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      • KCI등재

        기계번역을 활용한 한영번역에서의 번역품질 비교연구

        변길자(Byun, Gilja) 미래영어영문학회 2021 영어영문학 Vol.26 No.3

        This paper aims to suggest how to produce a better translation method in Korean-English machine translation. For this purpose, it compares translation error types and frequencies according to three machine translation methods; the pre-editing, post-editing and the combination of pre- and post-editing. In the experiment, 31 subjects are divided according to the TOEIC score and a selected translation method. The subjects are required to translate a 450-word report text through Papago, one of the machine translation tools and participate in the survey related to the reason for a selected translation method. The analysis shows subjects with the lower TOEIC scores below 600 select the pre-editing method while those with the higher TOEIC scores above 600 choose the post-editing and the combination of pre- and post-editing methods. It also indicates depending on a selected translation method, translation error types and frequencies are different. The better machine translations are produced by subjects who have higher TOEIC scores and choose the combination of pre- and post-editing method. This paper is meaningful in that the machine translation materials are analyzed and compared according to the three machine translation methods and the findings are utilized in translation and writing classes.

      • 제주방언화자의 세대별(20 대, 50 대, 70 대) 이중모음의 음향분석과 이중모음체계

        김원보(Wonbo Kim),변길자(Gilja Byun),고미숙(Misook Ko) 한국음성학회 2007 음성과학 Vol.14 No.4

        This study attempted to acoustically analyze the diphthongs of native Jeju speakers in their 70s, 50s, and 20s to observe their diphthong inventories 96 subjects participated in the recording using a set of picture cards. Results show that Jeju dialect speakers in their 70s distinguish /we/ and /w?/, /yo/ and /y?/, but have difficulty pronouncing /ye/, /y?/, and /?y/ correctly. It is interesting to find that the diphthong inventory of Jeju dialect speakers in their 50s are in transitional stage. They share the diphthong inventories of those people in their 70's containing /we/ and /w?/, and /yo/ and /y?/, but they do not produce them as clearly as the latter age group. The former age group also share the common feature with those people in their 20's because both age groups show the same pronunciation of /?y/. The youngest group seldom pronounce /we/ and /w?/, /yo/ and /y?/ correctly unlike native Jeju speakers in their 70s, but they can easily pronounce the diphthong /?y/ like standard Korean speakers.

      • KCI등재

        영어전공 대학생과 번역전공 대학원생의 번역물 비교연구

        김원보(Kim, Wonbo),변길자(Byun, Gilja) 미래영어영문학회 2017 영어영문학 Vol.22 No.3

        This paper compares translations of English major undergraduate and translation major graduate students from the perspective of translationeses. First, this comparison reveals that undergraduate students commit more translationleses and so the quality of their translations is much lower than that of their counterpart. It is suggested that undergraduate students should be taught the basic education about translation during their undergraduate course to help them improve their translation ability. Second, both of them make the most translation errors in long and complex sentence translations and lexical translations. They need to enhance reading comprehension ability of complex English sentences and background knowledge about various topics. Furthermore, students should be aware that the actual meanings of words in sentences are determined by contexts, not lexicographic meanings. Third, students commit some translation errors in literal translations and the use of the plural ending. Literal translations and the wrong use of the plural ending can produce awkward translations in terms of either readability or meaning delivery. They should be taught that different languages have different linguistic characteristics.

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