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      • 국가식품클러스터 조성과 전북의 역할

        소순열 ( Soon Yeol Soh ),이소영 ( So Young Lee ) 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2012 농업생명과학연구 Vol.43 No.2

        The objective of this study is to review the meaning of food cluster and to suggest a role of Jeonbuk in the formation and operation of a Korean National Food Cluster. Until now the process of formation a Korean National Food Cluster features are as follows: it is being formed government-led, focus on R&D, export-oriented, external expansion. National food cluster in order to be a success in Jeonbuk, some strategies needs to be established. There are programs of linkage between regional agriculture and food industry, development plan of linkage between regional industry and food Industry, regional network system creating, strategies of human resource development and strengthening the capacity.

      • 한국에서 근대농업기술의 변용 -수용과 이전-

        소순열 ( Soon Yeol Soh ) 한국농업사학회 2015 농업사연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문은 근대 이후 농업기술의 변화를 검토함으로써 한국정부가 추진하고 있는 글로벌 농업기술 협력에 대한 몇 가지 시사점을 얻고자 한다. 일제강점기 재래농법은 일본으로부터 개량농법으로 급속하게 대체되고, 집약농법이 도입되었으며, 이후 한국의 농업기술은 1970년대 후반 통일벼의 개발로 급속하게 보급 되어 식량자급이 가능하게 되었다. 두 시대 농업기술은 수용과정에서 타율적 강제에 의한 기술 보급이 이루어져 농민의 창의성은 철저히 무시 되었다. 정책 또한 미가 안정을 통한 공업육성이라는 유사한 목표를 갖고 있다. 농민들의 자각과 학습을 통한 자력갱생과 자조, 근면을 핵심 키워드로 삼고 있다는 점에서 유사하다. 이 같은 역사적 경험에서 보면, 앞으로 국제사회에서 농업기술협력은 지역과 지역주민에 기반을 둔 농업기술개발 및 보급, 민주적이고 주민참여를 통한 기술보급, 지속적인 성장을 위한 적정기술의 개발과 활용이 이루어져야 한다고 본다. This presentation examines how rice farming techniques had changed during the modernization of the production process in South Korea. Moreover, the purposes of this presentation are threefold: (1) To address the traditional agricultural practices in colonial Choson(朝鮮), improved farming, and experimental research, along with their pertinent acceptance and diffusion; (2) To review the development and dissemination of Tongil(統一) rice species and the Saemaul movement; (3) To inquire into the implications of our findings and argue for the global agricultural technology cooperation pushed by the South Korean government. During the Japanese colonial rule, traditional Korean agricultural methods were rapidly substituted by new agricultural techniques from Japan. After the introduction of intensive agricultural practices, by late 1970s Korea was able to achieve self-sufficiency in food production caused by the development of Tongil rice species. Although two eras seem to be taking totally different paths of agricultural technology acceptance in terms of social background and paradigm, they actually show many similarities as well. The technologies in two eras apparently stressed input factors, such as fertilizer and agricultural pesticide, and irrigation facilities for increased production. And they were closely related with technologyintensive systems. Therefore there are many parallels between the two eras as follows: First, in the process of technology acceptance, farmer’s creativity was completely ignored due to the compulsory dissemination of technology. Second, their aims were to achieve rice price stability for rearing the industry. Third, the root of all agricultural problems was attributed to individual farmers. Fourth, both participatory rural development in 1930s Japan and Saemaul movement in 1970s Korea shared same basic spirits such as self-rehabilitation, self-help, and hard-work. In conclusion, we need to make greater efforts to achieve mutual understanding and learning and to promote genuine global partnership and cooperation among Asian countries.

      • 외래농업기술의 수용과 지역의 변용

        소순열 ( Soon Yeol Soh ) 한국농업사학회 2010 농업사연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본고는 외래농업기술의 수용에 따라 재래의 기술, 조직, 지역이 어떻게 변화하였는가를 검토한 것이다. 재래기술은 외래 신기술의 급속한 도입에 따라 조방기술에서 집약기술로 변화하였다. 그러나 특정의 용수 부족지역에서는 일종의 내한도작법(耐旱稻作法)으로서 입지 생태적인 합리성을 가지면서 잔존하였다. 외래기술은 필연적으로 화폐지출의 증대를 가져와 조선농촌내부의 상품경제화라른 객관적인 조건을 성숙시켜 갔다. 상품경제의 발달에 따라 노동을 화폐비용화하는 계산 방식도 보편화됨에 따라 두레와 같은 전통적인 공동조직은 해체되어간 반면 고지(雇只)와 같은 새로운 노동조직도 출현하게 되었다. 등가 교환원칙이 관철되어 갔던 품앗이 같은 임의적인 공동노동조직은 장기간 광범위하게 존속되었다. 이들의 변화는 지주·소작관계를 매개로 지주 특히 일본인 지주를 통하여 기술을 향상시켜 일본으로의 미곡을 이출시킨 메커니즘을 통하여 수행되었다. 이 과정은 조선농민을 궁핍화시키고 다른 한편 일본제국주의의 경제적 이해를 종속시키는 것이었다. This presentation focuses on how foreign agricultural techniques were accepted during the modernization process in Korea at the end of Joseon dynasty and in the Japanese colonial period. More specifically, it shows three aspects; their disciplinary realms, technical changes, and regions, examining whether foreign techniques and traditional ones were fused to coexist, or feuded and conflicted. The result is as follows. First, western agricultural techniques were introduced in Korea through China in 1830s at first, but the regular and experimental agriculture were accepted through Japan from 1880s. An agricultural experiment and research institute was established by Joseon government, but the result was meager because of its poor management. Second, during the Japanese colonial period, Korea`s native rice species were rapidly driven away and their production bases were collapsed because of speedy spread, exchanges, and unification of Japanese Sudo species. Third, Gunsan port shows that rice production in Korean peninsula in the colonial period had been done through the following mechanisms; compulsive spread of agricultural techniques, increase in rice production, and rice export to Japan, all the processes of which were done through Japanese landlords. Gunsan port was built not for the organic development of Korean peninsula but for strengthening the Japan`s imperialistic division system which used Gunsan as its hinterland producing rice for Japan. Therefore, the substitution of agricultural techniques resulted in the extinction of Korean native agricultural techniques and the destruction of peasants` desire to develop new techniques. After liberation in 1945, lack of desire to develop new techniques and the subjecthood for the technique development were represented again through the spread process of Tongil rice species during Saemaeul movement in Korea in 1970.

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