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      • KCI등재

        영동(永同) 지역의 복수지명 연구

        성희제(Seong Hee-je) 어문연구학회 2020 어문연구 Vol.106 No.-

        본 연구는 충청북도 영동군의 복수지명에 대하여 지역화자들의 조어 방식이라는 기준을 마련하여 그 유형을 분류하였고, 복수지명의 각 유형별 분포와 조어적 특성을 밝히고자 하였다. 그리하여 얻은 성과는 다음과 같다. 영동지명 자료 총 4,977개 중에 단수지명의 수는 3,152개로서 전체 지명의 63.3%이고, 복수지명은 1,825개로서 전체의 36.7%(1,825/4,977)에 이른다. 영동지역 단수지명의 지점 수는 3,152곳이고 복수지명의 지점 수는 714곳으로서, 영동지명 총 4,977개를 사용한 지점의 총수는 3,866곳이다. 46개의 전체 의미영역 중에 복수지명이 없는 의미영역은 15개(33.6%)이고, 복수지명을 가진 의미영역은 31개(67.4%)로서 의미영역 전체의 2/3에 해당한다. 의미영역 중 ‘마을’의 복수지명 수가 다른 것에 비해 월등히 많은 이유는 ‘마을’ 관련 지명들을 가장 많이 사용하는 빈도와 깊은 관련이 있을 것이다. 복수지명을 가진 지점 714곳에서 2개의 복수지명을 가진 지점이 448곳으로 거의 2/3 가량의 분포를 보였고, 복수지명의 보유 개수가 늘어날수록 지점의 수는 현저히 줄어들고 있으며, 7개와 9개의 복수지명을 가진 지점의 수는 2곳으로 같지만 복수지명 8개를 가진 지점은 없었다. 영동의 복수지명 총 1,825개의 자료를 바탕으로 하여, 지역화자의 주체적 입장에서 그 유형을 8가지로 대분류하고, 이 유형을 관찰적 입장에서 조어 방식에 따라 16가지로 소분류하였는데, 기존 연구의 유형 분류에서 없던 ‘유래’, ‘축약’, ‘첨가’, ‘혼용’을 본 연구에 추가 도입하여 각각의 조어 방식에 따라 유형을 세분하였다. 복수지명에 사용된 지명접미사 ‘-이’와 각종 음운현상들은 한자지명들을 고유어화하는 데에 활발히 작용하였다. 영동지역 화자들은 ‘한자화>첨가>관련된 유래>유사한 발음>기본부 혼용>생략>고유어화>축약’의 순으로 복수지명을 양산하였는데, 특히 ‘한자화’는 보수지명 양산의 월등한 조어 방식으로서 ‘지명 전체 한자화’, ‘기본부 한자화’, ‘수식부 한자화’, ‘유사발음 한자화’ 등의 조어 방식을 사용하였다. This study established a new criterion for classification of its types, targeting plural placenames in the Yeongdong region of Chungbuk. And it tried to clarify the distribution and naming characteristics of each type of plural placename. The results obtained are as follows. Of the total 4,977 data on Yeongdong placenames, the number of singular placenames is 3,152, 63.3% (3152/4,977) of all placenames, and 1,825 plural placenames, 36.7% (1,825/4,977) of the total. The number of singular placenames in the Yeongdong region is 3,152 and the number of instruction target in pluralplaces is 714, and the total number of instruction target using a total of 4,977 in Yeongdong is 3,866. In the Yeongdong region, the number of instruction target with singular placenames is 3,152, the number of instruction target with plural placenames is 714, and the total number of instruction targets with Yeongdong placenames is 3,866. Among the 46 semantic domains, 15 (33.6%) semantic domains without plural placenames, and 31 (67.4%) semantic domains with plural placenames, which are 2/3 of the total semantic domains. Among the semantic domains, the reason why the number of plural placenames in village is far greater than that of other semantic domains is deeply related to the frequency of using the placenames related to village the most. From 714 targets with plural placenames, 2/3 of the total number of targets with plural placenames is 448, and the number of instruction targets decreases significantly as the number of plural placenames increases. The types of plural placenames in Yeongdong were largely classified into 8 types according to the position of the local speaker, and these types were subdivided into 16 types according to the word formation. In addition, ‘origin’, ‘contraction’, ‘addition’, and ‘mixed use’, which were not found in the type classification of existing studies, were added to this study, and the types were subdivided according to each word formation. The placename suffix ‘-i’(-이) and various phonological phenomena actively worked to make plural placenames in Chinese characters into native language. Speakers in the Yeongdong region produced plural placenames in the quantitative order of “named in Chinese characters > addition > related to origin > similar pronunciation > mixed basics > abbreviation > named in native language > contraction”. In particular, ‘named in Chinese characters’ was an excellent word formation for production of plural placenames.

      • KCI등재

        무표지 ∅ 후부지명소에 대하여

        성희제(Hee-je Seong) 어문연구학회 2007 어문연구 Vol.55 No.-

          There are so many place-names that first distinctive elements differ from back place-name morphemes(BPM). Meaning expansion of such place-names has been a mistake in the preceding studies. This paper regard ? as one of BPM and resolve this problem.<BR>  Place-names that don"t have first distinctive element don"t have original BPM. ? plays a role of first distinctive element without BPM. Anytime in case of necessity ? exchange for BPM. This is a clear evidence on reality of ?.<BR>  ? place-name morpheme exist mostly in back position and by the principle of the least effort. ? BPM has no its own meaning and take omitted BPM"s place. If synonymy didn"t appear, native speaker prefer ? to BPM. Establishment of ? BPM can represent all structures of place-name as [front part + back part] without exception. Also IC-analysis & diagram testify to usefulness of this papaer"s contention.<BR>  The existence of ? establishes explanatory propriety in structure of place-name.

      • KCI등재

        충남 태안지역의 복수지명 연구

        성희제(Seong Hee-je) 어문연구학회 2021 어문연구 Vol.110 No.-

        본 연구는 현대 충남 태안군 복수지명의 유형을 분류하고 그 유형의 지점별 분포를 살펴서 태안지명 특성의 일단을 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 본 연구의 대상이 된 태안지명의 총 어휘 수는 2,946개이고 지명이 가리키는 지점의 총수는 1,688곳이다. 이 중에 복수지명의 총수는 2,225개로서 전체 지명 수의 75.53%에 해당하며 이들 지명이 가리키는 지점의 총수는 967곳 57.29%에 해당한다. 이 외의 나머지 1지점 1지명 단수지명의 총수는 721개 지점 또한 721곳인데, 단수지명의 개수는 전체 지명의 24.47%에 해당하고 지점 수는 42.71%에 해당한다. 태안지역의 지명은 가리키는 지점의 수에 있어서는 단수지명과 복수지명의 비율이 반반씩 비슷하나, 각각의 지명 개수에 있어서는 복수지명이 2/3 이상으로 많다. 태안지명에 나타난 의미영역은 총 55개가 있는데 복수지명이 존재하는 의미영역은 35개 64.6%이고, 복수지명이 없는 의미영역은 20개 36.4%에 해당한다. 복수지명이 가장 많은 의미영역은 ‘마을’이 1,361개 61.2%로서 압도적으로 많았고, 그 다음이 ‘섬’ 163개 7.3%, ‘고개’ 159개 7.2%, ‘산’ 120개 5.4%의 순이었으며, 이 외에 ‘골’, ‘바위’, ‘개’, ‘곶, 다리’, ‘부리, 샘’ 등의 순으로 나타나 있다. 마을을 뜻하는 복수지명의 개수나 지점수가 압도적으로 많이 나타난 이유는 지명에 있어서 마을의 사용 빈도가 워낙 많다 보니 여러 가지 상황에 따라 달리 부르는 경우도 많기 때문이다. 한 지점에 짝을 이루는 복수지명의 개수는 최소 2개에서부터 최대 8개까지로 나타나 있는데, 2개씩의 복수지명을 가진 지점이 753곳에 지명 수 1,506개로서, 총 지점 수 967곳에 대해 77.9%이고 총 복수지명 수 2,225개에 대해 67.6%로서 압도적으로 많이 존재한다. 복수지명이 많아질수록 분포율은 반비례하여 낮아지는데, 3개씩의 복수지명을 보유한 지점이 162곳 16.8%에 지명 수가 486개 21.9%였고, 4개씩의 복수지명을 보유한 지점이 37곳 3.8%에 지명 수가 148개 26.7%였으며, 이 밖에 5개부터 8개까지는 지점 수와 지명 수가 매우 적은 분포를 보였다. 본연구의 복수지명 유형 분류는 먼저 문자ㆍ발음ㆍ의미를 기준으로 크게 8가지(한자화ㆍ고유어화ㆍ유래ㆍ발음ㆍ생략ㆍ축약ㆍ첨가ㆍ혼용)로 대분류하였고 이들을 그 조어 방식에 따라 총 17가지(전체 한자화ㆍ기본부 한자화ㆍ수식부 한자화ㆍ유사발음 한자화ㆍ한자지명 고유어화ㆍ소재 관련 유래ㆍ지형 관련 유래ㆍ역사와 전설 관련 유래ㆍ자음의 넘나듦ㆍ모음의 넘나듦ㆍ자음 탈락ㆍ모음/음절 탈락ㆍ음절 축약ㆍ접미사 첨가ㆍ기본부 첨가ㆍ음운 첨가ㆍ기본부 혼용)로 세분하여 소분류하였다. 이러한 분류는 지역 화자들이 만들어낸 복수지명의 유형들을 파악하게 할 뿐만 아니라 복수지명을 만들어낸 방식을 예측하게 해주는 분류법이라 할 만하다. 태안지역 복수지명의 대분류 유형은 첫째가 ‘한자화’로서 569곳 47.8%, 둘째가 ‘발음’으로서 ‘자음의 넘나듦’과 ‘모음의 넘나듦’을 통한 복수지명이 301곳 25.3%, 셋째가 ‘첨가’로서 106곳 8.9%, 넷째가 ‘유래’로서 103곳 8.7%, 다섯째가 ‘탈락’으로서 58곳 4.9%, 여섯째가 ‘혼용’ 20곳 1.7%, 일곱째가 ‘축약’과 ‘고유어화’ 16곳 1.3% 지점의 순으로 나타나 있다. 태안지역 복수지명의 소분류 유형(조어 방식)은 총 16가지로서 첫째가 ‘전체 한자화’로서 281곳(23.6%)에 나타나 있고, 둘째가 ‘모음의 넘나듦’으로서 224곳(18.9%), 셋째가 ‘기본부 한자화’로서 162곳(13.6%), 넷째가 ‘수식부 한자화’로서 107곳(9%), 이 밖에 ‘자음의 넘나듦’이 77곳(6.5%), ‘기본부 첨가’가 69곳(5.8%), ‘모음/음절 탈락’이 46곳(3.9%), ‘소재의 유래’가 37곳(3.1%), ‘역사와 전설의 유래’가 35곳(2.9%), ‘지형의 유래’와 ‘접미사 첨가’가 각각 31곳(2.6%), ‘혼용’이 20곳 1.7%, ‘유사발음 한자화’가 19곳 1.6%, ‘음절 축약’이 17곳 1.4%, ‘한자지명의 고유어화’가 16곳 1.3%, ‘자음 탈락’이 12곳 1%, ‘음운 첨가’가 6곳 0.5%의 순으로 나타나 있다. This paper is a study on the types and distribution of plural placenames in Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. The total number of Taean placenames is 2,946, and the total number of points indicated by the placenames is 1,688. The total number of plural placenames is 2,225, which is 75.53% of the total number of placenames in Taean-gun, and the total number of place-points is 57.29% in 967 places. In the Taean-gun, the ratio of singular and plural placenames in the number of place-points is similar by half, but in the number of placename, plural placenames are more than two-thirds. There are a total of 55 semantic domains appearing in Taean placename, and the number of semantic domains with plural placenames is 35 (64.6%), and the number of semantic domains without plural placenames is 20 (36.4%). The semantic domains are presented in the order in which the most plural placenames appear in Taean placenames are as follows. ‘village’, ‘island’, ‘mountain-pass’, ‘mountain’, ‘valley’, ‘rock’, ‘muzzle’, ‘cape’, ‘bridge’, ‘spring’. The number of plural placenames paired at a place-point is from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 8. There are 753 place-points with two plural placenames, and the number of placenames is 1,506.This amounts to 77.9% of the total number of place-points of 967 and 67.6% of the total number of 2,225 plural placenames. Two plural placenames are overwhelmingly more numerous than the other numbers. As the number of plural placenames increases, the distribution-rate decreases in inverse proportion. The place-points number of three plural placenames is 162, 16.8%, and the number of placenames is 486, 21.9%. In the case of four plural placenames, the number of place-points is 37, 3.8%, and the number of placenames is 148, 26.7%. In addition, the place-points number (or placenames number) of from 5 to 8 plural placenames are very small. The classification of the types of plural placenames in this study was first broadly classified into 8 types based on letters, pronunciation, and meaning, and these were subdivided into 17 types according to word-formations. This classification is a taxonomy that not only identifies the types of plural placenames created by local speakers, but also predicts the way in which plural placenames were created. The major classification types of plural placenames in Taean-gun are as follows. The first is ‘Chinese characterization’ in 569 places, 47.8%, the second is ‘pronunciation’ in 301 places using ‘consonant alternation’ and ‘vowel alternation’ in 301 places, 25.3%, and third, ‘addition in 106 places 8.9%, The fourth is ‘origin in 103 places 8.7%, the fifth is ‘deletion in 58 places 4.9%, the sixth is ‘mixed’ in 20 places 1.7%, the seventh is ‘abbreviation’ at 17 places 1.4%, the eighth is ‘native language’ at 16 places. 1.3%. There are a total of 16 sub-categorization types (that is the word-formations) of Taean-gun plural placenames, and the order in which they appear the most is as follows. ‘Full Chinese characterization’, ‘Vowel alternation’, ‘Chinese characterization of basic element in placename’, ‘Chinese characterization of modifier element in placename’, ‘Consonants alternation’, ‘Addition of basic element’, ‘Deletion of vowels/syllables’, ‘Origin of site’, ‘Origin of history and legend’, ‘Origin of topography’, ‘Addition of suffixes’, ‘Mixing’, ‘Chinese characters with similar pronunciation’, ‘Abbreviation of syllables’, ‘Koreanization of Chinese placenames’, ‘Deletion of consonants’, ‘Addition of phonemes’.

      • KCI등재

        지명어에 나타난 경음화 양상 고찰

        성희제(Hee-je, Seong) 어문연구학회 2010 어문연구 Vol.63 No.-

        Yoongdong placenarne consist of [front part + back parn When [+obs] consonants cαne in a word end of front part,lax consonants(ㅂ,ㄷ,ㄱ,ㅈ,ㅅ) automatically change into a glottalized consonants. When vowel or sonorant ∞n∞nants come in a word end of front part,and when ㅅ intervenes between front part and back part, lax consonants in first of back part change into a glottalized consonants. First change is alternation by obligatory rule. and second change is alternation by optionary rule. 'Tuk'(a bank) reconstruct of /t'uk/ in Yengdong dialect. Therefore ‘tuk’must be change into It /t'uk/ in a list of back place morpheme(BPM). Environments that ㅅ/s/ intervenes in Korean compound-words is classified in detail. But in compound-words of place name. existece of ㅅ/s/ is determinded by specified BMPs(/-pawi/(rock), /-san/(Mauntain), /-sup/(forest), /-sεm/(spring), /-sӘnaŋdaŋ/(village shrine), /-soryuci/(brooklet), /-poŋ/(peak), /-cӘŋca/(arbour), /-cal/(temple), /-cepaŋ/(bank)). namely. when such BPMs or chinese-letter placenames come ㅅ/s/ can't intervenes between front part and back part. If such specified BPM don't come in back part, glottalized rule of inner compuond word in yeongdong placenarnes can be obligatory rule.

      • KCI등재

        대전 서남부 지명어의 음운과 형태 연구 - 새 택지 개발 예정지를 중심으로

        성희제(Hee-Je Seong) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.52 No.-

          This paper is devoted to studying place names of the south-west areas of Daejeon. In the near future, these areas shall be developed as housing sites. Though there is no any special geographical character, the place names need to be classified because of the possible danger of disappearance. In order to analyze the data, this paper employs a different approach from existing methods. For example, various terms in the components of place names are categorized into the two terms; the front part element and the back part element. Moreover, unmarked element ? is devised in describing the back part element. Not only the phonological process but also the immediate component of these place names is analyzed. The frequency of each place name in word-structures explains common word-structure in the areas. Comparing the number of syllables and morphemes in these place names with general data of Korean total word illuminates the objective characteristics of these place names. The most important data among these place names is "덜레기"[d?llegi], which turns out to be unique in Korean place names.

      • KCI등재

        후부지명소의 분포를 통한 지명어의 지역적 특성 연구

        성희제(Hee-Je, Seong) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper studies on regional distributions of the main place-name 'village, valley, mountain pass, rock' in yeongdong, chungbuk province. In place-names of 'village' back place-name morphemes(BPM), the most popular one is '-Ø' group(279words, 51.6%) and nextly '-고을' group(158, 29.2%), '-마을’ group(91, 16.8%), ‘-뜸’group(11,20%), ‘-동네’group(2, 0.4%) are ranked in order.(Ø is unmarkedness BPM) Of all yeongdong place-names, '-Ø' place-mame is the most in 'village' place-name. Among '-Ø' place-name, suffix '-이' place-name is the most as 74 words 26.5%. In Yeongdong, '-말' form place-name prevails in the chungcheong dialect area whil '마' from place- name does in the gyeongsang dialect area. In place-names of 'valley' BPM, the most popular one is '-골'group(1008words, 86.1%) and nextly '-Ø' group(136, 11.6%), '-실’group(16, 1.4%), ‘-골짜기/골짝’ group(7, 0.6%), ‘-굴’ group(2, 0.2%), ‘-울’ group(1, 0.1%) are ranked in order '-골‘ form place-name is more than sixtyfold of '-실’ form in valley place-names. In place-names of 'hill'(mountain-pass)' BPM, the most popular one is '-재' group(108words, 46.7%) and nextly '-고개’group(87, 37.7%), ‘-티/치’ group(22, 9.5%), ‘-Ø’group(14, 6.1%) are ranked in order. '-재' form place-name is more than '-고개’ form in gyeongsang dialect area & chungcheong dialect area 'yonghwa', 'haksan' in yeongdong. In place-names of 'rock' BPM, the most popual one is '-바우'group(85words 56.3%) and nextly '-바위’ group(42, 27.8%), ‘-Ø’group(13, 8.6%), ‘-돌’group(4, 2.6%), ‘-방구’group, ‘-벼루’group(2, 1.3%) ‘-바구’group, ‘-베루’group, ‘-독’group(1, 0.7%) are ranked in order. In the place names of Ø BPM, suffix '-이' place-names don't wholly exist. There is one by one '-바구', ‘-베루’, ‘-독’ form place-names in chungcheong area 'simcheon', 'yanggang', 'yeongdong', but isn't in gyeongsang area. The research method of this paper make special quality clear in each region. In addition, this method will be based on place-name map in Korea.

      • 선박 디젤엔진용 NOx 배출저감을 위한 SCR 시스템 상용화

        양희성(Hee-Sung Yang),성희제(Hee-Je Seong),고준호(Joon-Ho Ko),이성영(Sung-young Lee),박기용(Kee-Yong Park),박종국(Jong-Kuk Park),송석용(Seok-Yong Song) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2006 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.-

        The International Maritime Organization announced that the regulation of nitrogen oxide put into force for vessels constructed after 2000 from May, 2005 as agenda is satisfied on May, 2004. A honeycomb-typed Pillared Inter-Layered Clay(PILC) catalyst was developed for de-NOx SCR system in 2004. This catalyst has been applied to 9H25/33 engine that is one of the main diesel engines in Engine Machinery Division of the Hyundai Heavy Industries CO., LTD. In addition, we have tried to develop better catalysts in the aspects of easy synthetic method and performance.

      • KCI등재

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