moreover, Sakae Miki claimed that Classified Emergency Materia Medica from China had been a standard of herbology of Joseon Dynasty since its publishment, and herbology based on materia medica from countryside(鄕藥) also had occupied a part of herbology in Joseon Dynasty. Nevertheless the specific influences, from Classified Emergency Materia Medica to the medical books of Joseon Dynasty which established the herbology based on materia medica from countryside has never been handled so far. So I would like to investigate the influence of Classified Emergency Materia Medica to Joseon Dynasty, through a comparison with literature review. The main literatures for comparison are two representative medical books of Joseon Dynasty, Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside(1433) & Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine(1613), especially focusing on the pharmacognostic parts. The main comparing points on researching literatures will be the following: publication year of books; order of herbs; and quotations. This paper will show which edition of Classified Emergency Materia Medica was utilized to publish two medical books of Joseon Dynasty, and the process how Korean herbology based on materia medica from countryside was transformed after accepting Chinese herbology.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 조선 의가 이규준의 『황제내경』 의학 계승 -『의감중마』「계경장부편」을 중심으로-

        오재근 ( Chae Kun Oh ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2015 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives : I’d like to introduce a Korean medical scientist, Lee Gyoojoon (李圭晙, 1855-1923)’s achievements about Huangdi’s Internal Classic (黃帝內經, HIC) to examine the Section of Viscera and Bowels to inspect the Medical Classics (稽經藏府篇, SVBIM) of the Double grinded Medical Mirror (醫鑑重磨, DMM), which is a medical book published in 1922, his last studies. And I’d like to describe its meaning of medical history. Methods : For this, I compared the DMM with two primary texts, the representative medical books of Joseon dynasty, Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑, TMEM) and Lee’s former research result of HIC, Major Essentials of Huangdi’s Internal Classic Plain Question (黃帝 內經素問大要, MEHIC), in the aspects of the original text, annotation, editing, attached theses, and so on. Results : Lee Gyoojoon criticized the TMEM in two aspects. First, it was unfocused and miscellaneous, second, it intended to help Yin Qi (陰氣) and reduce Yang Qi (陽氣) so that it regards a prime mover, Yang Qi, as an enemy. In order to solve these problems he deleted miscellaneous articles and sort out the points to accord with the HIC. As a result, he had written the Section of SVBIM of the DMM in the form of revising the subtitles or refuting the contents of TMEM and quoted the partial texts of MEHIC to be written by the view of Supporting Yang Qi (扶陽). Conclusions : Lee Gyoojoon proposed the Supporting Yang Qi medicine to preserve the Heart fire (心火) based on his lifelong Neo-Confucianism (性理學) study. The Section of SVBIM of the DMM showed how to apply his medical theory, which is achieved by the study of the medical classic HIC to real clinical medicine through a medium of the TMEM. In addition, it could explain concretely how the Confucianists studied the medicine and how Confucianism can impact to the development of medical theory.

      • KCI등재

        『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』「탕액편(湯液篇)」의 본초(本草) 분류에 대한 연구

        오재근 ( Chae Kun Oh ),김용진 ( Yong Jin Kim ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2010 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        The medicinal part of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine(『東醫寶鑑』「湯液編」) is based on Classified Emergency Materia Medica(『證類本草』), Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside(『鄕藥集成方』). But it distinguished materia medica of countryside(鄕藥) from materia medica of China(唐藥) and properly selected the sentences of them by actual medical circumstances in Korean peninsula. Especially upon assortment of medical herbs, the medicinal part of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine added the part of Water, Earth, Metal, and divided the part of Fish&Bug, Jade&Stone into Fish, Bug, Jade, Stone part. Moreover, it abolished the three grade classification adopted in Classified Emergency Materia Medica, Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside and attempted a new approach on itemization; ``representative herb`` and ``secondary herb``. Hence, medicinal part of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine should be evaluated as the ``settling in of Chinese medicine with autonomous interpretation, other than ``the fusion of prescriptions from countryside and Chinese medicine.

      • 『黃帝內經』에서의 몸과 健康에 대한 硏究

        오재근(Oh Chae Kun),김용진(Kim Yong Jin) 한국의사학회 2007 한국의사학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        The term ‘健康(heathy condition)’ does not appear in East Asian medical classics. Its root comes from the ancient word ‘hal’ which can be translated as ‘hale’, ‘whole’, ‘sound in wind and limb’, and it means ’the physical state is flawless, whole, satisfactory, and strong’. The Japanese translated it into the Chinese letters 건강 in the 19th century and this was spread during the Japanese occupation era. This study is an attempt to explore what 『huangdineijing』 (the most representative medical documents of East Asian medicine) mentions about healthy condition, which is as a term to express the body’s ideal state and what other concepts exist that correspond to 健康.

      • KCI등재

        수곡(水穀)의 운화(運化)와 배출 -『황제내경(黃帝內經)』을 중심으로-

        오재근 ( Chae Kun Oh ),윤창열 ( Chang Yeol Yoon ) 대한한의학원전학회 ( 구 대한원전의사학회 ) 2008 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Accroding 『Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)』, when the food and drink[水穀] enter the mouth, they divided into two different things with solid food[食] and liquid food[飮], then transformed and absorbed into Jeong(精), Gi(氣), and Jinaek(津液) and spread to the entire body. The movement and transformation[運化] of the food and drink in the body can be distinctly described with the circulation of the Yeonggi(營氣)·Wigi(衛氣) and metabolism of Jinaek. The leftover food[糟粕] which is not transformed into Jinaek, not delivered to the Jangbu(藏") like Gan(肝), Shim(心), Bi (脾) and Pe(肺), brought to the Daejang(大腸) and transported through the baekmun(魄門). Or some of them are verified at the Hoejang(廻腸) and brought to the Banggwang(膀胱) through the Hacho (下焦) then transpired them outside the body. The distinguishing mark of the movement and transformation of the food and drink and its transpiration in the 『Hwangjenaegyeong』 is that the Sin(腎) of five jangs is exclude from the process of the movement and transformation and the process is explained with the fluid like Gi and Jinaek. From the 『Nangyeong(難經)』, developing of Myeongmun(命門) theory, the importance of the Sin in the delivering process of the food and drink is remarkably highlighted; however in the late period of Chosun dynasty(朝鮮), Seokgok Igyujun(石谷李奎晙) denied the temporary theory of Myongmun and asserted the original interpretation recovery of 『Hwangjenaegyeong』.

      • KCI등재

        조선 의서 중의 약성가(藥性歌)에 대한 연구 -『제중신편』, 『의종손익』을 중심으로-

        오재근 ( Chae Kun Oh ),윤창열 ( Chang Yeol Yoon ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2011 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        Objectives: This paper is written to identify the origin of the nature of medicinals in Rhymes(藥性歌) in Korean medical books and to analyze their creativity. Methods: We analysed the nature of medicinals in Rhymes contained Chinese and Korean medical books. Results: The Korean medical book New Edition on Universal Relife(濟衆新編), published by Chosun government, recorded the nature of medicinals in Rhymes Recovery from All Ailments(萬病 回春) mostly untouched. It can be evaluated the early model of Chosun`s nature of medicinals in Rhymes. New Edition on Universal Relife, Gains and Losses of Medical Orthodoxy(醫宗損益) added new rhymes using familiar herbs and vegetables got easily, most new rhymes founded medicinal part of Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑). Conclusions: The nature of medicinals in Rhymes is an approach to simplify and improve access on herbal medicine, and is quoted in various forms throughout medical books of Chosun. The entitling it as ``scientific research of herbal medicine based on the nature of medicinals in Rhymes`` can clearly be seen as description about superficial result, to persist the decadence of Chosun medicine.

      • KCI등재

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