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      • KCI등재

        난소 점액낭종파열에 의한 복막점액종의 1 예

        박숙현(SH Park),오주엽(JY Oh),강경화(KH Kang),이수자(SJ Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.6

        Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a rare condition in which the peritoneal cavity is filled to varying degree with gelatinous mucin resulting from a ruptured mucinproducing lesion of any origin such as ovarian cyst, appendiceal mucocele or adenocarcinoma of the bowel. A case of pseudomyxoma peritonei originating from a mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary of borderline malignancy is reported with a brief review of the relevant literature.

      • KCI등재

        자궁경관임신 16례의 임상적 관찰

        강경화(KH Kang),박숙현(SH Park),홍수명(SM Hong),양석기(SK Yang),민보은(BE Min) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.10

        Cervical pregnancy is a rare from of ectopic pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum implants within the cervix. There is no distinctive presenting symptom as the chief complaint is painless vag inal bleeding which can also occur in other diseases. Cervical pregnancy carries a high mortality rate due to this heavy bleeding. During 10 year period from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1981, 16 patients with cervical pregnancy were treated and a clinical review of these cases is presented. The results were as follows; 1) The incidence of cervical pregnancy was 1 in 3656 deliveries and 1 in 78 ectopic pregnancies. 2) Women over 30 years of age comprised 81.25% of the group compared to 20.28% for the same age group in the normal obstetric population. 3) Cervical pregnancy never occnrred in the first pregnancy and 75% of the women had had one or more induced abortions. 4) Gestation at termination of pregnancy ranged from 4 to 24 weeks with a mean 9.75 weeks. 5) The major presenting symptom was heavy vaginal bleeding in 11 cases, persistent spotting in 4 cases and epigastric pain, with vomiting, weight loss in 1 case. 6) The diagnosis at admission was cervical pregnancy (31.25%), incomplete abortion (31.25%), choricarcinoma(18.75%), inevitable abortion (12.5%) cervical myoma (6.25%). 7) Blood trsnsfusion was necessary in all patients ranging from 400cc to 3200cc with an average of 1600cc. 8) The majority of patients were treated by immediate hysterectomy in 6 cases but in 7 cases hysterectomy was only done after failure of conservative management. In 3 cases conservative management of dilatation and curettage and gauze packing was successful.

      • KCI등재

        Prostaglandin E2질정에 의한 유도분만의 효과

        한선남(SN Han),김양숙(YS Kim),이진희(CH Lee),박숙현(SH Park),전정희(JH Jeun),민보인(BI Min) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.1

        In order to determine the clinical usefulness of Prostaglandin E2 vaginal pessary in the induction of labour a stable 3mgm Prostaglandin E2 pessary supplied by Korea Upjohn Ltd. was used in the induction of labour in 66 patients admitted to Il Sin Women`s Hospital, Busan, between November 1982 and February 1983. In 19 cases the maximum does of 6mgm was used, a second 3mgm pessarybeing inserted 8~15hrs after the first pessary. Results 1. PGE2 pessaryalone was successful in inducing labour in 32 patients, 48.5%, and was considered to be a definite aid in a further 19, 28.8%. 2. In addition to the 32 patients already delivered or in active labour the action of cervical ripending was seen in an additional 9 patients in that the Bishops score increased by 3 points within 15 hours after the insertion of one 3mgm pessary. 3. In cases successfully induced by PGE2 pessary the average interval between rupture of the membranes and delivery was very short. 2.7hrs, and the average duration of labour was 5.4hours. 4. The overall Cesarean section rate was 21.2% but none was done for failed induction. The main indication was C.P.D., 11 out of 14 patients. 5. The incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, that is a loss of 500cc or more, was slightly higher than the overall hospital incidence. 6. Side effects were minimal. One patient vomited but only 10mls and among 29 pre-eclamptic or eclamptic patients in only 10 was there a change in the blood pressure, an increase by 20mmHg in 7 and decrease by 20mmHg in 3, within 3 hours of insertion of the pessary. 7. There were no episodes of fetal distress that could be attributed to PGE2 administration. 8. The factors possibly affecting the success rate, Bishop`s score, parity, gestational age and indication for induction were analysed. The indication for induction and gestational age were significant factors but parity and Bishop`s score had no affect on the outcome. Among patients with hypertensive complications of pregnancy there was a high success rate but a very low success rate in patients with post mature pregnancies and in these cases apart from one patient there was no other obstetric indication for induction. The high success rate in preterm pregnancies was irrespective of parity of Bishops score but there was always a definite obstetric indication for induction in these cases and this is considered to be the more important factor. This study also shows that the PGE2 pessary is simple to use, acceptable to the patient, has almost no side effects and can be safely used in all cases in which vaginal delivery is possible with a high rate of success. It is planned to continue the use of PGE2 pessary when it is commercially available.

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