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        부산 경남 지역 간호 대학생과 간호사의 영적 요구도 비교

        조현(Cho, Hyun),심은경(Sim, Eun-Kyung),권영채(Kwon, Young-Chae),배영희(Bae, Young-Hee),우영옥(Woo, Young-Ok),지재훈(Ji, Jae-Hoon),정자영(Jung, Ja-Young) 한국산학기술학회 2012 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.5

        본 연구는 건강한 사람보다는 불건강한 즉 질병에 노출될 가능성이 많은 사람들을 간호의 대상으로 하는 간 호 대학생과 간호사의 영적 요구도를 비교 파악하기 위한 목적으로 수행하였다. 2011년 9월부터 10월까지 부산 경남 지역의 간호사 총 153명과 간호 대학생 총 147명을 대상으로 설문 조사 수집하였으며 최종 200부를 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 영적 케어 요구도 수준을 ‘사랑과 유대감’, ‘희망과 평화’. ‘삶의 의미와 목적’, ‘죽음의 수용’, ‘신과의 관 계’에 대한 5가지 영역으로 구분하여 조사한 결과 간호사 집단에서는 사랑과 유대감이 가장 수준이 높았으며(r=3.82), 신과의 관계 영역이 가장 낮은 수준이었다(r=2.73). 이에 비하여 간호 대학생의 집단에서도 5개의 영역 중 사랑과 유 대감 영역의 수준이 가장 높았고(r=3.92), 신과의 관계 영역의 수준이 가장 낮았다(r=2.99).간호사와 간호 대학생간에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보인 것은 ‘죽음의 수용’과 ‘신과의 관계’였으며 간호 대학생이 간호사에 비해 ‘죽음의 수 용’과 ‘신과의 관계’에 대한 요구도 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 간호사의 영적요구도 영역간의 상관관계를 살펴보 면 ‘삶의 의미와 목적’이 ‘희망과 평화’ 영역과의 관련성이 가장 높았고(r=.699), ‘신과의 관계’ 영역과 ‘희망과 평화’ 간의 관련성이 가장 낮았다(r=.247). 간호 대학생의 영적요구도 영역간의 상관관계 분석결과, ‘삶의 의미와 목적’이 ‘희망과 평화’ 영역과의 관련성이 가장 높았고(r=.660), ‘죽음의 수용’과 ‘신과의 관계’ 영역간의 관련성이 가장 낮은 것으로 조사되었다(r=.277). 따라서 향후 연구에서는 본 연구의 결과에서 도출된 영적 간호 제공자인 간호 대학생과 간호사의 영적 요구도를 바탕으로 더욱 효율적이고 체계화된 영적 간호 교육 프로그램 개발이 필요한 것으로 사료된다. This study is based upon 200 final responses from a survey conducted for 153 nurses and 147 nursing students in Busan and Gyeongnam province from september to october 2011. It is carried out to compare and understand the spiritual needs of nurses and nursing students that are inclined to be more exposed unhealthy people rather than healthy people. In this study, the level of spiritual care needs was divided into five fields such as ‘love and fellowship’, ‘hope and peace’, ‘meaning and purpose of life’, ‘acceptance of death’ and ‘relationship with God’ and was investigated. As a result, the love and fellowship was the highest level in group of nurses (r = 3.82) and the relationship with God was the lowest one (r = 2.73). In contrast, a group of nursing students showed that love and fellowship was the highest level (r = 3.92) and relationship with God was the lowest (r = 2.99) among five fields. There were statistical significances between nurses and nursing students in ‘acceptance of death’ and ‘relationship with God’ (p <0.05). When looking at correlation between fields of spiritual needs of nurses, the correlation between ‘meaning and purpose of life’ and ‘hope and peace’ was the highest (r = .699) and the correlation between ‘relationship with God’ and ‘hope and peace’ was the lowest (r = .247). As the result of analysis on correlation between fields of spiritual needs of nursing students, the correlation between ‘meaning and purpose of life’ and ‘hope and peace’ was the highest (r = .660) and the correlation between ‘acceptance of death’ and ‘relationship with God’ was the lowest (r = .277). Therefore, it would be imperative to develop a more efficient and systemized education program for the spiritual care of nursing patients, on the basis of understanding the spiritual needs of nurses and nursing students.

      • KCI등재

        가임 여성의 인공유산에 대한 지식. 태도. 경험

        배영희,정문숙 경북대학교 간호과학연구소 2004 경북간호과학지 Vol.8 No.1

        From August 10 to September 15 of 2002, for this research a questionnaire survey was conducted to gather information about knowledge, attitudes, and experiences towards induced abortion of 528 residentially urban eligible women. The results of this study were as follows; Generally the average level of knowledge about induced abortion is 14.6 points and people in the thirties scored 14.8 points, which is the highest. In an educational level, those who were graduated from colleges scored 14.9 points. The professionals and secretary assistants scored 15.0 points. People who had grown up in the metropolitan area scored 14.9 points. Therefore, there was a significant difference of point level on an account of educational level, occupation, and ones grown place. Due to the survey stats, 98 percent of the answer suggested that induced abortion psychologically burdens women, followed by that induced abortion can cause hemorrhage. According to the Mother and Child Health Law, the percentage of allowing legitimate induced abortion during 28th week after pregnancy was 32. Taking a look at attitudes towards induced abortion, the percentage of allowing induced abortion when a woman had unwanted pregnancy was 75.6. However, the percentage of allowing induced abortion through a gender differential diagnosis was only 20.3. The rate of allowing induced abortion to secure the fetus life in any condition was 64.8, followed by 57.1 percent of approving induced abortion for an unmarried mother Except when having a gender differential diagnosis, the rate of allowing induced abortion was high. In case to secure the fetus life, younger people agreed more with induced abortion (p<0.05). There was an eminently sharp difference among Catholic, metropolitan (p<0.05), people without children. The rate of agreeing with induced abortion for an unmarried mother was high and there was a prominent difference as ones education level was lower. The higher the age was, the higher the percentage of allowing legitimate induced abortion during 28th week after pregnancy. The rate was also higher among Buddhist (p<0.01) and less educated people. Observing a rate of experiencing induced abortion if ones married or unmarried, 74.3 percent of married women experienced induced abortion. So did 14.4 percent of unmarried women. The higher rate appeared among people at higher age, Buddhist, less educated people, and low skilled workers. There was a significant difference among age, academic background, and people with children or without children (p<0.05, p<0.01). Confirming the actual condition of women who experienced induced abortion, 55.5 percent of 218 women, who experienced induced abortion, went through induced abortion at least once and 13.4 percent of them did it three times. The average age of women for initiating induced abortion was 26.8 years old and the average age at the last stage was 31.6 years old. An operating location was most likely to be a gynecological hospital (95.4 %). The side effect of inducted abortion was dizziness (67.9 %), requiring average four days of treatment. The correlation between knowledge and induced abortion demonstrated that the rate of experiencing induced abortion grew higher lacking in knowledge. Monitoring the rate of contraception among women who were married or unmarried, 66.7 percent of married women were practicing birth control and 6.5 percent of unmarried women were also doing it. For married women, there was a significant difference of pregnancy rate on account of age and children. However for unmarried women a major difference of pregnancy rage appeared in every point but religion (p<0.01).

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