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      • KCI등재


        리철근 ( Li Tiegen ) 한국중국학회 2019 中國學報 Vol.87 No.-

        本文對網絡新聞標題中設問和引用的類型及其修辭特点進行了全面的考察,幷得出如下結論:a.網絡新聞中的設問式標題主要有問答式標題和問而不答式標題兩大類,各自可分爲若干小類,且各有不同的表現形式。b.網絡新聞中的引用式標題主要有明引式標題和暗隱式標題兩大類,各自也可分爲若干小類,且各有不同的表現形式。c.設問和引用在網絡新聞標題中的運用具有如下幾個特点:(一)用設問和引用强調或暗示新聞主題;(二)通過設問和引用口語化運用達成通俗易?、生動感人的效果;(三)用設問激發讀者對新聞主題的思考;(四)用設問制造懸念和激發好奇心;(五)用引用突出事件的眞實性。d.網絡新聞標題中設問和引用的綜合運用能制造疊加復合的表達效果。其中最爲常見的是套用。e.設問和引用在網絡新聞標題中的使用特点及修辭效果的分析可以進一步證明,辭格在提高網絡新聞標題的表達效果方面發揮着重要作用,語言學者有必要對更多辭格在網絡新聞標題中的使用情況展開全面的考察分析,以發現更多隱含在其中的規律。 This paper makes a detailed analysis of the types and rhetorical characteristics of Shewen and Yinyong in network news headlines, and draws the following conclusions:1. Shewen titles in network news mainly include question-and-answer titles and question-and-no-answer titles, and they can be divided into several sub-categories and each have different forms of expression.2. Yinyong titles in network news mainly include Mingyin style titles and Anyin style titles, and they can be divided into several sub-categories also and each have different forms of expression.3. Shewen and Yinyong in the use of network news headlines have the following characteristics: a. To emphasize or imply news topics with Shewen and Yinyong; b. To achieve the effect of being easy to understand and vivid and moving through the use of Shewen and Yinyong in colloquial language; c. To stimulate readers' thoughts on news themes with Shewen; d. To create suspense and arouse curiosity with Shewen; e. To highlight the authenticity of events with Yinyong.4. The comprehensive use of Shewen and Yinyong in network news headlines can produce superimposed and compound expression effects. Among them, the most common is Taoyong.5. The analysis of the usage characteristics and rhetorical effects of Shewen and Yinyong in the headlines of network news can further proved that the figure of speech plays an important role in improving the rhetoric effect of network news headlines. So it is necessary to investigate and analyze use situation of more figure of speech in the network news headlines to find more hidden rules.

      • KCI등재


        리철근 ( Li Tiegen ) 한국중국학회 2018 中國學報 Vol.84 No.-

        本文全面論述了各類“的”字短語的構成特点和韓譯技巧,主要觀点可槪括如下:a. 韓國語中沒有與“的”字短語完全對應的結構,飜譯時需根据“的”字短語的類型及其語義特点選擇與其對應的韓國語對譯形式。b. 借助提示成分確定隱性中心語是准確對譯“的”字短語的關鍵。飜譯時,首先需結合不同類型的“的”字短語的內部提示和外部提示確定隱性中心語的語義角色和具體所指,然后選擇與該“的”字短語相對應的詞語加以對譯。c. 除一些表達完整槪念的“的”字短語可以用單詞對譯以外,絶大多數的“的”字短語都需要用韓國語的偏正短語對譯,一部分替代“事”、“物”的“的”字短語可以用“것”字短語對譯,也可用中心語爲隱性中心語名詞的偏正短語對譯,而替代人的“的”字短語則只能用中心語爲隱性中心語名詞的偏正短語對譯。d. “V了/着/過+的”替代的隱性中心語爲施事或受事,其中的“了”、“着”、“過”呈現的是相對時功能。飜譯成韓國語時,需根据“了”、“着”、“過”所表示的不同的相對時意義選擇中心語爲施事或受事名詞、定語爲帶有相應定語時制詞尾的偏正短語加以對譯。 This paper discusses the characteristics of all kinds of “de”-phrases and techniques of Korean translation, and the main points of view can be summarized as follows:a. There is no structure corresponding to “de”-phrase in Korean, therefore in translation, we should choose the corresponding form of Korean translation according to the type and semantic features of “de”-phrase.b. It is the key to determine the recessive headword accurately by means of prompt parts. In translation, we first need to combine the inner prompt and external prompt of different types of “de”-phrases to determine the role and specific meaning of the rerecessive headword, then choose a word or phrase corresponding to the “de”-phrase to translate.c. some of “de”-phrases that express the complete concept may be translated in a word, but most of “de”-phrases need to be translated in modifier-head phrase in Korean. Some “de”-phrases used to refer “matter”, “object” can be translated in modifier-head phrases that the incomplete noun acts as a head moun, can also be translated in modifier-head phrases that recessive headword acts as a head moun, but the “de”-phrases used to refer to people only can be translated in modifier-head phrases that recessive headword acts as a head moun.d. The recessive headword that “V+Le/Zhe/Guo+De” replace is an agent or object, and among them, “Le”, “Zhe” and “Guo” expresses relative temporal function. When translating it into Korean, wo must select the modifier-head phrase that the verb with the corresponding suffix of tense acts as attributethe, recessive headword (agent or object) acts as head mounn according to the different relative tense meaning of “Le”, “Zhe” and “Guo”.

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