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      • KCI등재

        흉복부유합중복기형아의 1예

        배석천(SC Bae),정구윤(KY Chung),오원섭(WS O) 대한산부인과학회 1975 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.18 No.9

        최근 가톨릭의대 산부인과교실에서 흉복부 유합중복 기형아 1례를 경험하였기에 간략한 문 헌고찰과 아울려 증례를 보고하였다. A case of human double monster, thoracoventropagus , consisting of 2 female fetuses united from the upper part of the sternum to common umbilicus delivered by classical cesarean section on the 38 weeks of gestation and a brief review of the literature consisting double monster are presented.

      • KCI등재

        초음파 진단장치를 이용한 임신 전반기의 자궁 및 태아의 발육측정

        배석천(SC Bae),유태건(TK Yoo),김창이(CY Kim),노영철(YC Roh) 대한산부인과학회 1978 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.21 No.6

        저자들은 1976년 1월부터 만 6개월 동안 가톨릭의과대학 부속 성모병원 산부인과에 내원한 환자중 임신 5주에서 21주까지의 산모 67명에 대하여 81회의 초음파 단층촬영을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 태아상은 임신 6주의 9예중 3예(33.3%), 7주의 8예중 5예(62.5%), 그리고 8주 이후에는 모든 예(100.0%)에서 관찰되었다. 2) 자궁의 종경은 임신 5주부터 21주까지 7.3cm에서 18.9cm으로 증가하여 희귀직선은 0.71 wks+3.14 (r=0.96, P<0.01)이었고, 최대전후경은 동일기간 동안 4.2cm에서 10.0cm으로 증가하였으며 희귀직선은 0.27 wks+3.53 (r=0.83, P<0.01)이었다. 3) 태낭은 임신 5주부터 12주까지 1.4cm에서 5.3cm으로 증가하였으며 희귀직선은 0.53 wks-1.41 (r=0.92, P<0.01)이었다. 4) 아두대횡경치는 임신 11주부터 21주까지 1.8cm에서 4.6cm으로 증가하였고 희귀직선은 0.30 wks-1.80 (r=0.53, P<0.01)이었다. 임신 전반기에 시행한 초음파 단층촬영의 측정치들이 이 희귀직선들과 일치하면 정상적으로 진행되는 임신으로 간주할 수 있다. Gestational assessment in early stage has always been a challenge to the obstetricans. It is not always possible to draw definitive conclusions of the basis of uterine size, and positive immunological pregnancy tests are not always indicative of a normally progressing pregnancy because of hCG excretion continues as long as there is even a little trophoblast tissue left in the uterus. Roentgenological studies are reliable only around the 20th week of gestation with limited diagnostic and prognostic potential. Ultrasound have, in contrast, been shown to be capable of distinguishing the normally progressing pregnancies from abnormal cases after 5th week of pregnancy. This study consisted of sixty seven presumably normal gravidas whose last menstrual period was known precisely and who were subjected to sonographic analysis at varying intervals from the fifth to the twenty first week of amenorrhea at the Dept. of Obst. & Gynecol., Catholic Medical College from 1st of Jan. 1976 to 31st of July 1976. Some were examined serially at various intervals during early pregnancy. Others had only one set of observations. The B-scan was employed for all examinations. The results were as follows; 1. In the 5 weeks and 3 days of pregnancy a small "white ring" can visualized as the earliest sign of detection for gestation sac, and by the 6 weeks fetal echoes were clearly visible within the gestation sac. Between the 11th-12th week the gestation sac and the fetal head were appeared. There was disappeared the gestation sac from the 13th weeks. 2. Fetal echoes were visible in the 6th week of pregnancy in 33.3% of normal pregnancies (n=9), in the 7th week in 62.5% (n=8) and from the 8th week onward in 100% of cases. 3. Although the number of observations in each instance is not great, the growth of the uterus, the gestational sac, and the fetal head all appear to bear a linear correlation to the duration of pregnancy. a) From the 5th to the 21st week, the regression equation obtained for longitudinal growth of the uterus was y=0.71 wk

      • KCI등재

        다태임신의 임상통계적 관찰

        배석천(SC Bae),남궁성은(SE Namkoog),김도강(DK Kim),오원섭(WS O) 대한산부인과학회 1976 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.19 No.7

        가톨릭 의과대학 산하 8개 병원 산실에서 1970년 1월1일부터 1974년 12월31일까지 만 5년간 총 분만수 41272명중 다태임신 551명에 대한 임상통계적 고찰을 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 단태분만에 대항 쌍태, 3태 그리고 4태 분만의 비율은 각각 1:76.0, 1:5896 그리고 1:41272 였으며 연도별 빈도는 의미잇는 변화를 볼 수 없었다. 2. 다태임신의 연령분포는 최연소자 18세, 최고령자 44세였고, 평균 연령은 29세였으며 경산 부가 쌍태, 3태 그리고 4태에서 각각 63.4% , 85.8% 그리고 100%였다. 3. 쌍태에서 다태이민의 가족력이 잇는 사람은 26예(6%) 과거력이 있는 사람은 2예(0.5%)였 다. 4. 임신기간은 쌍태의 경우 37-40주군이 57.9%, 3태의 경우도 37-40주군이 50%로 가장 많 앗고 4태는 33-36주군에 잇엇다. 5. 쌍태의 분만지속시간은 평균 16시간 12분이엇고 제 1아 만출로부터 제2아 만출까지의 소 요시간은 평균 11분이었다. 6. 태위는 쌍태에서 두위-두위가 47.3%, 두위-둔위가 41.1%로 대부분이었으며 3태와 4태에 서 제 1아가 두위인 것이 각각 3예, 1예이었다. 7. 쌍태아의 평균체중은 2295.7gm으로 제 1아는 2349.5gm이고 제2아는 2241.8gm이었다. 8. 쌍태에서 양측 남아가 40.2% 양측여아가 41.1%로 동성인 경우가 81.3%, 남녀이성인 경우 가 18.8%였으며 태반은 단일융모막 및 이중양막이 약 반수를 나타냈다. 9. 모체의 합병증으로는 산전에는 임신증독증, 조산, 빈혈, 분만중에는 조기파수, 자궁기능부 전, 그리고 분만후에는 산후출혈 등이 있었다. 1. During the period there were 543 sets of twin births 7 sets of triplets and 1 set of quadruplets and no sighnificant difference revealed annual incidence of multiple births. 2. The youngest was 18 year old woman, the oldest was 44 year old woman and average age was 29 year old woman in multiple pregnancies. Primipara was occupied 63.4% 3. The familial and previous history of multiple pregnancies was 26 (6%) cases and 2 (0.5%) cases in twin pregnancies respectively. 4. An incidence of 57.9% of twin and 50% of triplets were delivered between the 37th and 40th week of gestation and one case of quadruplets was belong between 33th and 36 th week of gestation. 5. In presentation of twin pregnancies vertex vertex combination was 47.3% and vertex-breech combination was 41.1%. Vertex presentation of 1st twin was 3 cases in triplets and 1 caese in quadruplets. 6. In the twin deliveries were 218 (40.2%) cases of both males, 223 (41.1%) cases of both females and 102 (18.8%) cases of opposite sex. And in about half of the twin deliveries the placentas with monochorionic and diamniotic membranes were seen 7. The mode of delivery in twin pregnancy the 1st twin baby 51.6% in sponataneous delivery, 21.9% in vaccum delivery and 13.1% in cesarean section and the 2nd twin baby was 31.7% in spontaneous delivery 27.9% in breech extraction and 19.1% in vaccum delivery. 73 cases of cesarean section 13.4% was encountered it`s main indication being such as uterine dysfunction and elective cesarean section. 8. As maternal complications of twin pregnancy ; the antepartum complication was toxemia, premature labor and anemia, the intrapartum complications was PRM and uterine dysfunctin, and the postpartum complication was postpartum hemorrhage, etc 9. there were 133 perinatal deaths it revealing 12.6% of perinatal mortality rate of twin and two cases of maternal deaths were encountered.

      • KCI등재

        만삭 중복자궁의 자연파열 1예

        배석천(SC Bae),하상호(SH Ha),강성원(SW Kang) 대한산부인과학회 1975 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.18 No.7

        35세의 경산부에서 임신 41주에 만삭 중복자궁의 자연파열 1례를 경험하였기에 간략한 문헌 고찰과 아울려 증례를 보고하였다. One case of spontaneous rupture of pregnant double uterus in full term pregnant double uterus was observed at 29th, Aug 1974 of Obst and Gynec. of St mary`s Hospital and a brief review of literature on the female genital anomalies is presented in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        X - 선 유방촬영술 ( Mammography ) 을 이용한 생리적 유방변화외 기타 유방병변에 관한 관찰

        배석천(SC Bae),장봉림(BR Jang),김도강(DK Kim),송승규(SK Song) 대한산부인과학회 1979 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.22 No.1

        저자들은 1976년 1월부터 만 1년간 카톨릭의과대학 부속 성모병원 산부인과학교실에서 환자 51명에 대한 53예의 X-선 유방촬영술을 실시하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 주상구조는 월경후 시일이 경과할수록 점차 얇아져서 월경후 12일경에 가장 얇아지고 선명하게 보이며 그후 월경의 시기에 가까이 갈수록 주상구조는 점차 두꺼워지며 소실되고 선상구조의 유식을 보인다. 2) 임신부터 산후 3일에 가까울수록 선상구조의 증식은 더 심하여지고 산후 3개월로 갈수록 약간 감소하는 경향을 보인다. 특히 임신과 수유시에는 선상 구조의 증식 때문에 병적 소견을 발견하기 어렵다. 3) 폐경의 기간이 길수록 주상구조는 더욱 얇아지고 현저해지며 선상구조는 점차 소실되고 지방으로 대체된다. 4) 병적소견이 있었던 9예중 5예에서 DY형의 유방을 보였고 N1형은 없었다. 그러므로 DY형의 유방을 가진 사람은 더욱 더 주의깊은 검사가 필요하리라고 본다. Having reached a statement over the past several decades in the therapy of breast carcinoma, many have turned their attention to methods of earlier diagnosis. Toward this end the utility of survey mammography as a cancer detection method has been widely tested. Female breast have great individual variation in shape, structure, and size. And moreover there are gross and histological changes following menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. So these physiologic changes are the base in the diagnosis of breast diseases. 53 mammography were performed on 51 patients during the period of January, 1976 to December, 1976 in Ob & Gyn Dept. of Catholic Medical College. The results were as follows: 1) Trabeculation of the fibrous tissue support is prominent on the twelveth day of the cycle. Later, proressive swelling and denseness of firous tissue occurs with loss of trabeculation. Tissue density reaches its height at the beginning of the menses and then regreses. 2) The proliferation of ductal pattern progress during the pregenancy till the postpartum third day and then regressed. During pregnancy & lactation, the detection of pathologic lesion is difficult due to proliferation of ductal pattern. 3) The more advancing age after-menopause is, the more prominent trabeculation becomes, the more ductal pattern regressed and changed to fat. 4) In 9 cases of pathologic findings, 5 cases showed DY type and there was no N1 type. So the DY type breast must be taken more careful examination.

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