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임산부 및 신생아에서 B형간염 표식자의 발현양상에 관한 연구
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.5
This study was tried to evaluate the relation between the hepatitis B markers of pregnant women and their babies in hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive mothers. Hepatitis B markers were checked by radioimmunoassay for 88 HBsAg positive mothers who delivered at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ewha Womans University Hospital and their babies and analyzed the relation between the pregnant mothers and their babies. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of positive HBsAg in term pregnant mothers was 2.68%. 2. HBsAg was detected initially in 69.3% of HBsAg positive pregnant mothers during the prenatal care and delivery and duration from the initial detection of HBsAg in pregnant mothers was variable from less than one year (48.9%) to five or more years(14.8%). 3. Of HBsAg positive mothers, HBsAg was positive in 7.9% of their babies. 4. HBeAg was positive in 51.1% and Anti-HBe was positive in 44.3% of HBsAg positive mothers. 5. Positive rate of HBsAg and HBeAg in the babies were significantly higher in HBeAg positive mothers than in HBeAg negative mothers. 6. HBsAg positive rate of the babies was not significantly different between Anti-HBc positive and negative mothers. 7. HBeAg positive rate of the mothers was not significantly different between Anti-HBc positive and negative mothers and HBeAg positive rate of the babies was not significantly different between Anti-HBc positive and negative mothers. In conclusion, routine prenatal screening for hepatitis B virus in pregnant women is essential for the protection against B virus hepatitis with immunoprophylaxis in their babies.
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.9
1 or 2 times and 38.1% had received 3 or 4 times. 1980년 l월부터 l982년 12월까지 만 3년간 이화대학병원 산부인과에서 입원 분만한 7447예 중 임신 20주 이후에 태아 체중이 500gm 이상인 자궁내 태아사망 118예를 임상적으로 연구 하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 자궁내 태아사망의 발생빈도는 1.58%이었다. 2.. 연령분 포는 19세에서 41세까지의 분포를 보였으며 21~25세군이 39%로 가장 많은 분포를 나타냈 다. 출산력별로 보면 미경산부에서 51.7%로 가장 많았고 다음은 1회 분만군이었다. 3. 자궁 내 태아사망의 기왕력은 9예 (7.6%)에서 기왕력이 있었고 자연유산의 기왕력은 29예 (24.6%)에서 있었다. 4. 자궁내 태아사망의 발견이 가장 많았던 임신주수는 제37~40주였으며 (26. 2%) 태위는 두위가 65.3%로 가장 많았다. 남아와 여아의 비는 1.07:1이었으며 태아 체 중은 2500gm 미만이 70.3%이었다. 5. 분만방법은 유도분만이 45.0%로서 가장 많았고 자연 분만은 38.9%, 개복수술은 16.1%였다. 6. 자궁내 태아사망의 원인은 원인불명이 37.3%. 임신 중독증이 11.9%, 매독 및 제대 원인이 각각 11.0%. 태반 조기박리 8.5%, 선천성 기형 5.1%, 자궁파열 4.3%, 전치태반 2.5%, 융모 양막염. 모체 질환, 자궁 기형 및 외상이 각각 1.7%였 다. 이중 약 1/3(38예) 은 예방될 수 있는 원인이었다고 추정된다. 7. 자궁내 태아사망의 모 성 합병증은 40예 (33.9%)에서 나타났고 이중 출혈이 가장 흔한 합병증으로 37.5 %를 차지 하였고 분만중 및 산후 발열 20%, 자궁 경부 열창 15.0%. 자궁파열 12.5%, 패혈증 및 창상 감염이 각각 5%이었다. 8. 산전관리를 전혀 받지 않은 자궁내 태아사망 임산부는 15.3%였 으며 1~2번 받은 예는 16.1%였고 3~ 4번 받은 예가 38.1%이었다. Intrauterine fetal death is the death of fetus after 20 weeks of gestation. weighing more than 500gm. The present study was performed to evaluate the causes and preventability of intrauterine fetal death and to decrease the further incidence of intrauterine fetal death. 118 cases of intrauterine fetal death among 7477 deliveries in Ewha Womans University Hospital from Jan. 1980 to Dec. 1982 were studied. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The incidence of intrauterine fetal death was 1.58%. 2. Age distribution of mothers with intrauterine fetal death was between 19 to 41years and was highest in the 2l~25 years range (39%). 3. There were 9 cases (7.6%) with previous history of intrauterine fetal death and 29 cases (24.6%) with previous history of spontaneous abortion. 4. The most common gestational weeks when intrauterine fetal death was detected was 37~40 weeks gestational period (26.2%) and the most common presentation was cephslic (65.3%). The sex ratio of male vs female fetus was 1.07 : 1 and 70.3% of intrauterine fetal death weighing less than 2500gm. 5. The mode of delivery for intrauterine fetal death, induction of labor was most common (45.0%) and spontaneous delivery was 38.7% and laparotomy was performed in 16.1% of intrauterine fetal death. 6. The etiologic factors of intrauterine fetal death : 37.3% of cases were unexplained causes, preeclampsia 11.9%, syphilis 11.0%, cord problems 11.0%, abruptio placentae 8.5%, congenital anomalies 5.1%, uterine rupture 4.3%, placenta previa 2.5%,, chorioamnionitis 1.7%, maternal illness 1.7%, uterine anomaly 1.7%, trauma 1.7%. About l/3 of the cases (38 cases) were preventable intrauterine fetal death. 7. There were 40 cases (33. 9%) of maternal complications. The most common was hemorrhage (37.5%). and the others were intrapartum and postpartum ferver (20.0%), and cervical laceration (15.0%), septicemia and wound infection (5% respectively) in that order. 8. 15.3% of the cases had not received any prenatal care, 16.1% of the cases received prenatal care
갑상선 기능항진증을 동반한 임산부와 그 신생아에 관한 연구
안정자(JJ Ahn),김향미(HM Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.2
This study was to evaluate 47 pregnant women with hyperthyrodism (39 treated hyperthroid pregnant group and 8 neglected hyperthyroid pregnant group ) and compare the maternal and fetal outcomes between these two groups at the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Ewha Woman`s University Hospital during the period 8 years from Jan., 1985 to Dec., 1992. Student`s t.test and x2 test were used for statistical comparisons. The results were as folows : 1. The incidence of pregnant women with hyperthyrodism was 0.28% of all deliveries. Durations since the diagnosis of hyperthyrodism was confirmed initailly were less than 1 year (19.2%) 2 year (17.0%), 3 year (14.9%) and 3 or more year (48.9%). 2. Pregnant women with hyperthyrodism had the histories of spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. These findings of the treated hyperthyroid group were not significantly different from those of neglected hyperthyroid group . 3. Prematrue deliveries and babies with birth weight less than 2.5kg in the treated hyperthyroid group were significantly more decreased than those in the neglected hyperthyroid group . 4. T3 and T4 levels in the treated hyperthyroid group were not significantly difference from those in the neglected hyperthyroid group, but TSH levels was significantly higher in the treated hyperthyroid group than in the neglected hyperthyroid group, and the same findings in the babies (not different in the T3 and T4 levels, but significantly difference in TSH level). 5. The majorities (82.1%) of the treated hyperthyroid group were managed by (PTU) 100-400mg, the other (12.8%) by PTU and propranolol, and the rest (5.1%) by PTU after operation . Half of the neglected hyperthyroid group (50.0%) had stopped medication themselves since they predicted pregnancy, 37.5% of this group had stopped medication after several month`s medication before this pregnancy and the rest (12.5%) had stopped medication because of headache. Still hyperthyroid state after management in the treated hyperthyroid group was significantly lower than that in the neglected hyperthyroid group . 6. Maternal complications were premature labor(treated group : 10.3%, neglected group 50.0%), preeclampsia, antepatum anemia, prematrue rupture of membrane , placenta previa and gestational diabetes mellitus. Fetal complications were low birth weight babies (treated group : 15.4%, neglected group : 50.0%) fetal growth retardation low Apgar score, hyaline membrane disease, postmaturity and stillbirth. Newborns with transient congential hyperthyrodism born of mothers with the treated hyperthyroid group were not significantly increased than those born of mothers with the neglected hyperthyroid group.
정상임신부 및 자간전증 환자에서 출생시 태아체중에 따른 모체 혈색소치에 관한 연구
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.1
The purpose of this sutyd is to evaluate the changes of maternal hemoglobin levels according to birth weight-for-date percentiles in normal pregnant and preeclamptic cases. 104 cases with normal pregnancy, 96 cases with mild preeclampsia, and 85 cases with severe preeclampsia were taken part in this study. Maternal hemoglobin levels were measured in 4 birth weight-for-date percentile(0-24.9, 25.0-49.9, 50.0-74.9, 75.0-100 percentile) groups of normal pregnancy, mild and severe preeclampsia, and analyzed the relation between maternal hemoglobin levels and birth weight-for-date percentiles. The results were as follows; 1. There was a significant inverse correlation between maternal hemoglobin levels and birth weight-for-date percentiles in normal pregnant cases. 2. There were significant inverse correlations between maternal hemoglobin levels and birth weight-for-date percentiles in normal pregnant cases. 3. There were no significant differences on maternal hemoglobin levels between normal pregnant cases, mild and severe preeclamptic cases each other in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group except for those between mild and severe preeclamptic cases in 0-24.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group.
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1980 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.23 No.8
진단적 복강경술을 시행한 135예를 대상으로 하여 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 연령 분포는 20~30세군이 가장 많았고 출산회수별로 보면 미경산부가 가장 많았다. 2. 적응증은 자궁외 임신이 의심되는 경우가 36예로 가장 많았고 그 다음으로 원발성 불임증 31예, 속발성 불임증 30예로 많았다. 3. 진단절 복강경술에 의해 확인된 임상 진단의 정확율은 50.6%이었다. 4. 개복수술로 확인된 진단적 복강경술의 정확률은 96.3%이었다. 5. 원발성 및 속발성 불임증 환자 61예에서 복강경술에 의해 methylene blue를 주입하면서 난관 소통검사를 한 결과 양측 난관이 소통된 경우가 20예, 난관 주위유착이 2예, 한쪽 난관이 폐쇄된 경우가 12예, 양측 난관이 다 폐쇄된 경우가 27예이었다. 6. 자궁난관 조영술과 진단적 복강경술의 결과를 비교해 보면 자궁난관 조영술 소견과 복강경술 소견의 일치는 31예중 22예(71.0%)이었다. 7. 자궁외 임신을 의심했던 36예중 17예(47.2%)에서 자궁외 임신이 확인되었고 5예(13.9%)는 골반내 아무런 이상을 발견할 수 없었고 염증성 골반 질환이 4예, 정상임신이 3예, 황체파열이 3예 있었다. 그외 난소낭종, 난소출혈, 골반 농양, 난관 수종이 각각 1예씩 있었다. 8. 난소 낭종을 의심하여 진단적 복강경술을 시행한 14예중 8예(57.1%)가 확인되었고 염증성 골반질환이 의심되었던 7예중에서 5예(71.4%)가 확인되었다. 9. 원발성 및 속발성 무월경환자 5예에서 진단적 복강경술을 시행한 결과 양측 난소 결여, 경화성 난소, Streak ovaries, Stein-Leventhal syndrome 및 결핵성 복막염이 각각 1예로 확인되었다. Laparoscopy is a precise and well-recognized diagnostic tool of the gynecologist. In diagnosis, it offers a very convenient means of inspection of the pelvic organs. A total of 135 cases were subjected to laparoscopy during the period from Nov. 1, 1976 to Oct. 31, 1979, in Ewha Womans University Hospital. The indications for performing laparoscopy in these cases were suspected ectopic pregnancy, primary and secondary infertility, obscure pelvic mass, pelvic pain and others. The accuracy of the clinical diagnosis confirmed by laparoscopy was 50.6%. The accuracy of laparoscopic diagnosis confirmed by laparotomy was 96.3%. We compared the results of the hysterosalpingography with laparoscopy since the evaluation of tubal factor is an important step in the work-up of the infertile woman. A complete agreement between hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy was observed in 71.0% of the women. In 36 cases with suspected ectopic pregnancy, 17 cases(47.2%) have been proved to be ectopic pregnancy, and in 14 cases with suspicious ovarian cyst, 8 cases(57.1%) were found to have ovarian cyst. In 7 cases with suspicious pelvic inflammatory kisease, 5 cases(71.4%) were interpreted to be pelvic inflammatory disease, and in 5 cases with primary or secondary amenorrhea, 3 were found to have sclerotic ovaries, streak ovaries, no ovaries, respectively.Laparoscopy may frequently avoid unnecessary laparotomy and is available for the evaluation and information about gynecologic disease.
자연진통 및 Oxytocin 자극진통에 의한 모체혈청과 태아 제대정맥 혈청 Cortisol치에 관한 연구
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.24 No.6
진통이 오기 전의 임부 6예, oxytocin 자극군 33예, 진통을 수반한 응급 제왕절개술 20예 및 자연 질식분만 28예의 합병증이 없는 만삭임부 87예를 대상으로 모체 및 태아 제대정맥 혈 책 cortisol치를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 진통이 오지 않은 상태에서 시행한 선택적 제왕절개술시에 모체 및 태아 제대정맥 혈청 cortisol치는 각각 163.8±14.8 ng/ml , 23.8±3.4 ng/ml 였다. Oxytocin단시간 자극군에서는 oxytocin자극후 30분에 모체와 태아 제대정맥 혈청 cortisol치가 증가하기 시작하였으며 oxytocin자극 40분후에는 289.6±21.4 ng/ml , 43.4±4.4 ng/ml 무진통군에 비하여 유의하게 증가하였다. 한편 자연진통대를 관찰컨데, 초기에는 385.0±35.7ng/ml , 54.5±6.5 ng/ml 로 혈청 cortisol치 가 무진통 상태에 대하여 크게 증가하였으며 자연진통 말기에는 713.0±31.1ng/ml, 136.6±11.2ng/ml로 더욱 증가되엇다. 따라서 진통자극은 모체 및 태아 제대정맥 혈청 cortisol치를 증가시키는데 중요한 요인으로 생각된다. 2. oxytocin단시간(40분간) 자극시 모체 및 태아제대정맥 혈청 cortisol치 증가의 비는 1:6.2로 서 자연진통 자극시와 유사하였다. 3. 태아 제대정맥 혈청 cortisol치의 증가는 모체혈청 cortisol치의 증가와 상관관계가 있었다. 1. Serum cortisol values in maternal and umbilical cord venous blood were 163.8±14.8 ng/ml and 23.8±3.4 ng/ml in women who had undergone elective cesarean section without onset of labor. Serum cortisol levels of maternal and umbilical cord venous blood started to increased to 289.6±21.4 ng/ml and 43.4±4.4 ng/ml respectively at 40 min. after oxytocin stimulation . In cases of spontaneous labor, serum cortisol levels of maternal and umbilical cord venous blood were moderately increased to 385.0±35.7ng/ml and 54.5±6.5 ng/ml in the early stage of labor and more significantly increased to 713.0±31.1ng/ml, 136.6±11.2ng/ml respectively in the late stage of labor. 2. The ratio of the fetal to maternal serum cortisol level after oxytocin short stimulation was 1:6.2 and not significantly different from that of fetal to maternal cortisol levels at spontaneous labor group. 3. According to regression analysis the increased fetal serum cortisol level correlated well with the corresponding maternal serum cortisol level.
정상임신부 및 자간전증 환자에서 출생시 태아체중에 따른 혈소판 및 혈청의 화학적 검사에 관한 연구
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.8
This study was undertaken to evaluate if differences would be found in platelet counts and blood chemical assays between 4(0∼24.9, 25.0∼49.9, 50.0∼74.9, 75.0∼100) birth weight-for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregenancy, mild preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and also between normal pregnant cases and preeclamptic cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group. 94 cases with mild preeclampsia, 82 cases with severe preeclampsia and 104 cases with normal pregnancy for control were taken part in this study at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Woamns University Hospital from January, 1989 to September, 1992. Platelet counts, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total protein, albumin, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine levels in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe preeclampsia according to birth weight-for-date percentiles were measured and analyzed. The results were as follows: 1. There were no significant differences on platelet counts between each birth weight-for-date percentile groups in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe preeclampsia, and also between mild preeclamptic cases and normal pregnant cases in the same birth weight-for-date percentile group. There were no significant differences on platelet counts between severe preeclamptic cases and normal pregnant cases in the same birth weight-for-date-percentile group except for 25.0∼49.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group. 2. Serum ALT, AST, Total protein and albumin levels according to birth weight-for-date percentiles were not significantly different in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe preeclampsia, respectively. ALT levels in both of mild and severe preeclamptic cases were significantly higher than those of normal pregnant cases in all 4 birth weight-for-date percentile groups. Serum AST levels in severe preeclamptic cases of 0∼24.9 birth weight-for-date percentile group were significantly higher than those in both of cases with normal pregnancy and mild preeclampsia of the same percentile group. Serum total protein and albumin levels in severe preeclamptic cases of 0∼24.9 percentile group were significantly lower than those in both of cases with normal pregnancy and mild preeclampsia of the same percentile group. 3. BUN levels in 50.0∼74.9 percentile group were significantly higher than those in 25.0∼49.9 percentile group of normal pregnant cases and those in 50.0∼74.9 Percentile group were significantly lower than those in both of 0∼24.9 and 25.0∼49.9 percentile group in mild preeclamptic cases. BUN levels were not significantly different between each percentle groups in severe preeclamptic cases. BUN levels in both of mild and severe preeclamptic cases were significantly higher than those of normal pregnant cases in all 4 percentile groups. Serum creatinine levels according to birth weight-for-date percentile were not significantly different in cases with normal pregnancy, mild and severe preeclampsia. Serum creatinine levels in both of mild and severe preeclamptic cases were significantly higher than those of normal pregnant cases in all 4 percentile groups.
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.5
This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of myoma on pregnancy. 30 pregnant women whose myomas were detected prior to pregnancy or during the antenatal care (detected group) and 54 pregnant women whose myomas were not detected until delivery (undetected group) participated in this study at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ewha Womans University Hospital from the Nov. 1987 to Oct. 1992. Clinical manifestations such as mode of diagnosis, size of myoma, outcome of pregnancy and complications were analyzed between the patients of these two groups. The results were as follows: 1. Mean age of the patients in detected group and undetected group was 30.5 years and 30.2 years respectively. There was no difference in the proportion of primiparity (detected group: 83.3%, undetected group: 75.9%) and spontaneous abortion in the past history (detected group: 23.4%, undetected group: 20.4%) between the two groups. 2. Uterine myoma was detected by clinical examination and ultrasonogram prior to pregnancy or during the antenatal care in the patients of detected group and incidentally at delivery in the patients of undetected group. 3. The most common type of uterine myomas was subserosal myoma in the two groups. The proportion of intramural myoma was significantly higher in detected group than in undetected group, and subserosal myoma was more significantly higher in undetected group than in detected group. The most common location of uterine myoma was the anterior part of uterine corpus in the two groups and the proportion was not significantly different between the two groups. 4. Diameter 2 cm or more sized uterine myomas were detected by clinical examination and ultrasonogram and diameter 6cm or more sized uterine myomas were detected in all during the antenatal care. Small myomas less than 2cm in diameter were detected incidentally at delivery and the proportion was significantly higher in undetected group than in detected group. Multiple myomas were not significantly different in the proportion between the two groups. 5. Pregnancies with uterine myomas were ended to full term delivery, premature delivery and spontaneous abortion. The proportion of full term delivery was significantly higher in undetected group than in detected group and spontaneous abortion was significantly higher in detected group than in undetected group. 6. There was premature labor, abnormal presentation, obstructed labor, and operative bleeding in obstetric complications. The risks of premature labor and abnormal presentation were not significantly different between the two groups, but the risks of obstructed labor and operative bleeding were significantly higher in detected group than in undetected group. Secondary pathologic changes in the myomectomy specimen were degeneration, necrosis, and cystic change and there was not significantly different in the proportion between the two groups.
안정자(JJ Ahn) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.10
1977년 1월부터 1982 년 12월까지 만 6년간 이화대학병원 산부인과에서 임신중 및 분만후 6주안에 급성 신우신염이 발생하여 입원 치료를 받았던 환자 101예에 대하여 연구한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 급성 신우신염의 발생 빈도는 총분만 환자 13649 예중 101예로 0.74%를 차지하였고 임신 기간별 분포를 보면 임신중에는 임신 중기에 30.7%로 가장 많았고 분만후에는 33.7%를 차지하였다 2. 임상 증상중 가장 흔한 것은 오한(61.4%)이었으며 그 다음은 하부 뇨로 감염 증상(19.8%) 였고 그외 오심과 구토(12%), 요통(10%) 등의 증상이 있었다. 임상 소견은 거의 모든 환자에서 열이 있었으며 38.3℃ 이상의 고열 환자는 7l.3%였다. 또한 대부분의 환자 (88.2%)에서 늑골 척추자 압통이 있었으며 특히 우측 의 압통이 훨씬 많았다(6l.4%). 3. 뇨 세균 배양검사는 68.3%에서 세균이 분리 되었는데 그중 E. Coli가 가장 높았고(73.9%) 그 다음은 Stapbylococcus aureus (11.6%)였다. 배양균의 항생제에 대한 감수성 검사에서는 E. Coli가 Cefamezin과 Colimycin에 가장 감수성이 높았고(각 74.5%) Stsphylococcus aureus는 Gentamycin에 75%, Cefamezin, Kanamycin, Ampicillin에 각각 62.5%의 감수성을 보였다. 4. 치료는 임신중의 급성 신우신염 환자의 대부분은 Ampicillin으로 치료하였으며 평균 5.7일의 입원후 퇴원하였다. 그외 환자에서는 Cefamezin을 단독 또는 Ampicillin, Penicillin G를 첨가하여 치료하거나 C-M.을 단독 또는 다른 항생제를 병용하여 치료하였다. 5. 치료 후 대부분의 환자에서 (77.2%) 항생제 치료 후 4일 만에 평열로 돌아갔으나 5~6일에 평열로 된 환자가 19.8%였고 평열로 되는데 7일 이상을 요한 환자도 3%나 있었다. 6. 임신중 급성 신우신염의 재발은 13예 (22.4%)로 이중 거의 대부분(12예)이 다시 임신중에 재발되었다. Acute pyelonephritis is the most common serious medical complication of pregnancy and is encountered in as many as 1~2% of all gestations. The present study was performed to evaluate the clinical importance of acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy and puerperium such as incidence, clinical symptoms and signs, urine culture and sensitivities, treatment, and recurrence. 101 cases of acute pyelonephritis admitted at the obstetric department of Ewha Womans University Hospital for 6 years from January 1977 to December 1982 were selected for this study. The result of this study are as follows: 1. The incidence of acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy and puerperium was 0.74%. Analysis of cases by trimester showed higher prevalence in antepartum, 30.7% occurring in the second trimester. In 33.7% acute pyelonephritis was diagnosed postpartum. 2. The most common symptom was chills(61.4%), and the rest were urinary tract symptom(19.8%), nausea and vomiting(12%) and headache(10%) in that order, all cases with few exceptions had fever and in 7l.3% it was 38.3℃ or more. 88.2% of these women had tenderness at the costovertebral angle and this tenderness was predominant in the right side in 61.4%. 3. In 68.3% of cases, bacteria were isolated from the urine. The most common microorganism isolated was E. Coli. (73. 9%) and the rest was staphylococcus aureus (11.6%). E. Coli. was highly sensitive to cefamezin(74.5%) and colimycin(74.5%), and staphylococcus was highly sensitive to gentamycin(75%), cefamezin(62.5%), and ampicillin (62.5%). 4. We treated most of the cases of antepartum acute pyelonephritis with ampicillin and these cases discharged from the hospital after average 5. 7 days duration. The other cases were treated solely with cefamezin or cefamezin plus ampicillin or cefamezin plus penicillin and chloramphenicol or chloramphenicol plus other antibiotics. 5. 77.2% of the patients were completely afebrile within 4 days after the onset of therapy. Of those remaining. 19.8% were afebrile within 6 days, with fever persi