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      • KCI등재후보

        82년생 김원영의 장애인 서사에 나타난 희망과 욕망의 양태(樣態)

        방귀희(Bang, Gui-Hee) 한국장애학회 2020 한국장애학 Vol.5 No.2

        본 연구는 우리 사회에서 배제와 차별의 대상이 되고 있는 장애인이 느끼는 장애인 인식과 그에 대한 장애인 당사자의 반응 양태를 82년생 장애인 작가 김원영의 작품들을 통해 인문학적 접근 방식으로 탐색하였다. 82년생은 3040세대로 사회 환경은 급격히 변화하였지만 사회 인식은 지체되어 여전히 불평등한 상황이 일어나고 있어서 현실과 이상 사이에서 갈등하는 세대이기에 82년생 장애인 작가의 작품은 우리 사회의 고질적인 장애인 인식 문제의 민낯을 잘 드러내고 있다. 실제로 장애인 당사자들이 겪는 가장 큰 어려움은 몸에 있는 불편이나, 사회에 있는 장벽보다는 비장애인들의 인식이다. 그래서 비장애인의 장애인 인식에 어떤 문제가 있는지, 그런 문제는 왜 생겼는지에 대한 정확한 진단이 필요하다. 그 진단을 위해 우리 사회에서 소위 소외계층에 속하는 환경 속에서 엘리트로 성장하여 연극 무대에서 거침없이 자신의 몸을 보여주며 장애인에게 희망이 아닌 욕망에 충실해야 한다고 주장하고 있는 김원영변호사의 저서 <희망 대신 욕망>과 <실격당한 자들을 위한 변론> 그리고 김원영이 직접 시나리오를 집필하고 배우로 열연한 19회 서울변방연극제 참가작 연극 <사랑 및 우정에서의 차별금지 및 권리구제에 관한 법률>을 중심으로 장애인 인식의 내밀한 진실을 분석하였다. 김원영(2019)은 몸을 가진 존재 그대로 개별자로서 인정받고 싶다는 욕망이 내재해있어서 각자의 욕망을 통제하고, 서로의 욕망을 조정하여, 타인의 정체성과 차이를 받아들이고, 갈등과 대립은 최소화하며 살아야 한다고 주장하였는데, 인간관계로 표출되는 장애인 인식은 그 사람이 갖고 있는 자아(自我)가 나타나는 양태로 드러나기에 김원영의 주장대로 조금 더 자유롭고 즐겁게 누군가의 권리, 아름다움, 존엄성, 삶의 가치를 옹호하는 방법을 연구하고자 한다. This study explored the perception of the disabled felt by the disabled who were the objects of exclusion and discrimination in our society, and the response aspect of the disabled, in the humanistic approach to the works by a disabled author Kim, Won-Young born in 1982. The people born in 1982 are the generation in their 30s-40s. Even though the social environment has been rapidly changed, such unequal situations are still happening based on the delayed social perception, so that this generation is torn between reality and ideal. Thus, the works by the disabled author born in 1982 fully reveal the bare-faced perception of the disabled, which is a chronic problem of our society. For the diagnosis, this study analyzed the inner truth in the perception of the disabled, focusing on the books <Desire Instead of Hope> and <Defense on the Behalf of the Disqualified> by lawyer Kim, Won-Young who grew up as an elite from so-called underprivileged class, showed his own body without hesitation on the theater stage, and also argued that the disabled should be faithful to their desire, instead of hope, and a play <Act on the Prohibition of Discrimination against Love and Friendship, and Protection of Rights> participating in the 19th Seoul Marginal Theater Festival, in which Kim, Won-Young wrote the scenario and enthusiastically performed as an actor. Kim, Won-Young(2019) said that each individual equipped with body and desire for being recognized, should control his/her own desire, adjust mutual desires, accept the identity and differences of others, and minimize conflicts and confrontations. The dignity that is regarded as important by people is not from academic background, social status, or decorated appearance, but decided by an aspect showing oneself. Thus, just as Kim, Won-Young’s argument, it would be necessary to think about a method to more freely and joyfully protect others’ rights, beauty, dignity, and life value.

      • KCI등재후보

        세계적인 장애문인의 장애인 당사자성 탐구

        방귀희(Bang, Gui-hee) 한국장애학회 2020 한국장애학 Vol.5 No.1

        본 연구는 우리가 이미 알고 있는 세계적인 문인 가운데 장애인이 있었다는 것을 알리고, 그들이 이루어낸 업적이 장애 속에서 이루어졌다는 사실을 통해 우리가 장애인에 대해 가지고 있는 편견이 비합리적이고 소모적이라는 사실에 접근하고자 한다. 또한 그들이 집필한 세계적인 작품을 장애인 당사자 관점에서 탐색하여 작가의 장애가 세상을 보다 넓고 깊게 바라보면서 인간의 성장을 위해 독자에게 준 메시지를 탐색해보고자 한다. 연구대상은 『장애인문학론』(방귀희, 2019)의 ‘세계의 장애문인’에 수록된 장애문인 14명이며, 이들 모두는 우리의 교육과정을 통해 배워서 익히 알고 있고 또한 작품을 접한 유명한 인물들이다. 기원전부터 서기 2천 년 전까지 활동했던 장애문인들을 연대별로 나타난 작품의 키워드와 문제 요인 그리고 사회에 끼친 영향 등으로 분석하고, 연구대상자의 작품에 내재되어 있는 장애인 당자자성을 탐구하고자 하지만 작가의 장애와 관련된 자료가 워낙 부족하여 충분한 연구가 되지 못한 점을 고백한다. 장애가 있었던 세계적인 문인들이 자신의 삶의 가치를 녹여낸 작품을 통해 독자들에게 준 메시지는 인간다움의 가치와 기쁨이다. 장애문인들은 장애인 뿐 아니라 사회적 약자의 현실을 드러내고 그들이 겪는 고통을 스스로 해결해 나가는 과정을 보여주어 우리 사회에 희망이 있음을 암시해준다. 이런 희망을 확장시키기 위해 역사적인 인물의 장애를 밝히면서 인물을 재해석하는 연구를 통해 긍정적인 장애인상(相)을 제시하면서 장애인에 대한 새로운 인식을 갖도록 하는 과제가 남아있다. The purpose of this study is to let people know that there are world-class writers with disabilities among the already known literary persons and that their achievements had been achieved even in the situation of their disabilities, and thereby to reach the fact that people’s prejudice of the disabled is unreasonable and time-consuming. In addition, it explores their international literary works from the view of the disabled and looks into the finding that their disabilities helped to look at the world more widely and deeply and their messages given to readers in terms of human growth. The subjects of this study were fourteen writers with disabilities who are listed as ‘International Literary Persons with Disabilities’in「Theory of Literature of the Disabled」(Bahng Gwi-hee, 2019). The writers and their literary works have already been learned and known in Korean curriculums. Based on the writers with disabilities from B.C. to 2000 A.D., the keywords, issue factors, and social influence of their chronological works try to be analyzed. How their disabilities influence their literary works tries to be explored from the view of the disabled. In fact, there is not much research due to lack of materials about disabilities. The message that the world-class writers with disabilities give to readers through their works reflecting their life and value is the value and pleasure of humanism. The literary persons with disabilities show readers the reality of the disadvantaged as well as disabilities and the way of overcoming their pains on their own and thereby imply that there is still hope in society. Although the study subjects are still famous historically, their disabilities remain unmentioned. The fact that their disabilities influence what they are today is undeniable. Therefore, this study suggests the necessity of revealing disabilities of historical figures and marking them newly. This study focus on world-class writers with disabilities. It is expected that more research will be conducted on globally famous persons with disabilities in the circles of art, science, politics, and others.

      • KCI등재

        한·일 장애인예술 발전 과정에 관한 고찰

        방귀희 ( Bang Gui Hee ),김언지 ( Kim Eon-ji ) 한국장애인개발원 2012 장애인복지연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Due to the welfare service of disabled persons, their environment of life was improved so much. But, why do they feel discrimination and experience social exclusion? Its reason is that talents and desire of disabled persons were ignored and supports were provided for protecting the right of life simply. With one-sided service, welfare of disabled persons, their quality of life cannot be improved. Among the what disabled persons want, there is an art. It is called as art of disabled persons. There is no study on the start and process of development for the art of disabled persons in Korea and Japan. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to compare and analyze art of disabled persons between Korea and Japan and seek more developmental direction for the art of disabled persons so that disabled persons can be artists who have talents in art among the various abilities, not an object of welfare service, and become successful social participants by living a happy life and contributing for the society. Japan established Japanese disabled persons art association in 1994 as a supporting association for disabled persons artistic activities and shouted able-art movement. Able-art emphasizes that disabled persons can express other possibilities, not are incompetent. On the other hand, each disabled artists have conducted group activities by organizing Deaf art association, Sosdae literature and Korea disabled art association since the late 190s. If Japan unfolded able-art under the form supporting disabled artists, Korea has pioneered the field of disabled art for themselves. Both of two countries should prepare an opportunity that disabled artists can display their talented for the development of disabled art. If letting them display their talents by developing their artistic talents, there will be lots of disabled persons who develop their life through the art. If Korea and Japan develop and perform the policy which can develop disabled art with interests in the art of disabled art, the life of disabled artists will be improved and welfare of disabled people will be developed. Furthermore, it is expected to play a big role for the national development through the art.

      • KCI등재

        장애예술인으로 산다는 것은 -행복하면서도 고통스러운 예술-

        방귀희 ( Bang Gui Hee ) 한국장애인개발원 2012 장애인복지연구 Vol.3 No.1

        Handicapped welfare has so far been focusing on the basic right to live. However, the area of interests that a person can have is diverse, and art is one of them. But the social support for the artistic activities of handicapped is very minimal. The artistic activities of handicapped is not well known, therefore its associated problems are not exposed externally. What kind of activties that disabled artists do, and in which kind of environment they act and experience are not well known. This research has first attempted to separate the culture and the art of disabled. The culture for disabled is carried out as a method for rehabilitation such as providing amenties at cultural facilities or voucher programs to encourage cultural participation for disabled to enjoy cultural aspects. But disabled art implies a disabled person performing as an artist as the subject of an art through creation. So far disabled art has not been regarded as professional art but as the hobbies of disabled people, therefore it is hard for them to enter the artistic field. Disabled artists desire their artistic activities to be recognized as an art and the quality of their lives to be promoted by such activities and accordingly their self-esteem to be recovered. This research approaches the experiences of disabled artists phenomenologically to see how disability affects their artistic activities and how our domestic society understands the activities. By this, we are aiming to face up to the hard situation of disabled artists and find out a way for them to overcome the difficulties.

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