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      • 우리의 敎育, 그 運營과 現實 批判

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 2001 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        1. The reality of our education, is that it has become a prey of egotistic competition centered around entrance examinations while ignoring educational ideology and the purpose of Basic Education Law. This is a distortion of our education and an error which must be addressed. 2. Our system of educational autonomy is a system which has been contrived for the purpose of guaranteeing autonomy in education. And particularly in view of the difficulty of assuring independence and professionalism in education and its political neutrality of educational administration. But under our current system, educational administration within the central government is being integrated in to general administration, while at a local level it is being separated from general administration. For this reason, major policies and the exercise of supervisory rights are being executed by a general administration within the central government, and consequently the effectiveness of the system of educational autonomy, which guarantees independence of education is doubtful. Whenever the Minister of Education is replaced, the policies of the Ministry of Education also change, as does the educational operation of schools in the field. 3. A crisis situation in our educational system whereby teachers are losing their grip on students in class is a result of these changes in the system. And this is a deplorable outcome which has stemmed from policies such as equalization of high school, the system of academic reporting, supplementary classes and autonomous study, open education and education centered to consumers etc. 4. The system of incorporating academic reports from high school into scores for college entrance examinations has encouraged high school students to engage in egotistic contests among themselves in order to attain better scores at school for admission to colleges and universities. This has produced deplorable results by destroying the growth of students as a complete-men and women, who have balance in intelligence, virtue and body. 5. Open education is a logical system, which is contradictory to professionalism in education and it has entailed lamentable results by creating confusion between the primary aim of education with the secondary purpose, by defining students as educational consumers and introducing education focused on such consumers into the class. 6. To address our systematically distorted educational system and make it upright, people in the field of education should first discard their prejudice and self righteous bigotry, which are the primary causes for stirring up confusion in our system of education. And for the purpose of better implementation of educational ideology positive measures should be taken and government must exercise its leadership and provide a guarantee to this end.

      • 鐵道大의 入學生 選拔과 敎育의 實際에 관한 調査硏究

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        The duties of the Railroad College which should be engaged in educating manpower to be used in railroad operation in the future are the first, admitting qualified and proper candidates into the College and the second, educating new students to become capable personnel in the field of railroad operation. At present, however, merely 6.9% of admitted students say they applied for the college with a desire to work for the railroad in the future. In terms of choice of their desired department nearly 42.5% of the respondents for the survey reply that the content of the courses has varied from what they perceived them to be at the time of application. This fact clearly shows that the process of selection of applicants and provision of information is left much to be desired. About 35.3% of the students answer that lectures at class are too difficult for them to understand and 51.6% of students respond they are unenthusiastic in participation in the class. In consequence about 86.9% of students are in a state enable to understand their courses. This fact also clearly shows that there are problems in practical aspect of educational operation. Such problems existing with operation of Railroad College are considered to be effectively resolved in the future through development of method of selecting students with proper qualification and fostering well qualified railroad personnel.

      • 傳統的 價値觀의 崩壞와 人間性 墮落

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1984 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        The moral justice which is comprehensive value concept had been honored by our produce-essors.And,the sense of justice has been made in rules and rooted firmly in the traditional society of our ancestors. Royalty, filial piety and virtue had been faithfully followed by the predecessors, which evidences still remains in historical relics numbering 4,352 places in the southern territory of our country alone. Mental ethical values of tradition are now collapsed. Now distrust, egoism, divorce, nuclear unit of family, epicurism, and materialism emerged and prevails over in the current society. Such toxis are blamed for our open embrace of the western waves along with economic oriented modernization and industrialization. Western liberal mind and equality intruded untested into this country and Korea own value system has -been discolored in a quick tempo. Thus the conventional sense of traditional community relationship had been replaced with egoistic individualism. Knowledge and intellectual were directed to seek for a way to a rapid rise and success in the society. Such scheme of knowledge allowed a room for wrong vices here and there encouraging social degradation. In the economic-oriented industrialization course, a priority was given to result of achievement. Mental value aspect was lightly regarded. The industrialization necessitated specialization's of jobs and works, which brought rather chaos and contradiction to value concept. In this way, human is deprived of ideal and faith in the society. A problem resulting therefrom is selfish based on sensitivity in place of reason. Instinctive sensitivity went away from reasonable mode of living and looks for easiness and enjoyment. In turn, easiness and enjoyment looks for materials paving toward enjoyment. Prevalence of enjoyment and materialism become a source of social irregularities. It is self-evident that a fundamental approach of eliminating and overcoming today's iregularities lies in restoring human's reason among others. One thing to be seriously regarded is a fact that self-commanding virtue and spiritual culture firmly rooted in our traditional society were already collapsed due to the modern changes caused by current living environment. The fact itself illustrates that recovery of human nature must be by developing optimum conditions of social living and activities to facilitate any support the recovery of human nature. So long ay living based on reason continue to be damaged by egoistic materialism and epicurism, such backgrounds will continue to fail to realize the recovery of human nature. To attempt to reach at the desired objective by an educational effort alone is difficult. So long as educational endeavour for recovery of human nature and improvement of social living co-worker complementarily with each other, the human nature can be recovered and healthy society of justice can be realized.

      • 鐵道人力 養成의 必要性과 鐵道學校 改編 및 運營 方向에 관한 硏究

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1993 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        The number of automobiles are on an increasing trend at the rate of 23.2% a yearly mean. Nevertheless, the expansion of constructing the public oat toes not follow the increase of the number of automobiles. It would be obliged to pursue the development of updated' railroad, since bring the limitation of the receptacle capacity for the public road. Also, it needs the reorganization of railroad school in preparation for training railroad technical manpower. Moreover, there is the necessity to convert the general idea on the school of a small scale on the office of railroad level to a large scale on national' level for many subjects of railroad industry.

      • 孝에 관한 認識

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.3 No.1

        Filial piety along with royalty has been formed as e root and trunk of Korean traditional morel principles. Beginning from birth to become e grown-up as en entity of e respectful end precious men of character, we have been indebted to our parental love end grace, which can neither be ignored nor denied by any one. So filial piety is deeply rooted in ethical consciousness that one should be thankful for end return we one owed to one's parents. Especially firmly equipped with cognizance that practice of filial piety is e foremost essences of ell morel acts, the filial piety has been much more respected by us. But now e sort of chaos in our understanding of filial piety started to raise its heed since e negative view of taking filial piety as en old-fashioned rule from feudalistic end monarchists ages. Now it is time for us to establish a new concept end cognizance of filial piety in this modern society. In this context, to look et the filial piety any biased view should be expelled end particular attention should be directed to the following points. 1. As filial piety is a value of life existing between parents end sons end daughters, existence of filial piety itself cannot be denied. 2. Filial piety should be created epoch-mekingly on e foundation to establish the significance retained in cultural transition in e historical way. It is because that essence of filial piety is e rule of culture. 3. Fillies piety should be honored as children's obligation end duty toward their parents. It is because that social ethics cannot exist without healthy domestic ethics, end domestic ethics can be expected from parent's attachment to the children end children's faithful duty to their parents as well.

      • 鐵道의 經營改善과 人力開發에 관한 調査硏究

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.7 No.1

        Along with the modern times of requiring massed quantitative increase of traffic due no current industrial development and advanced national livings, a better qualitative service of traffic is required. So in the same context, improvement of management and professional development of manpower in the railroad service are essential no the modern times. From data responded by active railmen in service, a result of analysis was summarized as follows: 1. When an organization of management is no be readjusted no accommodate a particular environmental situation or change, in should be rationaly realized based on a functional analysis. 2. When any organization is to b e reorganized with reduction of manpower or when any new system is no be introduced into, open communication of opinion, comment and recommendation should be embraced able no well support existing environmental situation. 3. Railroad service can be developed on a foundation of professional manpower development and technical build-up. More investment should be put into a program of educating and developing professional manpower.

      • 鐵道大學, 그 發展에 關하여

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Korea national railroad college is established with a special purpose for the output of highly trained manpower for national railroad operation under the outlays of the national budget. The objective of the development for the college should not go beyond the primary purpose of elite manpower production under the ministry of the national railroad administration agency. When the scope of such development measures slips off from the original founding objective, the institute will be stripped of its existing significance of the foundation. When the college tries to seek for globalization of the time, it becomes apparently erroneous. A problem of traffic congestion inevitably demands a modernization of railroad operation. The scheme may demands continued and further elite technical manpower requirements. Therefore the college is called upon response to and consideration of the demands. The college of current two year system is however short of meeting with absolute curricular hours for education and production of elite manpower as required. This being the situation, a new 3 year academic system is worthy of consideration. When three year system with weekly 39 units program be adopted, curricular hours required to the objective of elite manpower production of the national railroad can be obtained. If a course of ranging from 3 month to one year is programmed as a special short term and as an annex to the proposed 3 year system according to current college regulations, the college will be better serve and function for dual requirement production of elite manpower and field workers of railroad.

      • 轉換点에 선 鐵道專門大學의 課題와 展望

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1995 論文集 Vol.11 No.1

        1. Railroad authority of our country is now promoting fur epoch-making progress through establishing high-speed railroad construction, business combined computer network and changing railroad operation to public corporation. Furthermore since the Office of Korean Railroad is considering junior college level being difficult in absorbing required technologies due to sophistication, technical advancement and automation of railroad industry in an accelerated pace, for this reason reorganization of academic system of railroad junior college is deemed as inevitable. 2. If the current academic years are changed to 4 years college course then problem of employment of graduates would emerge as a serious issue each year in light of personnel management structure of the Office of Railroad. Therefore as an alternative to such change when the college course is changed to 3 years course while maintaining the quota for new college students and table of ranks and duties same as the current 2 years course then it shall be freed from problems accopaning employment moreover through extension of college course good quality graduates may be produced through improvement of educational level and reinforcement of professors and teaching staffs. If one year short course is additionally installed at such 3 years course college to foster personnel of 9th grade and below officers then such college shall become a suitable college to manpower' structure of current national railroad. 3. However when many railway related project such as construction of SeoulPusan, Hunan, East-West and High Speed Electrified Railway as well as construction of urban railways for 6 major cities and subways, manufacturing rail road stocks and railroad parts etc. begin on earnest then shortage of manpower in this field shall emerge as a serious problem. In this connection it will be required to change small scale junior college which are now managed under special accounts of the Office of Railroad to college being managed under general account of the government. When short-term course is installed at such college and required manpower for railroad is trained then it is beloved suitable manpower to meet the need of railroad industry on future can be supplied.

      • 特殊目的 敎育에 關한 一硏究

        宋向燮 철도전문대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        The aim of this study, is to find out various, problems detrimental tc the achievement of special educational goal in the National Railroad Academy for railroad-officials training and to obtain some innovative solutions through analyses of the causes of problems. The problems, found in a surrey by question papers are summarized as following; 1. There are only 14.2 % of the students who entered the academy to become a railroad-officials. 2. Most of the students are not contented with the status to be employed in the future and 31.5 % of the students want to enter. the 4-year college or university after graduation. 3. The prac ical training in the field of railroad are not faithfully carried out. 4. It reaches only to the level of 18.8'% among all the students who have the idea of fullfilling sincerely their duties with the mind of repaying the national expenses used for their education during their study-period and with the understanding of the Academy establishment purpose. In the connection with the above - mentioned problems, the following matters are supposed to be pointed out as the improvement-measures; 1. It should be properly devised and applied to the decisions of the enterants - admission whether they have the definits consciousness and confidence toward the foundation - goal of the academy and duty - activities. 2. For the purpose of securing the competent personel to the railroad - services, the appointment - methos of the generally evasion - tended technical - officials position should be changed in' to the appointment - method of the general - officials position. 3. By the way beeffing up the special education in the field of each duty - positions and through the training of the railroad - serviceship, there should be a appropriate atmosphere which psychollogically could arouse their affections to the duties among the students. 4. To cope with the above - pointed matters,the Academy, must be reinforced to achieve the goals of railroad - officials training.

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