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정한백(Han-Baek Chung),서경식(Kyung-Sik Seo),최찬영(Chan-Young Choi),박일한(Il-Han Park) 대한전기학회 2017 전기학회논문지 P Vol.66 No.3
In this paper, we propose a separation method of the dielectric particles in the liquid flow. Since particles are dielectric in most cases, they experience dielectrophoretic(DEP) force under non-uniform electric field. The field characteristics in the electromagnetic and fluid dynamic systems are solved by using the finite element method. The motional equation of the particles is calculated by the Runge-Kutta method. The field analysis shows the feasibility of the proposed method. The particle separation model with large DEP force exerting on particles is designed by analyzing field characteristics.
전초전도 호모폴라 모터의 3차원 자계해석 및 회로상수 추출
조영한(Young Han Cho),성탄일(Tan Il Sung),김영선(Young Sun Kim),박일한(Il Han Park) 대한전기학회 2009 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.7
In comparison with conventional motors, Superconducting Homopolar Synchronous Motors (SHSMs) have advantages that it generates high magnetic field by superconducting winding. Therefore, superconducting coil used in SHSM can reduce the motor size and enhance the motor efficiency for high torque applications under the space constraints for propulsion system. During the design process of SHSM, it is required to evaluate the performance of initial design model, that is accurately analyzed using 3D magnetic field modeling large air-gap and flux distribution of axial direction is properly taken into account. In this paper, we analyze magnetic field of a homopolar motor with a 4-pole homopolar rotor and a stator of 3 phase windings. The field analysis is done using 3D finite element analysis which can reflect the end effect and overhang winding. And we extract mutual inductances between a rotor wind and the 3 stator windings. The extracted inductances are used for evaluation of overall motor performances that are calculated with generalized circuit theory of electrical machines.
전자기장 분포에 의한 액적 표면의 형상 변화에 관한 연구
성탄일(Tan-Il Sung),최윤석(Yoon-Seok Choi),김영선(Young-Sun Kim),최홍순(Hong-Soon Choi),박일한(Il-Han Park) 대한전기학회 2007 대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.10
Electrowetting 현상을 contact angle의 변화가 아닌 전자기 체적력의 관점으로 고찰한다. 정수역학의 방정식과 Kelvin 식, 표면장력 공식을 도입하고, 유체표면의 모든 곳에서의 압력이 일정하다는 원리를 이용하여 유체 표면의 형상을 고찰한다. 액적의 초기 형상은 반원, 반지름은 1㎜ 이다. 절연 처리한 판형태의 도체위에 액적을 올려놓고 그 액적에 핀을 꽂은 형태로 전계를 인가한다.