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      • 서독의 기술개발체제-우리나라에게 주는 시사점을 중심으로-

        박희천(Hi-chun Park) 인하대학교 산업경제연구소 1990 경상논집 Vol.4 No.-

        This study focuses on the West German R & D system which is characterized by government's leading role, strong government-supported laboratory structure and extensive promotion of basic research. The German Federal and Lander governments playa leading role in the effort to establish a position as a world technological leader by financing one third of the German R & D budget. They fund most of basic and large-scale research executed by universities and government-supported laboratories as well as a substantial part of industrial R & D. West Germany has experienced for the last three decades a sustained extension of the government-supported laboratory structure comprising as of the end of 1989 13 national research centres with a high requirement for large-scale equipement for basic research, 60 institutes of the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) for basic research and 35 institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft(FhG) for contract research. This laboratory structure represents along with the traditional university laboratories the backbone of the German R & D system. And another characteristic of the German system seems to be that the importance of basic research is undisputed and that its financing has been able to be kept at a high level. West Germany is now by far the most basic research intensive country of the world. It spends more than 20% of the national R & D budget for basic research. One possible stimulation of this study for the Korean technology policy is the necessity for an extensive promotion of basic and large-scale research. For the last three decades Korea has concentrated on the development of industrial technology by creating the Korea Institute of Science and Technology(KIST) and a great number of laboratories in areas of particular industries such as petrochemicals and machine building which are largely contract research organizations like the FhG type institutes. Although Korea's technology system has enabled a rapid industrialization of the country, it will no longer garantee further economic development. This is because the Korean R & D budget has been yet very small both in absolute and relative term. And there has been hardly any important basic research. In order to have a sustained technological and economic development, Korea has to exert itself seriously for basic and large-scale research. Apart from extensively promoting basic research executed by universities there is a need for creating German national centre and MPG type institutes which should work closely with the academic communities.

      • KCI등재

        한국 가정부문의 직간접 에너지소비: 산업연관분석

        박희천 ( Hi Chun Park ) 한국환경경제학회·한국자원경제학회(구 한국환경경제학회) 2013 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.22 No.3

        상품 및 서비스 소비구조의 변경을 통해 에너지절약이 실현될 수 있기 때문에 가정부문의 간접 및 총 에너지소비를 추정할 필요가 있다. 가정부문의 직간접 에너지소비를 보다 정확히 추정하기 위해 본 연구는 기업과 소비자(가정부문) 간 석유제품 및 전력의 가격을 차별화하였다. 한국의 가정부문은 1995-2010년 기간 중 한국 1차 에너지소비 중 55% 이상을 소비하였다. 가정부문의 에너지소비 중 69% 이상이 간접 에너지소비였다. 따라서 가정부문의 직접뿐만 아니라 간접 에너지소비도 에너지절약의 대상이 되어야 한다. 전력 소비는 2009년 한국의 가정부문의 주 에너지소비가 되었다. 생활수준이 향상됨으로써 가정부문은 전력 원단위가 높은 상품과 서비스를 소비하게 되었다. 한국 가정부문이 소비하는 제품의 에너지 원단위가 낮아짐으로써, 에너지소비의 증가율이 감소하게 되었다. 반면에 한국 가정부문의 상품 및 서비스 소비구조는 에너지 다소비형으로 변경되어 오히려 에너지소비 증가를 가속시키는 결과를 초래함으로써, 구조효과는 악화되었다. 이에 따라 에너지정책은 에너지소비를 감소시키기 위해 소비자로 하여금 에너지 저소비형 재화와 용역을 소비하도록 유도하여야 한다. 에너지 저소비형 소비를 촉진시킬 수 있는 주요 수단인 에너지가격 현실화가 요구된다. As energy conservation can be realized through changes in the composition of goods and services consumed, there is a need to assess indirect and total household energy consumption. The Korean household sector was responsible for more than 55% of Korea`s total energy consumption in the 1995 to 2010 period. More than 69% of household energy consumption was indirect. Thus, not only direct but also indirect household energy consumption should be the target of energy conservation. Electricity consumption became in 2009 the main source of household energy consumption in Korea. Households consume more and more electricity intensive goods and services, a sign of increasing living standards. Decrease in energy intensities of products consumed by Korean households contributed greatly to reduce the increase in the total household energy consumption. However, switching took place towards more energy intensive products, thus the structure effect was negative. It is necessary to direct consumption and production towards much less energy intensive goods and services as to reduce energy consumption or its growth rate. The Korean government should readjust low energy and electricity prices to cost-reflective prices levels as these low prices are one of the main reasons for the consumption of more energy intensive products. This study differentiates prices of oil products and electricity between households and industries, as to allow more accurate estimation.

      • KCI등재
      • 경제발전과 기술개발전략

        박희천(Hi-chun Park) 인하대학교 산업경제연구소 1991 경상논집 Vol.5 No.-

        The Knowledge in the evolution of the technology development model in the course of economic development is of great importance for the question of what kind of a technology development strategy a developing country has to choose at each stage of economic development. The discussion on the Korean model of the transition from a developing country to a newly industrializing country (NICS) and the West German model for a developed country has shown that the technology development pattern of the both countries have been different. Not only in the past but in the future as well Korea will rely on an imitative technology development strategy whereas West Germany has enhanced its international competitiveness by adopting basically a creative technology development strategy. In other words, the Korean technology development can be compared with the Japanese model simultaneously aiming imitation and self development rather than the German model. This is because the Korean developmental environments are quite different from those faced by West Germany in the past. What a NICS country like Korea can choose as a strategy is creative imitation. An imitative technology development is necessary in order to shorten quickly the technology gap with developed countries. A NICS country can accumulate technology by repeating the process of absorbtion, adaptation and improvement of imported technology. At the same time, it has to enforce self development capacity (creative technology development) enabling to transfer technology from developed countries as well as to efficiently use transferred technology. Although the German technology development model is quite different from the Korean model, it is of great interest for Korea. The reason is because Korea can not close its technology gap with developed countries without adopting a creative technology development strategy based on basic research. The fact that West Germany could catch up with the U. S. technologies by enforcing basic research and basic technology development from 1955 to 1970, is very suggestive for the Korean technology policy. A small country like Korea has to adopt a selective technology development strategy as executed by Sweden. Switzerland. Belgium and the Netherlands rather than the Japanese strategy aiming to develop all major technology/industry areas. Korea has to concentrate its efforts on those fields where it will have international competitiveness rather than to disperse the scarce resources. It has to stimulate international technology co-operation. In order to enforce basic research and basic technology development. Korea has to encourage university research and to create German national centre (GFE) and Max-Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) type laboratories. Korea's transition to a developed country will largely depend on how successful the country will be able to enforce its basic research capacity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우크라이나 풍력발전 현황 및 전망

        김현구(Kim, Hyun-Goo),박희천(Park, Hi-Chun) 한국신재생에너지학회 2011 신재생에너지 Vol.7 No.1

        As is the case in Korea, the expansion of renewable energy dissemination is an essential matter in Ukraine when considering its energy consumption and dependence on energy import. While Korea has set about promoting the new and renewable energy industry on the back of the national policy on green growth, Ukraine expects a virtuous circle of renewable energy industry with green tariffs and the attraction of foreign capital in association with carbon emission trade. Utilizing its well-developed heavy industrial sector including the shipbuilding and automobile industries, Korea expects wind turbine manufacturing to become one of its next-generation growth engines. Ukraine is also trying to enter the wind turbine system or parts manufacturing industry based on its automobile industry and advanced aerospace technology. Although the Crimean region in Ukraine seems to have excellent wind resources, and thus shows great potential as a location for wind farm development, political instability has been a major obstacle to the attraction of foreign capital, leading to delayed investment.

      • KCI등재

        한국 제조업의 에너지효율 향상평가

        박희천 한국환경경제학회 한국자원경제학회 2001 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.10 No.2

        This study analyses the energy consumption increase by using a physical production index (PPI) based decomposition method. The energy efficiency of the Korean industry deteriorated to a large extent in the 1992 to 1997 period. This outcome, however, does not contradict the result of a previous study that the physical energy intensities (measured by energy use per production unit) decreased in four Korean energy intensive industries such as steel, cement, petrochemical and pulp and paper in the same period. Although the physical energy intensities in four industries considered decreased significantly, the energy efficiency of the Korean industry deteriorated because the increase in the value-added production was smaller than that in the physical production except for the steel industry. This outcome suggests that the reduction in the physical energy intensity alone will not result in reducing the economic energy intensity, thereby reducing the increase in the energy consumption of the Korean industry. Therefore, it necessitates to restructure the Korean industry towards a higher value-added production and to strengthen energy efficiency improvement efforts in the Korean industry. As the overinvestment in the energy intensive industries caused a deep price fall of Korean products and a reduction of the value added of the Korean industry and with it an increase in the economic energy intensity, a decrease in this intensity will highly depend on reducing the overcapacity in the energy intensive industries which was partly responsible for the currency and economic crisis of 1997.

      • KCI등재

        에너지 다소비 업종의 에너지효율 향상 평가

        박희천 韓獨經商學會 2001 經商論叢 Vol.19 No.2

        Diese Studie versucht die Verbesserungen der Energieefnzienz energieintensiver Industrien in Korea mit Hilfe einer auf einem physikalischen Produktionsindex basierenden Dekomposi-tionsmethode zu analysieren. Die Energieeffizienz der Zement-, petrochernischen und Papierindustrie verbesserte sich fur die Periode von 1992 bis 2000 jahrlich um etwa 1~3%, so dass sie viel zur Minderung der Zunahme des Energieverbrauches beitrug. Hingegen war die Effizienzverbesserung in der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie sehr klein. EbenfBlls veranderte sich die Produktions- bzw. Prozessuuktur der betrachteten Industrien ausser der petrochernischen Industrie zu einer kleineren Energieintensitat, was auch zur Minderung der Zunahme des Energieverbrauchs beitrug. Trotzdem war eine jahrliche Energieverbrauchszunahme von etwa 6.7% in der verarbreitenden Industrie su hock, was eine Anderung der Industriestruktur zu einer kleineren Energieintensitat und erhohte Massnahmen zur Energieeffizienzverbesferung und zum Energiesparen velangt. Diese Dekompositionsmethode kann auf die Analyse der Grunde uber die Energieverbrau-chszunahme nicht nor fur die Subsektoren anderer Wirtsuhaftssektoren und die Wirtschaft als Ganzes angewandt werden. Solche Analysen sollen in der Lage sein, zukiinftige Energlever-brauche besser zu prognostzieren.

      • KCI등재

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