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      • KCI등재

        델파이를 활용한 치과 중간관리자의 직무역량모델 개발

        문학진 ( Hak-jin Moon ),임순연 ( Soon-ryun Lim ) 한국치위생과학회 2017 치위생과학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        치과의료기관의 경영성과를 달성하기 위해서는 치과 중간관리자의 직무역량은 매우 중요하다고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 문헌고찰, FGI, 델파이 조사를 통해 치과중간관리자의 직무역량모델을 개발하는 데 목적이 있다. 먼저 문헌고찰과 FGI를 거쳐 치과 중간관리자 직무역량 모형은 6개의 역량군, 25개의 하위역량, 그 안에 125개 행동지표로 도출하였다. 도출된 치과 중간관리자 직무역량모델 초안은 3차에 걸친 델파이 조사를 통해 치과경영관리, 진료지원, 인적자원관리, 의사소통과 고객관리, 리더십, 자기관리와 태도의 6개의 역량군으로 구성하였고 각 역량군에 따른 25개의 하위역량과 95개의 행동지표로 구성된 최종 치과 중간관리자의 직무역량모델을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 치과 중간관리자 직무역량모델은 치과 중간관리자의 교육프로그램 개발의 기초자료로 활용될 뿐만 아니라 치과 중간관리자의 선발, 평가 등 광범위하게 활용될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to identify job competencies of a dental intermediary-manager and to develop a job competency model. First, job competencies were extracted from literature review. Next, a focus group interview was conducted with a total of 5 people to prepare a draft of job competency model for dental intermediary-manager. Finally, a Delphi survey was conducted with 32 panels. A job competency model for dental intermediary-manager consisted of 6 groups which were dental business management, medical support, human resources management, communication, customer management, leadership, self-control and attitude. Subsequently 25 sub-competencies and 95 behavioral indicators were developed. The job competency model will be able to provide basic data for the development training programs to improve the competency of dental intermediary-managers.

      • KCI등재

        치위생학 전공 석사과정 대학원생의 대학원 선택 확신 영향 요인 분석

        문학진 ( Hak Jin Moon ),임순연 ( Soon Ryun Lim ),이근유 ( Geun Yu Lee ),한예슬 ( Ye Seul Han ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        In this study, it was to understand the factors influencing choice conviction of dental hygiene major graduate school of dental hygienist. This study aims to provide the basic data for developing the dental hygienic profession. The study method was complete enumeration of the master``s graduate 84 students majoring in dental hygiene in the country 8 graduate school. The results of this study, the analysis of the differences between the external factors and internal factors of graduate school choice, factors of financial accessibility factor related marriage factor. Factor of the education program were more unmarried. The average monthly income was found to have recognized high financial accessibility of factors, education program. Also the carrier is low, factor of the education program it was found to be high. The result of graduate school choice conviction, the more unmarried chosen choice conviction score in high, it choice conviction score was related to monthly income. The result of correlation analysis, external reputation, future, education program if high, it was found to have conviction of graduate school. In graduate school choice conviction external factors of education program and future factor was found to influence the choice of graduate school but internal factors was not found to influence. Therefore, we must seek the support measures that can deepen the sustainable development and dental hygiene of the dental hygienist.

      • KCI등재

        치과위생사의 커뮤니케이션 기술 측정을 위한 평가 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도

        문학진 ( Hak Jin Moon ),이수영 ( Soo Young Lee ),임순연 ( Soon Ryun Lim ) 한국치위생과학회 2014 치위생과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop and validate tool for measuring the communication skills of dental hygienist. The survey was modified and revised to fit into Korean culture. Also the reliability and validity was tested in order to ensure the survey was properly evaluating communication skills of dental hygienists. A survey was conducted with outpatients in dental clinics located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Daejeon area. The 483 answers out of the total collected answers were used for the final analysis of the study, using PASW Statistics 18.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 7.0 to measure the validity and reliability. The factor analysis showed that the communication skill of the dental hygienists was composed of three elements, namely .being caring and respectful. communications, .sharing information. communications and .tending to comfort. communications to reduce pain and anxiety. The validity of the model examined by a confirmatory factor analysis satisfied most of the relevant requirements. All of the factors had the conceptual reliability and variant extracted index above the minimum requirements, ensuring reliability and concentrated validity. Also, the value of the square of the correlations between all latent factors which was larger than the square of the correlation between all of the factors, thus proving the discriment validity. Cronbach`s a was 0.8, which shows high reliability level. In conclusion, it was proven that dental hygienist.s communication skill measurement tool has high validity and reliability. Further, this study can be used to improve dental hygienists. communication skills. Therefore, this will improve oral health of clients and manage them.

      • KCI등재

        임상 치과위생사의 언어폭력 경험 및 대처방안

        문학진 ( Hak Jin Moon ),한예슬 ( Ye Seul Han ),조영식 ( Young Sik Cho ),임순연 ( Soon Ryun Lim ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to provide a basic data for developing and solutions to prevent verbal abuse and to determine the actual overall verbal abuse experience of dental hygienist. Participants were 289 dental hygienists who work in dental hospitals and clinics. The results of this study, 177 dental hygienists experienced verbal abuse. Perpetrators of verbal abuse experience became patient (67.9%), dentist (21.1%). The most common reason for verbal abuse were .anger about the dental service. (17.0%), .anger about physical and emotional suffering. (14.1%), .consider the dental hygienists as subordinate not as colleague or practitioner. (12.6%). The types of verbal abuse were .taking down. (21.7%), .yelling. (16.3%), .being sarcastic. (11.3%). The types of coping with verbal abuse were many aspects of passive coping in order of .suppress. (12.3%), .ignore. (8.2%). The result of verbal abuse experience according to working characteristics was significant different to clinical career, main duty, position. The result of self-esteem and job satisfaction according to verbal abuse experience, dental hygienist who had experienced verbal abuse was lower in job satisfaction. Therefore, it should be recognized that experience of verbal abuse in dental hygienist was serious and need to develop prevention programs and research.

      • KCI등재

        치과 중간관리자의 근무경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

        문학진 ( Hak-jin Moon ),임순연 ( Soon-ryun Lim ) 한국치위생과학회 2016 치위생과학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 대전·충남 지역 치과병·의원에서 10년 경력 이상 근무한 치과 중간관리자 업무 경험에 대한 의미와 본질을 탐색하고자 심층면접을 이용하였으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 치과위생사는 선배 치과위생사가 퇴사, 치과의 사의 권유, 이직, 승진 등 다양한 과정으로 중간관리자가 되는 것으로 나타났다. 치과 중간관리자로서 역할로는 주기적으로 소통을 통하여 직원을 관리를 하거나, 신입직원을 교 육시키거나, 역량에 맞춰서 적합한 업무에 배치, 대화를 통한 긍정적인 관계를 유지하는 등 인적자원관리를 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 환자를 관리하거나 경영목표를 설정 하는 등의 업무도 다양하게 수행하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 치과 중간관리자는 직원들에게 목표를 설정해주고 성과를 달성하였을 경우 보상을 하거나, 칭찬을 하는 등 적절한 동기부여를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 치과 중간관리자의 어려움은 중간관리자가 개념 및 역할을 모르거나, 추가적인 업무에 대한 어려움, 원장님과 직원 간에 중간역할의 어려움, 환자 관리, 업무에 대한 권한과 책임이 모호함, 상사와의 의견충돌, 중간관리자의 업무에서 느끼는 오해, 중간관리자 업무에 대한 교육의 부재 등으로 나타났다. 치과 중간관리 자는 리더십, 변화주도, 자기관리 등의 능력을 갖추어야 한다고 느끼고 있었다. 마지막으로 중간관리자로서 느끼는 보람으로 직원을 지원하여 업무를 잘 수행할 수 있게 한 점과, 환자가 진심으로 감사함을 표현할 때 보람을 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 보았을 때, 치과 중간관리 자는 인적자원관리, 병원 경영 지원, 환자 관리 등 다양한 업무를 수행하고 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 다양한 치과 환경에 따라 중간관리자의 업무 대한 명확한 기준이 없고 치과 중간관리자에 대한 직무 교육이 제대로 이뤄지지 않고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 현재 치과 중간관리자에게 필요한 리더십, 변화관리, 자기관리, 재무관리 등 교육과정이 개설 되어야 할 것이며, 치위생학 교육과정에도 환자 및 직원관 리를 위한 의사소통, 치과 행정, 컴퓨터 활용 교육 등 중간관리자 업무에 대한 교육도 동시에 이루어져야 한다고 사료된다. 또한 이 연구를 바탕으로 치과 중간관리자의 역량 진단 도구 및 평가도구와 관련된 후속연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. This study aimed at comprehending the duty, role, and difficulty of intermediary manager through in-depth investigation of dental hygienist intermediary managers experienced over 10 years working in a dental clinic. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 dental intermediary managers and Giorgi’s analysis method was used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that the work experience of the dental hygienist intermediary managers appeared in the range of “becoming an intermediary manager through various processes”, “various duties that they experience as an intermediary manager”, “difficulty as an intermediary manager”, “ability that they perceive as necessary for being a dental intermediary manager”, and “worthiness they feel as the intermediary manager”. The dental intermediary managers complained of difficulties at work, and appeared to perform various tasks such as human resource management, clinic management support, and patient’s management. Accordingly, the researcher considers that research on dental intermediary managers’ capacity development necessary.

      • KCI등재

        치과위생사의 한국어판 직무착근도 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도

        한예슬 ( Ye Seul Han ),문학진 ( Hak Jin Moon ),조영식 ( Young Sik Cho ) 한국치위생과학회 2016 치위생과학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate a reliability and validity of the Korean version for measuring tool the job embeddedness of dental hygienists. The survey was modified and revised to fit into Korean culture. A survey was conducted with 274 dental hygienists in dental clinics. The data was used for the analysis of the study, using PASW Statistics 18.0 and IBM SPSS AMOS 7.0. The factor analysis showed that the job embeddedness of the dental hygienists was composed of three elements, namely ‘organization fit’, ‘job connectivity’, and ‘personnel relationships’. The validity of the model examined by a confirmatory factor analysis satisfied most of the relevant requirements. All of the factors had the conceptual reliability and variant extracted index above the minimum requirements, ensuring reliability and concentrated validity. The Cronbach’s alpha shows a good reliability. In conclusion, it was proven that dental hygienist’s job embeddedness measurement tool has high validity and reliability. Further, this study could be used to improve dental hygienist’s long term working, and the growth stage of dental clinic.

      • KCI등재

        치약선택기준에 따른 구매만족, 재구매 의도 및 권유 의사 분석

        한예슬 ( Ye Seul Han ),이지은 ( Ji Eun Lee ),문학진 ( Hak Jin Moon ),임순연 ( Soon Ryun Lim ),조영식 ( Young Sik Cho ) 한국치위생과학회 2015 치위생과학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to understand the buying behavior characteristics of the customers. Also, it was intended to provide information to provide companies marketing strategy. The criteria of purchasing toothpaste was to try to understand the impact on satisfaction, recommendation and repurchase Intention. The study was surveyed 248 customers who re-buy the toothpaste in oral care products showroom at university dental hospital. Statistical analysis was performed using PASW Statistics 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 at the 5% significance level. The results were as follows: ‘Flavor’, ‘Price’, ‘Brand’, ‘Function’, ‘Design’ of toothpaste and satisfaction showed a positive correlation. Satisfaction and repurchase intention, Recommendation showed a positive correlation. Selection criteria that affect the satisfaction when customers buy toothpaste, ‘Function’ was the greatest and others became the order of the ‘Brand’, ‘Flavor’, ‘Price’. Satisfaction affect the recommendation and repurchase Intention. If customers are satisfied with the toothpaste products, showed the Repurchase Intention, have shown opinion that is willing to recommend this product to others. Therefore, dentistry and manufacturers of toothpaste must share a lot of information about toothpaste with customers. Also, information, function, flavor of toothpaste as well as other oral care product, It will be a needed the continuing research and development.

      • 韓國 알미늄 箔産業의 마케팅 戰略

        李容鶴,文學鎭 수원대학교 기업경영연구소 1992 企業經營硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Korean Aluminium Foil Industry has grown, during the last five years, as the average annul growth rate was 19.1%, But in the late 80's, with the new foil manufacturers participation, the already established manufacturers have worried over the increased production capacity. The industry is in a transitional stage changing from excess demand to excess supply. The study suggests the marketing strategy for the Korean Aluminium Foil industry as follows. First, the industry needs to reform its management from the reproduction emphasis to marketing emphasis. With the product surplus, the manufacturers have to sell to survive by the circulation of production -sales-reproduction. Second, through a marketing mix, the industry has to promote a new demand and enhance the marketability without pricing competitiveness. There has to be an effort to develop a new product, as well as enhancing the product quality. Third, aggressive export strategy has to be developed. And lastly, Green Marketing should be introduced into the Aluminium Foil industry.

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