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      • KCI등재

        상동(上東) 광상(鑛床) 몰리브덴의 산출(産出) 상태(狀態)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究)

        문건주,이항재,Moon, Kun Joo,Lee, Hang Jai 대한자원환경지질학회 1980 자원환경지질 Vol.13 No.2

        Molybdenum as by-products of Sangdong tungsten mine occurrs in the form of molybdenite in quartz vein. The molybdenum contents of scheelite in Sangdong ore bodies ranges from trace to 8%, therefore the scheelites show variable fluorescence colores under ultra-violet lamp (short wave). The fluorescence color are in order high content of molybdenum, yellow, white and blue. The yellow fluorescing scheelite is dominant in upper ore vein, otherwise the blue fluorescent variety is dominant in lower ore vein. The fluorescence color of scheelite in the main ore vein show zonal distribution becoming progressively more blue outerwards, contrary more yellow innerwards, and even in single scheelite crystal, simillar zonal pattern is observed, too. Molybdenite occurrs as flakes or elongated blades at the margins of the quartz vein only molybdenite bearing quartz veins but also other sulfides mineral bearing quartz veins have mainly blue flourescing scheelites. We suggest that the molybdenum contents of the early stage ore solution are progressively decreased by a subsequent crystallization of the yellow fluorescing scheelites.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 중석광상을 근거로한 중석광상 성인 총론

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo 대한자원환경지질학회 1995 자원환경지질 Vol.28 No.3

        Tungsten ore deposits in China show clearly their relationship between granitoids and orebodies. All kinds of different tungsten ore deposits, having the largest ore reserves in the world, occur in China. Major tungsten deposits in 1950'years were locally confined in three provinces such as Jiangxi, Hunan and Guangdong. However, the major tungsten ore deposits are replaced by new tungsten deposits such as Sandahozhuang, Xingluokeng, Shizhuan and Daminghsan deposit which may be larger than the previous major deposits. Tungsten ore deposits of China exhibit obviously the granitoid was the ore-bringer to form tungsten ore deposits. The wolframite-bearing quarz veins in China indicate that tungsten mineralization took place by crystallization of wolframite preferentially unless $Ca^{{+}{+}}$ was introduced from outside into the magma-origin-fluid, since it is understood that the scheelite in the Sangdong ore deposit was preferentially precipitated, because of chemical affinity, from the tungsten fluid in which Fe and Ca ions were as sufficient as to form magnetite, wolframite and scheelite. Tungsten deposits in the world are divided into two systems; W-Mo-Sn system and W-Mo system. Most of tungsten deposits in China dated to about 196-116 Ma belong to the W-Mo-Sn system, while late Cretaceous tungsten deposits such as the Sangdong deposit in Korea belongs to the W-Mo system. The genetic order of tin-tungsten-molybdenum mineralization observed in the Moping tungsten mine in China and the Sangdong in Korea may be attributed to volatile pressures in the same magma chamber. It is assumed from ages of tungsten mineralizations that ore elements such as tin, tungsten and molybdenum might be generated periodically by nuclear fission and fusion in a part of the mantle and the element generated was introduced into the magma chamber. The periodical generation of elements had determined association, depletion and enrichment of tin and molybdenum in tungsten mineralization and it results in little association of cassiterite in tungsten deposit of late Cretaceous ages. Different mechanism of emplacement of the ore-bearing magma has brought various genetic types of tungsten deposits as shown in China and the world.

      • KCI등재

        Significance of Ages of Tungsten Mineralization

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1995 자원환경지질 Vol.28 No.6

        한국의 상동광상을 비롯한 일본, 미국, 구러시아 등지의 중석광상은 백악기 후기에 형성되었다. 그러나 세계 매장량의 반을 차지하는 중국의 중석광상은 쥬라기 후기로부터 백악기 초기에 형성되었다. 백악기 후반의 중석광상에서는 휘수연의 광화작용이 중석광화작용과 밀접히 수반되는 한편 중국의 중석광상에서는 휘수연 뿐만 아니라 주석도 밀접한 수반관계를 보인다. 중국의 중석광상은 세계 매장량의 과반수를 차지하기 때운에 이들의 산상은 다양하며 대체로 세계 중석광상의 성인을 대표하고 있다고 하겠다. 한국의 경우 90% 이상의 생산량을 보인 상동광상에서는 휘수연석이 부산물로 생산되었다. ppm 단위의 주석이 감지되지만 실제 석석은 상동광체에서 관찰되지 않았다. 수집된 기존 자료를 확인하기 위해 중국의 모평광상과 한국의 대화광상을 비교해 보았다. 두 광상의 석영맥에서 산출되는 광물은 거의 유사하나 특이한 점은 중국 모평에서는 진발다이트와 석석이 다량 산출된다는 점이다. 모평광상의 휘수연-석영맥중 채취한 진발다이트와 백운모의 연령은 181.1 Ma와 167.8 Ma 이고, 대화의 휘수연-석영맥중 백운모는 80.9 Ma와 80.2 Ma를 각각 얻었다. 한국의 백악기 후기 마그마로부터 공급된 중석 광화용액 중에는 주석이 중국처럼 그 양이 증가하여 중석광화작용에 후속되리만큼 충분히 공급되지 않았기 때문에 한국의 중석광상에서는 주석이 수반되지 않았다고 추정된다. It is understood that many big tungsten deposits such as the Sangdong in Korea, Fugigatami in Japan, Yukon in Canada, Pine Creek in U.S.A and Vostok in Russia were formed at late Cretaceous ages. However, most of tungsten mineralization in China where half the total world tungsten ores is reserved took place in late Jurassic to early Cretaceous ages. While the close association of molybdenum with tungsten mineralization is observed in the deposits related with Cretaceous magma, tungsten deposits in China related with late Jurassic to early Cretaceous show a close association of tin as well as molybdenum mineralization. It is characteristic that tungsten mineralization in China was followed by tin mineralization. The mode of occurrence of tungsten ore deposits in China is various and may represent the origin of tungsten in general, since the larger half of total amount of tungsten ores in the world are reserved in China. In case of Korea, more than 90% of total production of tungsten was occupied by the Sangdong tungsten deposit, which produced molybdenite as a byproduct Even if tin is detected in ppm unit content, no cassiterite is found in the Sangdong tungsten orebody. A similar type of two tungsten deposits is comparatively studied in order to confirm the published data; one is the Moping tungsten deposit in China and the other is the Dehwa tungsten deposit in Korea. Mineral assemblages occurring in quartz veins of both deposits are more or less same except that zinnwaldite and cassiterite occur only in the former deposit Ages of zinnwaldite and muscovite closely with molybdenite in the former deposit are 181.1 Ma and 167.8 Ma respectively, while muscovites associated with molybdenite in the latter deposit show ages of 80.9 Ma and 80.2 Ma. These results may represent deficient supply of tin from the source granitoid from which tungsten was derived in Korean peninsula during Cretaceous period, while tin supplied during tungsten mineralization tended to increase and the active tin mineralization followed the Jurassic tungsten mineralization in China.

      • KCI등재

        Geochemical Exploration Technics in the Pungchon Limestone Area

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1990 자원환경지질 Vol.23 No.4

        우리나라에서 중요한 금속광상인 상동 중석, 연화 연-아연, 거도의 동-철 광상은 모두 태백분지내 함백향사 남익부에 위치하고 있다. 이들 광화작용은 대체로 동서 주향에 25-30도 북향한 경사로 놓여진 캠브리아기의 묘봉층내 석회암 협층과 풍촌 석회암에서 일어났다. 함백향사의 북익부에는 동일한 지질내에 동일형의 광상이 노출되어 있지 않아, 이 지역에서의 잠두광체를 찾기위한 수단으로 알려진 상동광산 지역에서 암석지화학적, 특별히 Si, Ca, Fe 및 탄소 안정동위원소를 이용한 탐사연구를 시도하였다. 광화대와 비광화대의 석회암 사이의 CaO와 $AL_2O_3$ 함량은 큰 차이를 보이고, 탄소동위 원소 분석결과 역시 ${\delta}^{13}C$ 값이 광화대에서 더 낮은 값을 보이는 바 그 내용은 아래와 같다. 비광화대 광화대 CaO 51.3% 43.5% $Al_2O_3$ 0.6% 2.4% ${\delta}^{13}C$ -0.39 permil -0.56 permil $Fe_2O_3$ 0.9% 1.4% $SiO_2$ 3.0% 2.4% 광화대내의 풍촌석회암의 Si 함량이 감소한 것은 앞선 연구(Moon. 1987) 결과와 상치되는 바, 광화대내의 석회암중 Al 함량이 증가한 사실을 확인한 사실을 근거로 생각해 볼때, Si의 감소는 열극, 균열, 또는 소규모의 단층올 따라 주로 발달된 변질물의 증가에 따른 결과로 유추되기도 한다. 따라서 광화대내의 Si 와 Al 함량이 보여주는 현상은 화강암류로부터 전달된 열의 영향으로부터 기인된 것으로 상위 지표부의 석회암에 이로부터 광화활동이 이어진 것으로 여겨진다. 만약 함백향사의 북익부에서 풍촌석회암의 Fe, Al의 함량이 평균 함량치 보다 높을 뿐만 아니라, Ca와 Si는 낮고 Ca 함량과 ${\delta}^{13}C$의 값이 평균치보다 낮은 값을 보이는 경우는 잠두광체 탐사에 이용될 가치가 있다고 본다. Most of significant ore deposits in South Korea such as the Sangdong W - Mo, the Yeonhwa Pb-Zn and the Geodo Cu-Fe skarn ore deposits occur at the southern limb of the Hambaeg syncline in the Taebaeg Basin. The mineralization took place in the interbedded limestone of the Myobong Formation and the Pungchon limestone of the Great Limestone Group of the Cambrian age, generally striking E-W and dipping 25-30 degrees north. There are no outcrops of the skarn-type orebody at the northern limb of the syncline. In order to find a clue of a possible hidden orebody localized at the limestones in the northern limb, a lithogeochemical exploration by using carbon isotope and some elements such as Si, Ca, Fe and Al at the Sangdong Mine area has been attempted as for a modelling study. For this study, 45 samples from the Pungchon limestone which do not show any megascopic indication of mineralization have been taken in both the mineralized zone and the unminerallized zone at the Sangdong Mine area. Analytical data show that there are big differences in the contents of CaO and $Al_2O_3$ between the Pungchon limestone of the mineralized zone and that of the unmineralized zone. Carbon isotope data exhibit that ${\delta}^{13}C$ values of the Pungchon limestone in the mineralized zone are highter than those in the unmineralized zone. The difference in the analytical values of CaO, $Al_2O_3$ and the carbon isotope between the mineralized and the unmineralized zones is as follows ; Unminerallized zone Mineralized zone CaO 51.3% 43.5% $Al_2O_3$ 0.6% 2.4% ${\delta}^{13}C$ -0.39 permil -0.56 permil $Fe_2O_3$ 0.9% 1.4% $SiO_2$ 3.0% 2.4% The decrease in the Si content of the Pungchon limestone in the mineralized zone is contrary to the result of the previous study (Moon, 1987). On the basis of identification of the increase in the Al content of the limestone in the mineralized zone, it could be deduced that the decrease in the Si content of the Pungchon limestone might be due to the result of increase in the alteration products mainly occurred along fracture-system such as joint cracks or minor faults and that the phenomena shown by the Si and Al content in the mineralized zone might be derived from the thermal effect of granite extended mineralizing activity to the overlied limestone on the surface. Higher mean values of Fe and Al as well as lower mean values of carbon content and the ${\delta}^{13}C$ than mean values of those in the Pungchon limestone at the northern limb of the Hambaeg Syncline may be applicable in exploration for blind orebodies.

      • KCI등재

        삼광(三光) 금(金) 광상(鑛床)의 광화(鑛化) 온도(溫度) 및 근원(根源)에 관關(한) 연구(硏究)

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo 대한자원환경지질학회 1986 자원환경지질 Vol.19 No.1

        The Samkwang mine is one of gold deposits distributed mainly in the southwestern province (Chungnam) of the Korean peninsula. Golds occur in quartz veins aged of $223{\pm}4MA$ according to K-Ar age dating from muscovite in a pegmatitic quartz vein. Quantz veins intrude Precambrian biotite-granite gneiss and mica schist of unknown age. Fluid inclusions in the quartz show a range of homogenization temperatures from 159 to $274^{\circ}C$. A calculated temperature from the isotopes of the galena-sphalerite pair is $375^{\circ}C$. Two phases-fluid inclusions homogenized either by liquid or vapor phase are frequently observed in specimens over $260^{\circ}C$, which may indicate the boiling of the fluids. Pressure of formation of the quartz veins inferred by the homogenization temperatures of liquid-$CO_2$ bearing fluid is 1kb. Based on these data, it is assumed that the temperature of the formation of the Samkwang mine may lie in between $350^{\circ}-230^{\circ}C$. ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}s}$ values of sulphide minerals show narrow range of +2.1 to +4.6, and show a trend of enrichments of $^{34}S$ in the fluid from deep to the surface. ${\delta}^{34}S_{{\Sigma}s}$ in the fluid estimated is less than 3 permil, suggesting sulphur fluid originated from the magma.

      • KCI등재

        상동(上東) 중석광상(重石鑛床)의 주맥석(主脈石) 광물(鑛物)에 대(對)한 지화학(地化學)

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo 대한자원환경지질학회 1984 자원환경지질 Vol.17 No.2

        Microprobe analyses have disclosed geochemical compositions of the main components such as garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, chlorite, biotite, and muscovite in the Sangdong W skarn deposit and this study has identified several minerals which were previously unrecorded from this deposit; they are scapolite, zeolite, K-feldspar, rutile. illite and apophyllite. The $Fe^{+3}/Fe^{+2}$ or Mg/(Mg+Fe) ratios of coexisting minerals represents that these minerals were partially in equilibrium.

      • KCI등재

        상동광상(上東鑛床)의 광물공생(鑛物共生)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

        문건주,Moon, Kun Ju 대한자원환경지질학회 1974 자원환경지질 Vol.7 No.2

        Scheelite deposits in Sangdong mine are divided into three parallel vein groups, namely "Hanging-wall vein" which is located in the lowest parts of Pungchon Limestone, "Main vein" the most productive vein replaced a intercalated limestone bed in Myobong slate, "Foot-wall veins" a group of several thin veins parallel to main vein in Myobong slate. Besides the above, there are many productive quartz veins imbedded in the above veins and Myobong slate. Molybdenite and wolframite are barren in the former three veins group but associates only in quartz veins. Both main vein and foot-wall veins show regular zonal distribution, quartz rich zone in the center, hornblende rich zone surrounding the quartz rich zone and diopside rich zone in the further outside to the marginal parts of the vein. According to the distribution of three main minerals, quartz, hornblende and diopside the main vein can be divided into three zones which are in turn grouped into 7 subzones by distinct mineral paragenesis. They are summerized as follows: A. Diopside rich zone: 1. garnet-diopside.fl.uorite subzone 2. diopside-zoisite-quartz subzone 3. diopside-plagioclase subzone B. Hornblende rich zone: 4. hornblende-diopside-quartz subzone 5. hornblende-quartz-chlorite subzone 6. hornblende-plagioclase-quartz.sphene subzone C. Quartz rich zone: 7. quartz-mica-chlorite subzone The foot-wall veins can similarly be divided by mineral paragenesis into 3 zones, 6 subzones as follows: A. diopside rich zone: 1. garnet-diopside-quartz.fl.uorite subzone 2. garnet-diopside-wollastonite subzone B. Hornblende rich zone: 3. quartz-hornblende-chlorite subzone 4. hornblende-plagioclase-quartz subzone 5. hornblende-diopside-quartz subzone C. Quartz rich zone: 6. quartz-mica subzone The hanging-wall vein is generally grouped into 9 subzones by the mineral paragenesis which show random distribution. They are as follows: 1. diopside-garnet-fluorite subzone 2. diopside-zoisite-quartz subzone 3. diopside-hornblende-quartz-fluorite subzone 4. wollastonite-garnet-diopside subzone 5. hornblende-chlorite-quartz subzone 6. quartz-plagioclase-hornblende-sphene subzone 7. quartz-biotite subzone 8. quartz-calcite subzone 9. calcite-altered minerals subzone Among many composing minerals, garnet specially shows characteristic distribution and optical properties. Anisotropic and euhedral grossularite is generally distributed in the hanging wall vein and lower parts of the main vein, whereas isotropic and anhedral andradite in the upper parts of the main vein. Plagioclase (anorthite) and sphene are distributed ony near the foot-wall side of the aboveveins. wollastonite is a characteristic mineral in upper parts of the hang-wall vein. Molybdenite is distributed in the upper parts of quartz veins and wolframite in lower parts of quartz veins.

      • KCI등재

        상동(上東) 텅그스텐 스카른 광상(鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究)

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo 대한자원환경지질학회 1985 자원환경지질 Vol.18 No.3

        Fluid inclusion study reveals that the mineralogical zonal distribution of the Sangdong skarn orebody may be likely related to (homogenization) temperatures of fluids with time and spaces. Firstly limestone beds were replaced by hot boiling fluids ranging from 350 to $550^{\circ}C$ and formed the pyroxene-garnet skarn, which was replaced into the amphibole and the quartz-mica skarns by non-boiling fluids at 300 to $500^{\circ}C$, mainly penetrated the central part of the pyroxene-garnet skarn orebody. Freezing tests identify presence of $CaCl_2$ and $MaCl_2$ as brines in the fluids besides NaCl and KCL that are shown as daughter minerals and show that two or more fluids be involved in mineralization by showing a bimodal distribution of salinities. This study has contributed to find a new orebody and a granitic pluton as a source rock.

      • KCI등재

        Condition of the Sangdong Tungsten Skarn Formation

        문건주,Moon, Kun Joo The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1984 자원환경지질 Vol.17 No.4

        상동 텅그스텐 스카른의 생성온도와 동위원소가 보여준 결과는 광화용액의 근원이 마그마로부터 공급되어진 것으로 추정이 가능해 현 광체 하위부 1km 이내에 화강암류의 존재를 예측케 한바 있다. 스카른 광물군은 중앙의 운모부화대로 부터 측면으로 유체는 이동해 나가면서 평형 조건하에서 형성되어진것 같다. 광물학적 누대는 점차 외곽으로 가면서 시간이 지남에 따라 점차 확대되어 광상전반에 걸쳐 초기 광물군의 잔적을 남기면서 특징적인 스카른을 형성하였다. 중심부의 특징적인 운모-회중석대는 유체의 진화과정의 마지막 단계의 마그마 유체의 성질을 나타내 보이고 있다. 열역학적인 계산에 의한 그림을 이용해 일부 광물의 성분을 단순화시켜 스카른의 생성을 도시함으로써 정량화시켜 생성조건을 표현하였다. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on the Sangdong tungsten skarn have led to a conclusion that the mineralizing fluids might be derived from a magma, which was inferred within 1km below the present Sangdong ore deposit. Mineral assemblages of the skarns appear to have formed under the equilibrium conditions as the fluids flow outward from a central fluid column, in which the quatz-mica occurs dominantly. A characteristic skarn showing mineralogical zonation by repeated over-prints. The quartz-mica zone at the central part of the Sangdong skarns shows the final stage of protracted fluid evolution. Thermodynamic conclusion based on simplified chemical compositions of major components may express quantitatively the conditions of the skarn formation by using diagrams.

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