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      • 교회갈등의 원인에 관한 연구

        안은찬(Ahn, Eun-Chan) 신학지남사 2016 신학지남 Vol.83 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the causes of church conflicts. So, We can put basis for a more accurate and comprehensive solution of this conflict and dispute of church. I assume that church conflicts are caused by common and special causes of the churches. Such a premise I was tracked a variety of church causes as follows. First, I believes that the spiritual causes of conflict in the church are Johovah’ shalom and Satan’s artful schemes, such inevitability of spiritual collision for the protection of truth and confrontation ministry of church. Second, I cleared that the theological causes of church conflicts can occurred when parties’ core identities are at risk in church. Third, I suggested that psychological and cultural causes of church conflicts were the factors of potential culture, whether or not acceptance of cultural diversity and distortion of communication. Fourth, I have indicated that causes of the political administration of the church conflicts were excessive separation and intervention of politics and administration, ambivalence, good and bed a double-edged sword of these, identity confusion about the polity of church and administrational causes of church. Finally I presented that the cause of the church conflicts were limits of the state legal system, unconformity between church constitution and articles of association of individual churches, and imperfection of these. In conclusion, the conflicts of the churches are multiple factors are combined with the potential factors. church conflict, and so such multiple factors of church conflicts are amplified the level of conflict in the wake of the triggering events.

      • Jean Calvin의 「제네바 교회법」에 나타난 총체적 복음사역과 그 실천

        안은찬(Eun-Chan Ahn) 신학지남사 2017 신학지남 Vol.84 No.3

        The holistic ministry in Jean Calvin"s 「d’ordonnances ecclésiastiques」, which can be regarded as the root of Reformed theology, has significance for establishing theological basis of the holistic gospel ministry that unifies the theological divisions among our ministries. To this end, looking at the legal provisions of all ministries in Jean Calvin"s Geneva Church law, I found that it was holistic. I have shown that each of the practices in 「d’ordonnances ecclésiastiques」 is linked in a comprehensive manner. The rules of church government are connected collectively with the quadruple duties of the church office. The Consistoire of the Geneva Church was a holistic ministry institution that carried out church discipline and shepherding sheep with ‘tenderness and strength’. The totality of the ministry of the sermon is relatively detailed about the pastor"s preaching act ‘the outside’ of the sermon and the pastor"s holy life which can be called ‘the inside’ of it. ºThe totality of educational regulations is reflected in the educational ministry and the Holy Communion ministry. The totality of the sacramental regulations is closely related to the ministry of the baptism and the sacrament, and it legally shows the holistic of the sacrament and the word. Calvin"s 「d’ordonnances ecclésiastiques」 shows not only the totality of individual salvation and social service, but also the integration of individuals and communities, the cooperation of the church and the state, the service and education and the totality of missions. The totality of the ministry of the family ceremony shows the unity of nature and form, the unity of the family and the church, and the totality of the liturgy and the ritual. Finally, It is legally revealed in that provisions of the church"s praise ministry has seen the whole of human reason and emotion. Finally, I presented a modern application of the holistic ministry and its practices in 「d’ordonnances ecclésiastiques」. As a result, we are challenged by the holistic ministry and its practices of Reformed theology in Calvin"s Geneva Church law.

      • 결혼예식에 대한 개혁신학적 이해와 교회법적 실천

        안은찬(Eun-Chan Ahn) 신학지남사 2016 신학지남 Vol.83 No.3

        In this paper, we revealed legal practice of the church and discussed the theological understanding of the ritual at the center of the most important marriage ritual from the point of view of the reformed theology. First, directions of the ritual in a large map of worship were classified into types of ‘an imposed ritual’, ‘discretionary ritual’, ‘rubrical provision’ and ‘entire freedom’. Among them, I suggest that the second and the third way approach has adopted in the Presbyterian Church. And I were discussing the tension and harmony between ‘Directive’ Calvinist and ‘Regulative’ Puritan. then was the argument that this point of view between the two can be harmonized. From the perspective of the Reformed Theology, I described the marriage ritual until the Middle Ages from the early church and the Pre-Nicene. Especially, were tracking practices of marriage ritual of the church historically, and I revealed how the marriage ritual fall into captured as captives of the church until the Middle Ages. And I summarized the provisions of the Reformation and Puritan, the Presbyterian Church of the United States, Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Korea and the Westminster standard document. Therefore, we must practice legally the reformed theological marriage ritual on the basis of church law with national law, 「civil law」, 「Act on Family Rite Establishment and Related Assistance」 and 「Rules on Sound Family Rites」 about marriage ritual. More important foundation are 「The Westminster Confession of Faith」 「The Directory for the Publick Worship of God」, 「Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Korea」 and the decisions of ‘The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea, J. Aspinwall Hodge,’s 『What is presbyterian law?』 and 「Articles of Association of Church」. In particular, I was to understand the changes in the practical viewpoint of the General Assembly to summarize the decisions of ‘The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church in Korea’ for the marriage ritual. And from the point of view of the reformed theology, I presented practice methods of church law about such as engagement, officiant, qualification of the bride and groom to receive marriage officiant, use of wedding chapel, the position of the bride and groom, mother’s candle lighting and the ring exchange. Reformed theology necessarily need pastoral ‘service book’ within the spirit of the Bible and 「The Directory for the Publick Worship of God」. Therefore, legal practice of marriage ritual It would be a wise way to go between ‘discretionary ritual’ and ‘rubrical provision’ with the exclusion of imposed ritual’ and ‘entire freedom’.

      • Jean Calvin의 교회법 사상에 대한 법제론적 고찰과 그 적용

        안은찬(Ahn, Eun Chan) 신학지남사 2021 신학지남 Vol.88 No.4

        오늘날 개신교 목회 현장에서 입법이 갖는 정치적 영향은 중대하다. 따라서 좋은 입법을 위한 전제로서 교회법에 대한 법제론은 매우 필요하다. 이에 필자는 종교개혁자 Jean Calvin의 교회법에 대한 법제론적 신학과 사상들을 살펴보았다. Calvin은 하나님만이 “유일한 입법자”라는 정신 아래 구체적으로 바른 교회법 제정의 기준 원리를 개혁적으로 제시하였다. 즉, 교회법 제정권자로서 하나님의 말씀, 사도적 전통의 반영, 자연법과 양심의 자유, 형평성과 정의·공의의 원칙, 자유와 질서의 균형, 국가법과 교회법의 조화로운 제정 그리고 지향주의와 단순성의 원리 등이다. 이러한 Calvin의 법제론적 사상은 법 해석과 제정의 방법에서 로마법을 계몽주의와 연결하는 역할을 하였다. 개혁파 자연법론에 기초한 그의 법제 사상은 제네바 개혁운동을 통해 프랑스와 독일 그리고 네덜란드 등 근대 법제 사상에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 현대 입법학의 관점에서 보면 Calvin의 법제론은 입법 사상과 입법 기준론(The Principles of Legisprudence)에 한정되지만 당시 새로운 규범 체계를 정립하는 개신교의 ‘입법 신학’(legisprudence theology)의 기초를 마련하였다고 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 그러므로 그의 법제론적 원리들과 그 영향은 오늘날 한국교회의 교회법 제·개정에서 의미있는 실천적 함축성을 가진다. Today, the theory of legislation on church law in the Protestant ministry is not only significant but also very important as a premise for good legislation. Thus, I examined the legisprudence theology and ideas on church law of the Reformer Jean Calvin. Calvin reformedly presented the standard principle of enacting correct church law in detail under the spirit that God alone is “the only lawgiver”. In other words, as the authority to enact church law, the word of God, reflection of the apostolic tradition, natural law and freedom of conscience, equity(aequitatis) and justice’(mišpāt) & righteousness(sĕdāqâ), balance between freedom and order, harmonious enactment of civil law and church law, and the directive and principle of simplicity, etc. Calvin’s legislative ideology played a role in linking Roman law with the Enlightenment, and had a profound influence on modern legal ideology in France, Germany, and the Netherlands through the Geneva Reform Movement. From the point of view of modern legislative science, Calvin’s legisprudence theory is limited to legislative thought and The Principles of Legisprudence, but it can be evaluated that it laid the foundation for Protestant ‘legisprudence theology’ that established a new normative system at the time. Therefore, his legisprudence principles and their influence have meaningful practical implications in the enactment and revision of church laws in today’s Korean churches.

      • 교회갈등에 대한 유형론적 접근

        안은찬(Eun Chan Ahn) 신학지남사 2014 신학지남 Vol.81 No.2

        The study of church conflict so far mainly have focused on the causes of conflict. However, the typological approach is also very important. It is basic task to prevent and solve church conflict. Nevertheless this aspect of the current research in the field of practical theology is not enough. I tried an alternative research for a typological approach to church conflict. I was first to describe the theological background of church conflict and typological approach. The theological background of church conflict based on the theology of relationship in anthropology, ‘Johovahshalom’ of the Old Testament and ‘confrontation ministry’ of pastoral theodicy in practical theology. I suggested that The theological background of a typological approach to church conflict is the Theology of Wisdom based on God’s Cultural Mandate. Types of church conflict are classified into the following nine types. They are classified based on contents, subjects of behavior, issues, family systems, progress stages of conflict, issues, needsvalues, attributes of conflict, normality and the result of conflict. This is a useful analysis of the typological classification. However, I was pointing out some complements. In conclusion, I was presented a biblical typology to complement typological approaches were available in pretypology days. And I did it was classified into five types. The types are dividual Conflict, Divine Order and Administrational Conflict, Vision and Values Conflict, Dogmatic and Theological Conflict and Spiritual Confrontation Conflict. These biblical classification gives us an important way to resolve conflicts.

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