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      • 한국어 음운 및 음운 배합론 연구 1 : 주로 자음 음운 배합을 중심하여 On the phonemes and the combination system of consonant phonemes between vowels

        박창해 연세대학교 대학원 1963 延世論叢 Vol.2 No.1

        1. Phonemics. In this thesis, the writer treats the basic phonemic patterns of the segmental and suprasegmental phonemes. 1.1 Consonants. The phonemes of the Korean consonants are produced by the point and the manner of articulation. The points of articulation are bilabial, alveolar, alveopalatal, velar and glottal, and the manner lax, (tension, aspiration), nasal and lateral. Consonant phonemes have a series of articulations; - /p/ and /m/, for instances, belong to the bilabial phonemic series and /p/, /k/ lax phonemic series. There are twelve consonant phonemes - /p,t,c,s,k,(φ), (?),h,m,n,□,l/ (and a units of consonant combinated phonemes - /pp, tt, cc, ss, kk, ph, th, ch, kh/). 1.2 Vowels. The vowel phonemes are articulated by the various forms of the lips - spread and rounded, the different height of the tongue - high, mid and low and the diverse positions of the tongue - back and front parts. The vowels which are ten in number, are thus articulated except in the case where a semivowel is followed by a vowel. 1.3 Suprasegmental Phonemes The basic patterns of suprasegmental phonemes are consisted of stress, pitch level, duration, open transition and terminal contour. 2. Phonotactics. The patterns of combination for consonant phonemes can be classified into the regular and the irregular ones. The consonant phonemes which occur at the beginning of a word are ten-/p,t,c,s,k,(φ) (?)h,m,n/. The combinations of the lax plus lax consonant phonemes and the lax plus aspiration phonemes are /pp, tt, cc, ss, kk/ and /ph, th, ch, kh/. The initial /l/ is used only in the case of the borrowed words. The consonant phonemes which occur finally are severs -/p,t,k,m,n,□,l/. The rules for combination of two (or three) consonant phonemes between two vowel phonemes are as follows. 1) When the preceding syllable ends with a lax consonant phoneme, the following lax consonant changes to a tension consonant (i.e., a unit of consonants). 2) When the preceding syllable ends with a voiced consonant phoneme, the following lax consoant phoneme is articulated as a lax consonant or a tension consonant phoneme. (When the following consonant phoneme is articulated as a lax consonant phoneme, it is voiced). 3) When the sequence of two consonant phonemes which are not in the same series is articulated between two vowed phonemes, the point of articulation for preceding phoneme is moved to the point of articulation for the following phoneme. (Sometimes, vise versa.) 4) When the combination of consonant phonemes between two vowels does not follow the rule mentioned abode, the phenomena of the dropping, addition and metathesis occur, 5) When the combination of consonant phonemes between two vowels does not follow the rule mentioned abode, it must be treated as an exception as in the case of borrowed words.

      • 한국어 음운 및 음운 배합론 연구 2 : 모음 음운 배합 On the combination system of vowel phonemes

        박창해 연세대학교 대학원 1964 延世論叢 Vol.3 No.1

        0.Introduction. 2.4 The combination system of vowel phonemes. 2.41 The harmony of vowel phonemes. 2.411 Complete progressive harmony. 2.412 Complete repressive harmony. 2.413 Half regressive harmony. 2.414 Half progressive harmony. 2.42 The movement of vowel phonemes on the same level (series). 2.43 The contraction of vowel phonemes in the same series. 2.5 The combination system of supra-segmental phonemes. 3.Conclusion. 3.Conclusion of the combination system of phonemes in Korean. 3.0 In this thesis the writer treats the phonemes and the combination system of phonemes from the part one of the Structure of Korean-the Korean language is studied from the view of the structural linguistic methodology, emphasizing the characteristics of the Korean Language. 3.1 In Korean phonemic system, there are structural series of articulation. (see the chart in 3.11 and 3,12) 3.2 The combination and harmony of phonemes occur only in Korean articulatory principles. A word which is not applied to those principles is usually a borrowed word, and consequently it is awkward to the listner when it is uttered in Korean. 3.21 When consonant phonemes are combined with each other, they follow the following formulae: 1) Vc-cV > Vc-ccV 2) Vc-cV > Vc-cV∼Vc-ccV 3) Vcx-cyV > Vcx-cxV∼Vcy-cyV 4) Vca -cbV > Vc-cbV Vc-cbV > Vci -cbV Vca-cbV > Vcb-caV 3.22 The supra-segemental phonemes are variously combined according to the function of expression in Korean. 3.0 In the modern Korean language, we find vowel harmony the same as in other Altaic languages. Vowel harmony occurs according to the position of the tongue and especially the form of the lips. There are six kinds of vowel harmony: 1) Complete harmony-progressive and regressive. 2) Half harmony-progressive and regressive. 3) Transferee harmony. 4) The movement of vowel phonemes on the same series. 5) The movement and progressive harmony. 6) The contraction of vowel phonemes in the same series. 3.4 There is one thing which must be mentioned. This study has been done thoroughly experiments. Even though this study mostly do as with the Seoul dialect, the combination patterns of vowel phonemes in other dialects are also presented in the section of the combination of vowel phonemes, because it will be helpful for the structural study of the movement or assimilative phenomena of vowel phonemes. The Seoul dialect usually shows half-harmony of vowel phonemes. 3.6 There are two aspects which are net dealt in the thesis: 1) The movement of front vowel phonemes to the position of back vowel phonemes in the movement of vowel phonemes on the same level(series). 2) The rise of vowel phonemes on the same vertical lines. The former occurs according to the articulatory environments, and it is different from the economic phenomena of articulation, and also there are just a few examples. The latter occurs according to the economic phenomena of articulation, but the examples are few, therefore, only the principle is presented in the following. 3.61 The movement of vowel phonemes on the same level (from front series to back). When a front vowel phoneme is immediately followed by another vowel phoneme which has the same element, the front vowel phoneme sometimes moves to the articulatory position of back vowel phonemes. 3.62 The rise of vowel phonemes on the same vertical lines. Vowel phonemes sometimes rise to the articulatory position of upper vowed phonemes. ***** p. 116 3.7 The general tendency of the movement of Korean vowel phonemes. The following movements are generally found, unless such movement causes pronunciation difficulties: 1) Rounded vowel phonemes to the position of unrounded vowel phonemes. 2) Back vowel phonemes to the position of front vowel phonemes. 3) Front and mid vowel phonemes to the position of the upper vowel phonemes.3 Thus the tendency toward /i/ occurs as shown in the following chart. *****

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