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[ 논문 ] 급냉응고된 Mg - Al - Si - xCa 합금의 시효경화 및 미세조직
김완철(Wan Chul Kim),박지하(Ji Ha Park),류봉선(Bong Sun You),박원욱(Won Wook Park) 한국주조공학회 1999 한국주조공학회지 Vol.19 No.5
Rapidly solidified Mg-Al-Si base alloys containing Ca were obtained by melt spinning. The melt-spun ribbons were aged isochronally or isothermally to investigate age hardening phenomena and microstructural change according to the alloy composition. Age hardening occurred after aging at 200˚C for lh mainly due to the precipitation of Al₂Ca and Mg₂Ca, which have coherent interfaces with the matrix. With the increase of Ca content, the hardness values of the alloy ribbons were increased. Among the alloys, Mg-10Al-2 Si-3Ca alloy showed a good thermal stability at elevated temperature. (Received October 12, 1999)
수평연속주조한 과공정 Al-Si 합금 소경봉의 미세조직 및 기계적 성질
김완철,박지하,류봉선,박원욱 ( Wan Chul Kim,Ji Ha Park,Bong Sun You,Won Wook Park ) 한국주조공학회 1997 한국주조공학회지 Vol.17 No.6
Hyper-eutectic Al-17.5wt%Si alloy bars of 25 ㎜ in diameter were produced by horizontal continuous casting process. Effect of both casting speed and primary Si refiner (AlCuP) on microstructure and mechanical properties of the alloy have been investigated. With increasing a weight fraction of AlCuP, the average primary Si size decreased down to 20 ㎛. On the contrary, there was no notable changes of microstructure and primary Si size according to the casting speed in the experimental range of this study, indicating that the cooling rate should be increased to optimize and refine microstructure and primary Si size. The experimental results including hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance tests of the processed alloy bars showed a good possibility to develop the high performance wear resistant Al-Si alloy. (Received October 21, 1997)