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      • 도농간 학교교육 격차의 근본 원인과 해소 방안 탐색

        민병성(Min Byeong Seong) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2006 교육연구 Vol.20 No.-

        도농간 교육격차는 대부분 학생들의 학업성취도나 일류대학 진학률을 중심으로 논의되어 왔다. 연구자들은 투입 요인으로서 학교교육환경의 열악성이나 공ㆍ사 교육비 투자 부족, 과정 요인으로서 학교의 학습환경, 교육과정 구성 운영, 학생지도 투입 시간, 교사 풍토 등에 있어서의 불리함을 그 원인으로 분석한다. 그러나 이러한 교육격차 논의는 농어촌 지역에서 지역과 가정 내 사회자본의 빈약함을 무시하고 있다. 따라서 교육격차의 실태 분석에 농어촌의 특성이 반영된 학생의 생활 기술이나 생태친화적 가치관을 반영하는 등 정의적 영역에 대한 평가 도구를 세밀하게 개발하고, 과정 평가까지 도입한 분석 방법의 적용이 필요하다. 학교교육의 격차를 해소하는 방법 또한 일시적인 재정 지원, 우수교원 배치, 역차별적 혜택 제공보다는 교육공동체의 합의를 바탕으로 교육과정과 학교 운영의 자율성을 보장하고 교사의 책무성을 강조하는 자율학교의 형태로 전환하는 근본적 발상의 전환이 필요하다. Today, people are worried that the urban-rural educational gap is very wide in Korea. Policy makers will be trying to solve this problem by methods that increase educational investment and give various kinds of benefits. But, the urban-rural educational gap is becoming more and more serious. We must diagnose the root cause of this problem and look for solutions. Scholars and policy makers diagnosed the educational gap by the difference in results of student achievement between urban and rural students. Therefore, they will be trying to solve this problem by pairing excellent teachers with financial support, or making a competitive structure between schools and students. Some scholars assert that the root cause of the urban-rural educational gap is the fact of students’ character, teachers’ mind-set, cultural differences of the home, and social capital of the regional community etc. They also insist that a major cause is the insufficient ‘social capital’ in the home and the regional community. It is a problem that some scholars and policy makers ignore the environments of farming and fishing villages’ students ; the scarcity of social capital in their homes and the regional communities, excellent students leaving early and moving to the city, and studies that emphasize entrance examinations above all. We must try to solve this problem in the following ways. Most importantly, schools must reframe the curriculum and supply a variety of educational programs to students. Then, excellent students from neighborhood urban areas will enter schools of farming and fishing villages to take advantage of these special programs. The self-regulating school is also well-matched with this system. This kind of school is operated based on the responsible administration of the unit school, and a locally designed curriculum. This is a unique curriculum in career education and educational guidance that is based mainly on human nature education. To build such a school which is based on the attributes of a teacher’s spontaneity and sense of duty, and the fundamental rule of selecting and concentrating human resources, financial support unites the educational investment with this application. Then, the urban-rural educational gap may be greatly decreased.

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