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        체르냐찌노 5 발해고분군의 고분유형과 출토유물

        정석배(Jung Suk-Bae),Yu. G. 니끼친(Yu. G. Nikitin),이남석(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2007 고구려발해연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Chernyatino-5 burial ground is located on the bank of Razdolnaya (Suiphun) river near Chernyatino village in Oktyabrskii region (Primorskii territory). It was found out in 1997, and from 1998 to 2002 by Yu.G. Nikitin there were studied 41 graves of Malgal and Palhae origin. In 2003 the Korean National University of Cultural Heritage and the Far Eastern State Technical University began the Korean-Russian joint archaeological excavations, and till there were excavated another 116 graves of Malgal and Palhae origin, and two Malgal dwelling houses. In Chemyatino-5 burial ground purely soil graves, stone crypts, graves with the stone facing over the circuit, graves with the stone facing on their bottom and graves "without base construction" were investigated. The soil graves are divided into common soil, having the stone facing over the circuit and having the stone facing on there bottom ones; stone crypts are divided into having entrance and without it. There are rectangular and elongate rectangular graves with the stone facing on their bottom. Among the graves with the stone facing over the circuit, having continuous facing, facing in the comers and facing in the comers and in the middle of the sides are met. There are many wooden frames and coffins in the graves. Long axis of them is mainly oriented to NW-SE. Cremation and burial are found. In case of burial the body could be straight or its legs were bent. In the graves with cremation there are cremation directly in the grave and the secondary one. In the soil graves usually there is only one body, but in the stone crypts, the graves with the stone facing over the circuit and the graves with the stone facing on the bottom there are as a rule two or more bodies. The head of the great part of the graves is oriented to NW, but in a twin burial one body could be oriented to NW and other to SE. Among the artifacts there are ceramics, a fragment of a big fighting iron knife, iron sword, arrow-heads, dart-heads, spear-heads, armor plates, "little daggers", knives, nails, buckles, elongated cone-shaped things, bronze plaques, jingles, bells, ear-rings, rings, horseman figures, silver ear-rings, rings, jade discs, cornelian beads, glass beads, whetstone, stone club-shaped things, clay rings and others there were found. Ceramics are divided to 4 kinds: jars, vase-shaped vessels, amphora-shaped (bottle-shaped) vessels and pots. Jars and vase-shaped vessels are usually considered to have the Malgal origin. They are usually modelled, with a touch of sand or gruss in the clay paste. They are crude and their surface is yellow and brown or brown. TIley are made in oxidizing flame. Amphora-shaped vessels' are made on potter's wheel, and their paste even if it sometimes includes fine sand is usually washed clay. Their color is grey or dark-grey, they are made in carbonizing flame and so considered Koguryo vessels. Pots usually made or completed on the wheel, made with clay sand with fine mica or loam. In the latter case they have dark-grey surface and also considered Koguryo vessels. Such artifacts as the iron sword, spear-heads, armor plates, "little daggers", bronze plaques, horseman figures, silver ear-rings, jade discs, cornelian beads and others are common in Palhae or Palhae age sites: in Troitskij burial ground, in Sinie Skaly Site, in Liudingshan Palhae burial ground, Dunhwa, in Sangjing Longtianfu Site, in Xishigang Bohaizhen burial ground, in Yangtun Dahaimeng site and others. The date of Chernyatino-5 burial ground by correlation of constructions (dwelling house and graves), layers, founds, comparison with founds from other monuments, absolute date materials is determined from the late Malgal to the middle Palhae age. The Northern part of the ground, where are concentrated the soil graves, is dated the late Malgal-middle Palhae, and the Southern part, where the stone crypts, the graves with the stone facing over the circuit and the graves with the stone facing

      • KCI등재

        연해주 북부지역의 중세시대 고고학 유적들

        끄라진 N.N(N.N. Kradin),니끼친 Yu.G(Yu.G. Nikitin),정석배(번역자) 고구려발해학회 2018 고구려발해연구 Vol.61 No.-

        이 글에서 우리는 이만 강과 비낀 강 유역에서의 연해주 북부지역의 정착 패턴에 대해 논의하였다. 산림지역인 그곳에서는 서로 다른 시기에 속하는 199곳 이상의 고고학 유적들이 발견되었다. 신석기시대부터 시작하여 사람들은 이미 사냥, 채집, 어로활동에 종사하였다. 연어 수렵은 이 시기에 매우 중요하였다. 초기철기시대에 이곳에서는 원시 농경이 출현하였는데 중세시기에 크게 발전하였다. 당시 아무르 강 유역에는 흑수말갈과 뽀끄로브까 문화 주민들이 거주하였다. 이곳은 국가 이전단계의 복합사회였고 그리고 여진제국의 주변지역이었다. In this paper we discuss the settlement pattern of Northern Primorye region in the basin of Iman and Bikin rivers. There in the heart of the forest there was discovered more than 199 arcle Ages. At that time there lived the Heishui Mohe of the Amur River and population of Pokrovka culture. It was pre-state complex society and periphery of Jurchen empire.

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