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      • 군인 출타지역 확대와 접경지역 발전의 갈등관리 방안 : 게임이론 개념을 적용한 합리적 상생 전략

        박정곤 ( Park Jeong-gon ) 한국접경지역통일학회 2018 접경지역통일연구 Vol.2 No.1

        ‘군인 외출·외박구역제한 폐지 검토’ 발표로 불거진 국방부와 접경지역 지자체(주민)와의 갈등은 지난 60여 년 간 국가안보라는 공공재 확보를 위해 희생한 접경지역주민들에 대한 보상 문제로까지 확대되었다. 다행히 갈등 초기에 상호간에 적극적으로 소통함으로써 진정 국면으로 접어들었으나, 이제는 근본적으로 해결해야 할 시점에 이르렀다. 국방부의 장병기본권 보장과 지자체(주민)의 개인 재산권 보호는 다 같이 준수되어야 할 헌법적 가치로 어느 것도 일방적으로 양보할 수 없는 문제이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국방부의 목표와 지자체(주민)의 목표를 갈등관리 차원에서 분석하고, 이를 Schelling의 협상게임 개념을 적용하여 국방부와 지자체(주민)가 상생할 수 있는 전략을 제시하였다. 이들 전략 중 일부는 시행중인 것도 있고 쉽게 적용할 수 있는 것도 있지만, 일부는 법률 제·개정, 중앙정부 협조 등 통합된 노력이 필요한 부분도 있다. 하지만 협상게임의 본질인 상호의존성과 포컬포인트 개념을 갈등 주체들이 잘 이해하고 전략적 협상을 진행하면 적절한 균형을 찾아 국방부와 지자체(주민)가 상생할 수 있는 모범사례가 될 것이다. The Ministry of National Defense announced last February that it would abolish the limits of areas in which soldiers can go out and stay overnight. The announcement sparked a strong backlash from the border area residents and brewed a conflict regarding the compensation for the border residents who have been sacrificing past 60 years for national security. Fortunately, the fluid communication between the two parties, the ministry and the border residents, subdued the initial conflict, but the time has come to fundamentally resolve the issue. The Ministry’s guarantee of basic rights of soldiers must coincide with the economic development of the border area and property rights of the border residents, as all three hold constitutional values. Therefore, the study analyzes the objective of both the Ministry of Defense and the local governments under the framework of Schelling’s concept of negotiation game to present win-win strategies. Some strategies are easily applicable while others require the integrated efforts, including central government cooperation, legislation, and revision of legislations. However, both the Ministry of National Defense and the local governments of the border area can reach a good balance with strategic negotiations understanding the concept of focal-point, and such balance will provide a case of cooperation.

      • KCI등재후보

        에델바이스캘러스배양추출물의 항노화 관련 효능에 관한 연구

        김수윤(Soo-Yun Kim),김혜인(Hye-In Kim),류승환(Seung-Hwan Ryu),박정곤(Jeong-Gon Park),조선영(Seon-Young Jo),김주덕(Ju-Duck Kim),모상현(Sang-Hyun Moh) 한국화장품미용학회 2018 한국화장품미용학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        Edelweiss, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, has long been used in a variety of medicinal remedies against abdominal, respiratory, inflammation and fever diseases. It is well-known Switzerland national flower and be protected species in many countries. In order to preserve and utilize endangered edelweiss, its callus was derived from seeds using plant tissue culture technology. Edelweiss callus extract (Leontopodium Alpinum Callus Culture Extract; LACCE) was evaluated for its anti-aging effect in the skin cells. The cytotoxicity of the LACCE was examined on HaCaT and Ditroit 551 cells with MTT assay. Anti-oxidant activity of LACCE was verified by In vitro test. The expression levels of MMP-2 and AQP-3 were analyzed on Detroit 551 and HaCaT cells by Real-time PCR to examine wrinkle effect and moisturizing effect. LACCE treated HaCaT cell shows increasing of AQP-3 mRNA levels and decreasing of MMP-2 mRNA levels. The anti-inflammatory effect of LACCE was estimated by the mRNA levels of COX-2 and iNOS in UVB treated HaCaT cells. COX-2 and iNOS mRNA levels were reduced in LACCE treated HaCaT cells. These results showed LACCE can be used in the promising anti-aging cosmetic active ingredients.

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