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      • KCI등재

        女性のキャリア形成の方向性にかかわる探索的硏究 -女性FPの起業と仕事意識-

        앵목황유,죽곡희미자 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        女性が、組織において成果をあげて昇進することは容易なことではない。本硏究の目的は、女性のキャリア形成という基本的視座から、女性FP (Financial Planner)の特性、仕事環境、仕事意識、行動などを分析することである。そして、女性が起業することの「意味」について探索している。最初に、韓國と日本における女性勞動者の現上と問題点が述べられた。そして、調査票が設計されヒアリング調査が實施(n=5)された。それぞれのライフ·ヒストリ一の分析がなされ、「キャリア·アンカ一」の變化、「資格」、「社會的指示」などが明らかにされた。そして、これからのキャリア形成にかかわる檢討がなされ、4要因から構成される開念モデルが提示された。さらに、ストレスをコントロ一ルするための「評家的支持」の重要性が述べられた。最後に、これからの硏究として「社會的資産」の開念を用いることが示された。 In the organization, that woman to be promoted by increasing the outcome will not be easy. A purpose of this paper is that, the basic perspective of Career Development of woman, to analyze the characteristics of Female FP, Work Environment, Work Consciousness and Behavior. And, I was searching for meaning with regard to entrepreneurship. First, I pointed out the problem and the current situation of Working Woman in Korea and Japan. Then, the questionnaire is designed and interviews were conducted (n=5). Life history of each person are analyzed, changes in the Career Anchor, Qualification and Social Support has been clarified. I made a study related to Career Development in the future, presented a conceptual model composed from 4 factors. In addition, the importance of Appraisal Support to control Stress has been described. Finally, as a further research, using the concept of Social Assets is shown.

      • KCI등재

        リ-ダ-シップ認知とモティベ-ションとの關係性 -理想と現實のリ-ダ-シップ,スタイル差異から-

        앵목황유 한국일본근대학회 2015 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.48

        我?は、組織における成果を規定する慨念として、「リ-ダ-シップ」と「モティベ-ション」とを提示することがで きる。本硏究の目的は、リ-ダ-シップ認知とモティベ-ションとの關係性を驗證的に探究することである。本硏究で は、リ-ダ-シップ慨念として、Hersey &Blanchard(1996)の「SL理論」を援用している。最初に、本硏究の分析モデルが 提示された。次に、養護敎諭に對するアンケ-ト調査(n=208)と、調査結果に對する多變量解析が實施された。その結 果、次の3点が確認された。第1点は、理想のリ-ダ-シップㆍスタイルの差異は、モティベ-ションに對して一定の影 響を及ぼすものの、統計的に有意な水準ではないことである。第2点は、現實のリ-ダ-シップㆍスタイルの差異につ いても、モティベ-ションに對して一定の影響を及ぼすものの、統計的に有意な水準ではないことである。 第3点は、理想のリ-ダ-シップㆍスタイルと現實のリ-ダ-シップㆍスタイルの差異は、モティベ-ションに對し て特別な影響を及ぼさないことである。さらに追加調査(n=138)からも、この結果と同樣の傾向が確認された。最後 に、本硏究の驗證的有效性をより一層高めるために3つの課題が提示された。 We can show the Leadership and Motivation as a concept to determine the result in Organizations. A Purpose of this study is to do substantial research about the Leadership Recognition and a relationship with the Motivation. In this study, I quoted SL Theory (Hersey&Blanchard,1996 )as a Leadership concept. The Analytical Model in this study was shown first. Then, the Questionary Survey for the Yogo Teacher and the Multivariate Analysis for the findings were carried out(n=208). As a result, 3 points of the next were confirmed. The 1st point is that the difference of the Ideal Leadership-Style is not the constant standard that is meaningful statistically although I have an influence for motivation. The 2nd point is similar, and a difference of the Real Leadership-Style is not to be the constant standard that is meaningful statistically although I have an influence for motivation. The 3rd point is not to have an influence on that the difference of an Ideal Leadership-Style and the Real Leadership-Style is special for motivation. Furthermore, from an additional investigation, the tendency like this result was confirmed (n=138). Finally 3 problems were shown to raise the substantial effectiveness of this study still more.

      • KCI등재

        養護教諭の意識と行動に対するメタ認知 - これからのCDPの基本的視座 -

        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2013 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        Recently, Public School Organization has a tendency towards the hierarchizationto cope with the demand of the Stakeholder.Therefore a change is seen in consciousness and the behavior of the YogoTeacher as the member of the Organization.The Purpose of this Paper is to analyzeYogo Teacher’s Meta Cognition about their Motivation and Leadership.Based on analysis of two times of Questionarysurvey,4concepts necessary for inspection were extracted.And as for the Yogo Teacher, It was confirmed in one’s Motivation that there was the affirmative recognition. But it was confirmed in the leadership of the principal that there was the negative recognition.The point I want to make is that, Meta Cognition is an important factor for Result in Organization.We may go on from this to the conclusion that we must build Yogo Teacher’sCDP for the Management Function.

      • KCI등재

        ホワイトカラー・ビジネスパーソンに対する マネジメントからの日本的経営再考

        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2011 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the Japanese Management aspect from Human Resource Management for White-Collars in Organizations. This research is an explorative level study and method is a Quantitative Analysis with Web. This research data can be divided into four job, Personnel/Labor Relations(n=300), Accounting/Finance(n=300), Sales/Marketing(n=300), and Information/Telecommunication Systems(n=300). The point I want to make it that Individual Career Development care about purposive ownership is a necessary condition for toward new Japanese Management.

      • KCI등재


        櫻木晃裕 ( Sakuragi Akihiro ) 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.53

        我?は, 組織成員を考える際, 「キャリア」の槪念を用いることがある。個?のキャリアを常に順調に形成できるわけではない。本硏究の目的は, 「キャリア中期の危機」について定量的に檢證をすることである。最初に, キャリア理論の先行硏究のレビュ一がなされて, 「キャリア中期の危機」については, Schein(1978)の槪念が援用された。次に, 本硏究のフレ一ム·ワ一クが提示された。そして, 養護敎諭に對するアンケ一ト調査(n=653)が實施され, 調査結果に對する多變量解析が實行された。その結果, 養護敎諭において, 以下の点が確認された。(1)40歲代のモティベ一ションが最も低いレベルであること。(2)モティベ一ションと自己效力との關係性において, 機能不全を發生する可能性が高いこと。(3)モティベ一ションと學習との關係性において, マイナスの機能を發生する可能性が高いこと。最後に, 問題の發生原因は, 30歲代の仕事經驗を通じての學習メカニズム構築にあることが指摘された。 When we recognize about an Organization Member, we may use the concept of the “Career”. We cannot always form individual Career smoothly. A purpose of this study is to inspect it by Quantitative Analysis about “Mid-Career Crisis”. The precedent study of the Career Theory was reviewed first, and about “Mid-Career Crisis”, a concept of Schein (1978) quoted it. Then, the framework of this study was shown. And, the Questionary Survey for the Yogo Teacher and the Multivariate Analysis for the findings were carried out (n=653). As a result, the following points were confirmed. (1) Motivation in its 40s is the lowest level. (2) Being more likely to generate a malfunction in Motivation and a relationship with the Self-Effect. (3) Being more likely to produce a negative function in Motivation and a relationship with the Learning. Finally it had it pointed out that the origin of the problem was Learning Mechanism Construction that we turned on the experience that worked in the 30s.

      • KCI등재


        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2010 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.28


      • KCI등재

        モティベーションの統合理論の有効性検証 -人的資源管理からの考察-

        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2012 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.36

        It is important that I consider Human Resource Management from four basic points of view, Management Strategy, CareerDynamics,ResultIntentionandComplexManHypothesis.Thepurposeofthispaperistoinspect the effectiveness of Integrated Motivation Theories aspect from Human Resource Management. In this paper, I carried out quantitative analysis based on the logical positivism for inspection. This research data can be divided into four job, Personnel/Labor Relations (n=100), Accounting/Finance (n=100), Sales/Marketing (n=100), and Information/Telecommunication Systems (n=100). And that, As a result of having carried out a multiple regression analysis, It was inspected that Goal Setting, Self-efficacy, Modeling and Organizational Climate were the effectiveness as a rule factor of the Motivation. Finally, I suggested possibility of the practical application of the Motivation Study in International Human Resource Management.

      • KCI등재


        櫻木晃裕,竹谷希美子 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        In the organization, that woman to be promoted by increasing the outcome will not be easy. A purpose of this paper is that, the basic perspective of Career Development of woman, to analyze the characteristics of Female FP, Work Environment, Work Consciousness and Behavior. And, I was searching for meaning with regard to entrepreneurship. First, I pointed out the problem and the current situation of Working Woman in Korea and Japan. Then, the questionnaire is designed and interviews were conducted (n=5). Life history of each person are analyzed, changes in the Career Anchor, Qualification and Social Support has been clarified. I made ​​a study related to Career Development in the future, presented a conceptual model composed from 4 factors. In addition, the importance of Appraisal Support to control Stress has been described. Finally, as a further research, using the concept of Social Assets is shown. 女性が、組織において成果をあげて昇進することは容易なことではない。本研究の目的は、女性のキャリア形成という基本的視座から、女性FP (Financial Planner)の特性、仕事環境、仕事意識、行動などを分析することである。そして、女性が起業することの「意味」について探索している。最初に、韓国と日本における女性労働者の現状と問題点が述べられた。そして、調査票が設計されヒアリング調査が実施(n=5)された。それぞれのライフ・ヒストリーの分析がなされ、「キャリア・アンカー」の変化、「資格」、「社会的指示」などが明らかにされた。そして、これからのキャリア形成にかかわる検討がなされ、4要因から構成される概念モデルが提示された。さらに、ストレスをコントロールするための「評価的支持」の重要性が述べられた。最後に、これからの研究として「社会的資産」の概念を用いることが示された。

      • KCI등재


        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2020 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.69

        First, Section 1 presents three issues of the current state of school organizations in Japan: 1, diversification of stakeholders and increasing complexity of their requests; 2, improvement of management structure and operating function for making achievements, and 3, improvement of specific requests for achievements through, for instance, institutionalization of an external evaluation system. Section 2 presents the objectives of this study. This study was conducted to examine, based on empirical analysis, the design of the CDP system to help members of public school organizations in Japan raise their management skills necessary for their organizations to function effectively. The method of the study is qualitative analysis (text analysis) of the faculty and staff training guidebook of the Hamamatsu City Board of Education. In text analysis, three aspects were examined in detail: 1, training for management skills used in the CDP system; 2, transition in the views of human beings in the CDP system; and 3, consistency between the CDP system and career models. In Section 3, the key concepts of the study are defined: careers, career models, and management. In Section 4, 18 items from seven categories of training methods to help organization members raise their management skills are extracted. In addition, detailed analyses of five training cases are conducted. Section 5 presents a comparative analysis of transition in the views of human beings in the CDP system. Before their characteristics are described, the teaching staff members’ careers are divided into five stages: training phase (0 year), basic phase (1–3 years), improvement phase (4–10 years), enhancement and further development phase (11–20 years), and elaboration and contribution phase (21 years and more). The sixth section describes a comparative analysis of consistency between the career stages in the CDP system and Schein’s career model (consistency in form and substance). A very high level of form consistency and a certain level of substantial consistency are observed. Finally, in Section 7, the conclusions of the study are stated. Moreover, an issue related to the quantitative level of the training to improve management skills in the “improvement phase,” corresponding to the mid-career stage, is raised. Moreover, the purpose and basic design of the teaching license renewal system implemented by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology starting April 1, 2009, are presented. This study suggests potential for raising the management skills of teaching staff during the “improvement phase” by examining the details and level of training under such a system. 第1節では、日本の学校組織の現状に対して、①利害関係者の多様化と要求の複雑化、②成果達成にかかわる管理機構・運営機能の強化、③外部評価システムの制度化などからの具体的な成果達成要求の強化、以上の3点が指摘された。第2節では、本研究の目的が提示された。研究の目的は、日本の公立学校の組織成員に対して、組織を有効に機能させるのに必要なマネジメント能力を高めるためのCDPシステムが、どのように制度設計されているのか、実証的な分析に基づいて検討を試みることである。研究の方法として、浜松市教育委員会:「教職員研修ガイドブック」に対する「定性分析(テキスト分析)」を採用している。テキスト分析による考察から、①CDPシステムにおけるマネジメント能力にかかわる研修、②CDPシステムにおける人間観の変遷、③CDPシステムとキャリアモデルとの整合性、以上の3点を検討した。第3節では、本研究における主要概念である「キャリア」、「キャリアモデル」、「マネジメント」について定義づけがなされた。第4節では、組織成員のマネジメント能力を高めるための研修について、7カテゴリーから18項目を抽出した。そして、5つの研修に対する詳細な事例分析を実施した。第5節では、CDPシステムにおける人間観の変遷について比較分析を実施して、教職員の「キャリア」段階を5期[「養成期(0年)」、「基礎期(1~3年)」、「向上期(4~10年)」、「充実・発展期(11~20年)」、「深化・貢献期(21年~)」]]に分類し特徴を提示した。第6節では、CDPシステムのキャリアステージとScheinのキャリアモデルとの整合性(形式的整合性・実質的整合性)について比較分析を実施して、きわめて高い形式的整合性と一定水準の実質的整合性との存在を確認した。第7節では、本研究の結論が述べられ、キャリア中期に相当する「向上期」において、マネジメント能力向上のための研修項目の量的水準について問題提起がなされた。そして、文部科学省が2009年4月1日から導入した「教員免許更新制」の導入目的と基本設計についての提示がなされ、その研修内容・水準を検討することで、「向上期」の教職員のマネジメント能力を高め、キャリア開発を拡充する可能性について提言をした。

      • KCI등재

        組織ストレスに対応するコーピング・マネジメントの構築‒ケ - ス・メソッドによる学習の有効性 -

        櫻木晃裕 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.61

        For an organization as an open system to survive and develop sustainably, members of the organization, who are managerial resources, are required to exceed a certain level of results. Members of an organization form their own careers by fulfilling their duties. We can identify “stress” as a concept that negatively influences such career formation. This study was designed to consider, in an explorative manner, effective “coping management” to create and operate the coping behavior “coping,” which mitigates stress among members of an organization. In doing so, we take up the “case method” as a learning method to master coping, and consider the possibility of practical expansion. First, the structure and function of stress were organized. The efficacy of coping and social instructions was presented. Next, characteristics of case method learning were described. Then a three‐step model involved in the learning was presented. Category analysis was performed for 32 case materials that were regarded as having high efficacy for learning about stress. Results revealed that the materials are classifiable into four types and showed the conceptual positing of the four types. Furthermore, assuming actual case method learning, we conducted “content analysis” and a “discourse analysis” for one case. Additionally, we described the following six steps necessary to conduct a case analysis and presented a basic perspective to master a learning system in practical expansion: (1) Analysis of current situation – The extra‐organizational environment; (2) Analysis of current situation – The intra‐organizational environment; (3) Extraction of a problem; (4) Creation and presentation of a solution; (5) Evaluation for the solution; and (6) Evaluation for overall management. Finally, points to be noted to introduce coping management as a clinical issue were stated as well as the future direction of the study.

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