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        화인단체의 발전과 파벌 권력 구도 변화 - 말레이시아 벤동(Bendong) 광시회관(廣西會館)을 중심으로 -

        단효홍(段曉紅) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2019 디아스포라 연구 Vol.13 No.2

        동남아 화인사회는 지역 출신, 방언, 직업 등에 따라 크고 작은 방(幫), 즉 파벌로 나뉘며, 방은 동남아 화인사회의 존재와 발전의 바탕이다. 이들 방은 지연, 업연, 혈연 등으로 다양한 조직 단체를 만들었고, 이 조직이나 단체를 통해 각 방의 세력을 공고히 하고 발전시키는 동시에 다른 방과의 관계를 유지해 왔다. 말레이시아 벤동이 개항한 후 수많은 광둥인, 푸젠인, 하이난인, 광시인이 연이어 찾아 와서 생계를 꾸렸는데 각 종족은 출신지, 언어, 생활습속, 직업 등의 차이로 각각 광둥방(廣東幫), 푸젠방(福建幫), 하카방(客家幫), 하이난방(海南幫), 광시방(廣西幫) 등 5대 지역파벌을 형성했고, 부의 쟁탈에는 서로 양립할 수 없었다. 이 논문은 말레이시아 벤동의 광시회관을 중심으로 화인단체의 발전과 파벌 권력 구도의 변화를 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 벤동의 개항 시기에 화인사회의 파벌 싸움이 치열하게 전개되었는데, 광시회관은 이러한 파벌 투쟁의 직접적 산물이라고 할 수 있다. 회관의 설립은 광시방이 당시 경제 및 정치 부분에서 세력이 약했던 것을 반영한 것이며, 회관의 발전은 광시방 세력의 확대를 의미한다. 저우씨, 천씨 등 몇몇 대가족의 지도하에 광시회관은 회관 업무를 촉진하면서 구성원의 이익을 보호하고 확대하는 한편, 벤동 화인사회의 공동적 역사 운동에도 적극 참여해 왔다. 광시방은 경제, 정치 및 사회적 영향력이 높아지면서 벤동에서 가장 실력 있는 화인 조직으로 성장했다. 그 과정에서 파벌 내에 두 세력의 힘겨루기가 불가피했다. 현재 새 시대를 맞아 회관 내 당파의 구분은 회관의 발전 및 화인사회의 발전 전반의 시대적 과제가 되었다. The Chinese society in southeast Asia is divided into many ethnic groups which are called pangs, according to their dialects, places of origin and occupations. Pangs are the basis for the existence and development of Chinese society in southeast Asia. On the basis of pangs, Chinese immigrants set up different organizations and use these organizations to consolidate and develop the power of their own ethnic groups and maintain the relationship with other ethnic groups. This paper tries to discuss the close relationship between the development of Chinese organization and the change of power structure of pangs. There are five pangs in Malaysian Bendong Chinese society: Guangdong, Fujian, Hakka, Hainan and Guangxi. The establishment of Bendong Guangxi Association is the direct product of the fierce struggle of Pang Politics. Its establishment also reflected that Guangxi Pang were weak in economic and political forces at that time, so they had to huddle together to resist aggression, and its development and expansion also reflected the continuous growth of Guangxi Pang’s power. Under the leadership of Zhou, Chen and other big families, the Guangxi Association constantly expanded its internal affairs, and constantly expanded its political influence outside, which made the Guangxi Pang’s power in Bendong constantly grow. In this process, divergence inevitably appeared in the power competition of Zhou, Chen two major forces, Under the situation of the new era, the division of the parties within the association is the proposition that the association and the whole Chinese community needs to face.

      • KCI등재

        중국 및 한국의 기로(棄老) 습속에 관한 고찰: 기사요(寄死窰)와 고려장(高麗葬)을 중심으로

        段曉紅(Xiaohong Duan) 한국노년학연구회 2018 한국 노년학연구 Vol.27 No.2

        고대사회에서 노인을 버리는 행위는 여러 문화권에 존재했던 풍습이었다. 중국의 기사요(寄死窰)나 한국의 고려장(高麗葬) 등이 그 대표적인 예이다. 한국에서는 고려장 풍습의 존재를 부정하기도 하지만, 중국에서는 실증 연구를 통해서 기사요의 존재를 확인하고 있다. 실증 연구에 의하면, 중국의 기사요는 노인을 비자연적으로 사망하게 하는 풍습으로 인간 세상사의 하나였으며 또 일종의 장례 문화였다. 이와 같은 고대의 풍습을 토대로 근래 인구 고령화 시대에서의 노인 학대와 같은 생의 후반기 삶의 질 저하를 시급히 돌아보아야 할 것이다. The immoral deed of discarding older adults in ancient society was a kind of customs that were existed in many cultures. The classical examples of the deed were ‘Ji-Si-Yao’ in China and ‘Go-Ryo-Jang’ in Korea. Most of Korean scholars have denied the existence of the ‘Go-Ryo-Jang’ in Korea, but the existence of the ‘Ji-Si-Yao’ has been proven through a number of field studies in China. According to the studies, the ‘Ji-Si-Yao’ was a custom of making the aged dead unnaturally, one of ordinary matters, and a kind of burial services. Ruminating the ancient custom, people in the era of population ageing should be concerned about low quality of life for contemporary older adults.

      • KCI등재

        幫权结構下的华人社团 —以马来西亞文冬华人大会堂为例 -

        단효홍(段晓红),엄영욱(严英旭) 중국인문학회 2019 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.73

        Southeast Asian Chinese society is based on “Pang”, which can be simply understood as various geo-based ethnic/dialect communities. “The Power Structure of Pang Politics” is the internal organization structure of each community and the relationships between various “Pangs” consist of both competition and cooperation. Same with the Malaysian Chinese society as a whole, the Malaysian Bentong Chinese society is also a “Pang” co-existing society, with Cantonese (Guangdong) community, Hokkien (Fujian) community, Hakka community, Kwangsi (Guangxi) community and Hailam (Hainan) community. Even now, this “Pang” phenomenon still exists. The five comuunities (the Chinese called them “Wu Pang”) set up various associations with different ties between one and others. The Bentong Chinese Town Hall (Huatang in short form) was established by the five comuunities with the support of the British colonial government. The initial purpose was to reduce “Pang” fighting and maintain order and stability in the Chinese community. It is the highest leading organization of Bentong Chinese associations, and it is also the most typical “inter-Pang” organization. In this organization, the competition and cooperation between various communities was most directly presented, which is a typical case for the study of the power structure of “Pang”. Huatang was established a century ago under the background of competing and fighting between “Pangs”in Bentong, and the need to forge cooperation. Since then, based on the size of the communities, as well as the strength of their political and economic impacts, the various “Pangs” took their turn respectively to lead the Huatang during different periods of history, including the aiding China and resistance against Japanese aggression, Post World War II recovery, Emergency Period and independence of Malaysia until today, made the Huatang played different social functions in different time periods.

      • 중국 한족 결혼 이주여성의 초국가적 가족 유대

        단효홍(Duan Xiao Hong),정소영(Jung So Young) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2015 전남대학교 세계한상문화연구단 국제학술회의 Vol.2015 No.2

        Foreign married immigrated women carry their origin country identity and daughter try to keep connection between own country family. Because of transnational family network immigrated woman have a strong tie with all her members of family-of-origin as well as emotional connection, support and economical help and etc. In this paper was done research on married Han Chinese women who immigrated to the Republic of Korea which is the origin country of husband"s family, and to understand through deep structure interview and observation research methods their marriage immigration background, actual local life adaptation and present condition of participants, also was paid attention on interconnection between husband"s relatives, the model of family bond, investigated connection character, meaning of a family support and surround conflict and negotiation aspects. Married female Han Chinese women maintain a relation with their family in different ways: sending money, visiting their own country, giving them different kind of goods, making an investment, etc. At the same time they obtain social resources: information, sentimental connection, confident, mutual benefit, etc. This kind of think is globalization consequence and the inevitable acceleration of this global trend it"s going to maintain.

      • KCI등재후보

        광주지역 한족 결혼이주여성의 초국적 가족 유대

        단효홍(Duan Xiahong),김경학(Kim, Kyunghak) 전남대학교 글로벌디아스포라연구소 2015 디아스포라 연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 송금행위, 정보통신기술을 통한 가족원 간의 정서적 지지, 모국방문과 가족원의 한국 초청 등의 일련의 초국적 관계를 중심으로 광주지역 중국 한족 결혼이주여성의 초국적 가족 유대의 성격을 규명하고 있다. 이 연구의 모든 한족 이주여성은 관계의 질적 또는 양적 차이는 있지만 본국 가족과의 초국적 유대를 유지하고 있다. 교통·통신수단의 혁신적 발전으로 이주여성들은 송금, 모국방문, 정보통신을 이용한 정서적 지지, 가족초청을 더욱 신속하고 편리하게 하게 되었다. 이 연구는 결혼이주여성의 초국적 가족유대의 성격이 남편과 그 가족원의 경제적 여건, 가족구조, 가부장적 위계 등의 차이와 밀접히 연관됨을 보여주고 있다. 특히 결혼이주여성의 모국 가족원 초청은 본국 가족원에게 일방적(one-way)으로 호혜를 제공하는 것이 아닌 이주여성과 본국 가족원 간의 ‘돌봄의 호혜적 교환’(reciprocal exchange of care)으로 이해되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. Transnational families live most of the time separated from each other, yet hold together and create something that can be seen as a feeling of collective welfare and unity, namely ’familyhood’, even across national borders. This study aims at exploring the transnational family ties between Han-Chinese married migrant women in Korea and their left behind family members in China on the bases of some transnational care practices like remittances, virtual intimacy through ICTs(information and communication technologies), visit to homeland, and invitation of family members to Korea. The revolution of technologies of communication and the steady advances in transportation allow these married migrant women to maintain transnational family connections through several kinds of care practices. This study argues that the characteristics of transnational family ties closely related to the nature of economic situation, family structure, and patriarchal hierarchy of migrant women’s husband families. To be specific, this study highlights that the migrant women’s invitations of their family members to Korea should be considered as ‘reciprocal exchange of care’ rather than one-way benefit going to family members. This study clearly shows that the transnational care practices of migrant women become pivotal to how transnational families maintain their sense of belonging to each other and unity, even across national borders between Korea and China.

      • KCI등재

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