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        알츠하이머 형질전환 마우스의 출생 후 뇌에서 유전자 발현

        지승완(Seung Wan Jee),송연숙(Youn Suk Song),오재호(Jae Ho Oh),김용규(Yong Kyu Kim),심선보(Sun Bo Shim),황대연(Dae Youn Hwang),이수해(Su Hae Lee),서수진(Su Jin Seo),조준용(Jun Yong Cho),조정식(Jung Sik Cho) 한국실험동물학회 2005 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.21 No.3

        DNA microarrays are a well-established technology for measuring gene expression levels. The aim in the study was to gain insight into potential over-expressed effect of amyloid precursor protein sw (APPsw) on modulation of genes for Alzheimer's Disease (AD). APPsw-transgenic mice, which has been produced by us previously, provide an important resource for identifying differentially expressed genes, since this transgenic line was shown cognitive deficits along with Aβ-42 depositions at 12 months of age. Using cDNA microarray, we compared mRNA levels in 7.4K cDNA clones from postnatal brain of age-matched wild-type mice and Alzheimer's diseased transgenic mice. A total of 44 differentially expressed genes with a 15 up-regulated and with a 29 down-regulated were found in brains from moderatively transgenic mice compared to non-transgenic littermates. Thus, the results allow to the future studies in the functions of each gene, which may be targeted for developing drugs.

      • Studies on Chromosome Aberrations in Workers Occupationally Exposed to Radiation

        Kim, Jong Hyung,Oh, Hyeon Joo,Shim, Sun Bo,Roh, Hye Won,Lee, Hai Yong,Kang, Soon Ja 식품의약품안전청 1997 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.1 No.-

        병원 및 보건소에 근무하는 방사선 관계 종사자 56명과 대조군 45명을 대상으로 하여 분석코자 말초 혈액 임파구페서의 세포 유전학적 분석을 실시하였다. 말초 혈액 임파구 세포 채취 시점 에서의 각개인 기록은 국제 환경돌연변이원 및 암유발원에 대한 방어 위원회(ICPEMC : Inter·national Commission for Protec-tion against Environmental bfugen an~d CarciBogens) 기준에 근거하여 설문서를 작성하였으며 방사선 관계 Ge 임파구 세폿에 PHA(Phytohaemaggtutinin)를 첨가하여 세포 분열을 유발시킨 후 colcemid를 첨가하여 중기 염색체를 포확후 고정 ·처리하여 슬라이드를 준비하였다. 또한 빼양시 5-BrdU를 첨가하여 고정후 FPG(Fluores-cence plus Giemsa) 염색하여 제1차 중기 세포(Ml)에서만 불안정 염색체 이작 빈도를 분선하였다. 분적결과 이동 원염색체 (dicentric chromosome), 무동원염색체 (acentric chromosome), 염색분체결실 (chromatid deletion)등 이 관찰되었으며 가장 흔한 종류는 무동원염색체였다. 대조군인 일반 한국인에사 5,138개, 방사선관계종사자에서는 10,439개의 중기염색체출 분석하져다. 패조군인경우 이동원염색체빈도는 0.52×10-", 무동원염색체빈도는 0.82×10-'1 인 것으로 분석되었다. 방사선관계종사자군의 최근 1년간 평균 개인피폭선량값은 5.Smsv 로 나타났으며, 이동원염색 체빈도수는 2.23×10-', 무동원염색체빈도수는 1.34×10-』으로 분석되었다. 방사선관계종사자와 대조군을 비교했을 때 , 이동원염석체발생빈도에서만 유의적 차이가 있었다(P<0.91). 홉연여부나 근무개간, 최근t년간의 개인피폭선량정 도와는 통계적 유의성이 없는 것으로 분석되었다(P>0.05). 이러한 분석결파는 적은 선량의 방사선에 피폭되는 경우 에도 임파구 세포예 세포유전학적 영향을 유발할 수 있다는 것을 나타갠다. Cytogenetic assays for unstable chromosomes were performed on 54 medical radiation workers who are occupatioilally exposed to radiation and 42 controls. A total of 15,577 metaphase cells were scored. The frequencier of dicentrics and acentric chromosomes on controts were 0.52×10-3 and 0.82×10^(-2), respectively. On radiation workers those were 2.28×10^(-3) and 1.34×10^(-2), rerpectively. Though the frequencies of all types of chromosome aberrations in the workers were higher than those in the controls, the only significant difference was found in the case of dicentrics(P <0.01). When we considered exposure dose of recenit one year, duration of employment and smoking habit in radiation worker, a slight increase was shown in frequency of unstable chromosome aberrations on these workers, but no statistical differences were observed(P>0.05) except erposure dose of recent one year(P <0.05). These results could indicate that low level exposure to ionizing radiation can iaduce unstable chromosome aberratiens in blood lymphoclrtes.

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