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      • KCI등재

        임신5개월의 흔적자궁 파열 1례

        윤대영(DY Yun),문시영(SY Moon),김상갑(SK Kim),박정근(JK Park) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.2

        부산 성분도병원 산부인과에서 경험한 18세의 미산부에 발생한 18주의 흔적자궁임신 례를 보고하며 간단한 문헌고찰을 하였다. A case of rupture of rudimentary uterine horn with 18 weeks gestation which was diagnosed as a intra-abdominal pregnancy is presented and some articles are reviewed briefly.

      • KCI등재

        원발성 난관암 1례

        이광재(KJ Lee),윤대영(DY Yun),문시영(SY Moon),황상의(SU Hwang) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.1

        저자들은 1979년 5월 부산 성분도병원 산부인과에서 수술후 병리학적으로 확인된 원발성 난관암을 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Primary carcinoma of the fallopian tube is very rare female genital cancers. A case of primary papillary alveolar type carcinoma of the left fallopian tube was found postoperatively in 46 years old premenopausal women with nulliparity. A brief review of literature is added.

      • KCI등재

        자궁외 임신의 임상적 관찰

        이양희(YH Lee),김철(C Kim),문시영(SY Moon),손세송(SS Son) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.11

        본원 산부인과에서 최근 8년간 외임 진단하에 수술한 사례 335례를 관찰한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1.외임의 분만수에 대한 빈도는 2.89%였고 연도별 빈도별 차이가 없었다. 2.빈발년령은 30~34세 (33.4%)이고 평균연령은 31.2세였다. 3.평균분만회수는 1.76회이고 1~3회가 67%였으며 미산부도 23.6%를 차지했다. 4.인공유산 회수와의 관계를 보면 평균회수가 1.64회이고 한번도 없는 경우가 31.3%였고 1회 26.9%, 2회 19.4%였다. 5.평균 Hb치는 9.7이었다. 6.초기 수축기 혈압이 100이상인 경우가 70.8%이고 평균치는 105였다. 7.임상증상은 55.8%가 최종월경일로부터 5~8주에 나타났다. 8.복강내 출혈량은 500~1000ml이 47.2%, 100ml 이상은 30.7%, 500ml 이하인 경우가 22.1%였다. 9.수술시 소견으로 골반염증 10.8%, 반대측난관수종 4.5%, 난소낭종 3.6%, 자궁근종이 1.2%였고, IUD를 장치한 경우도 1.2%였다. 10.기왕력중 반복외임이 6%, 복강경 난관 결찰술 2.1%, 충수돌기절제술 1.5%, 제왕절개술이 1.8%였다. 11.착상부위는 난관이 98.2%, 난소 1.2%, 자궁경부 0.7%였고 난고나중 팽대부가 78.5%, 간질부 5.1%, 협부 9.7%, 난관채가 4.8%였다. 12.난관임신의 중절양식은 난관파열이 55.0%, 난관유산 39.5%, 무상한 례가 5.5%였다. 13.외임으로 인한 사망례는 없었다. This story is clinico-statistical anaylysis and survey of 335 cases who were admitted and treated for ectopic pregnancy at Pusan St.Benedict Hospital from January 1,1973 to December 31,1980. The results of this study were as follow: 1.During the same period, the incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 2.89%. There has been no appreciable increase or decrease in the incidence of ectopic pregnancy. 2.The most frequent age group was in 30~34 years of age (33.4%) and the mean age was 31.2 years. 3.The mean No. of term pregnancy was 1.76, and 1~3 term pergnancy was in 67%. Nulligravida was in 23.6%. 4.A history of previous artificial abortion was noted in 68.7%, 1 artificial abortion was 26.9% and 2 artificial abortion 19.4%. The mean No. of artificial abortion was 1.64. 5.The mean hemoglobin level was 9.7mg/dl. 6.The initial systolic blood pressure rise above 100mmHg was in 70.8%. The mean value was 105mmHg. 7.The clinical menifestations were appeared in 55.8% from the last menstrual period to the next 5~8 weeks. 8.The total amount of intraperitoneal hemorrhage between 500~1,000ml was in 47.2%, above the 1,000ml was in 30.7% and less the 500ml was in 22.1%. 9.The combined pelvic disorders found during operation were pelvic inflammatory disease in 10.8%, contralateral hydrosalpinx in 4.5%, ovarian cysts in 3.6%, uterine myoma in 1.2% and the case applicated with IDU in 1.2%. 10.In past history, hte repeated ectopia was in 6%, laparascopic tubal ligation was in 2.1%, appendectomy was in 1.5% and cesarean section was in 1.5%. 11.Ectopic pregnancy was implanted in fallopian tube 98.2%, ovary in 1.2% and cervix in 0.7%. Among tubal pregnancies, ampullar portion was involved in 78.5%,interstitial portion in 5.1%, isthmic portion in 9.7% and fimbrial portion in 4.8%. 12.The fate of tubal pregnancy, tubal rupture was ncted in 55.0% tubal abortion in 39.5% and intact cases in 5.5%. 13.There was no deaths in 335 total ectopic pregnancies.

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