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      • KCI등재

        태아감시장치가 제왕절개술의 빈도에 미치는 영향

        김용철(YC Kim),이우홍(WH Lee),박완석(WS Park),김영제(YJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1982 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.25 No.3

        1976년 9월 1일부터 1981년 8월 31일까지 만 5년간 국립의료원 산과에 입원 분만한 1,500gm 이상의 출산하 총 5,953예를 대상으로 조사 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 총 분만 5,953예중 5,074예(85.2%)는 질식 분만을 하였고 869예(14.8%)는 제왕절개 분만을 시행하였다. 2. 이상태위는 총 253예이며 192예(75.9%)에서 제왕절개 분만을 실시하였다. 3. 난산으로 인한 제왕절개 분만은 277예로써 총 제왕절개 분만의 31.5%에 해당된다. 4. 태아 절박증의 빈도는 총 분만 5,953예 중 254예(4.3%)이며 이중 142예(2.4%)에서 제왕절개술을 시행하였다. 5. 총 분만 5,953예중 제왕절개술의 적응증은 난산이 277예로 가장 많고 제왕절개술의 기왕력 211예, 이상태위 192예, 태아 절박증 142예 및 전치태반 51예의 순이다. 6. 태아감시 장치의 적응빈도는 1978.9-1979.8은 2.7%이며 본격적으로 시행한 1979.9이후는 평균 16.8%이다. 7. 태아 감시 장치의 적응증은 과숙아(24.7%), 임신중독증(22.0%), 유도분만(18.4%) 및 태변착색 (13.1%)등의 순이었다. 8. 태아 절박증으로 제왕절개술을 시행한 142에중 태아 감시 장치를 시행한 예는 92예(67.7%)이다. 9. 총 분만 5,953에중 주산기 사망율은 19.7이며 매년 감소 추세이다. Many authors had found a moderate increase in Cesarean section rate, after the introduction of fetal monitoring system whereas others no change or decrease in its rate. To determine the effect of fetal mornitoring on Cesarean section rate, we studied and analysed cases underwent Cesarean section at National Medical Center from sep. 1976 to Aug. 1981. Fetal morntoring was employed in 455 patients, most of whom were thought to be at high risk group of pregnancy. The results were obtained as follows. 1. the mean Cesarean section rate was 14.8% and showed a gradually increasing tendency by year. 2. the factors leading to Cesarean section included dystocia (31.5%), repeat C/S (24.0%), abnormal presentation (21.8%), fetal distress (16.2%) and others. 3. the incidence of fetal monitoring application was 7.6%, because of the introduction and liberal using from the late part of 1978. and its rate was trend to increase gradually by year. 4. The incidence of fetal distress leading to Cesarean section increased by year(mean: 2.4%), the reason for this increment was thought to overemphasized fetal distress andn not-well established criteria for fetal distress. 5. Perinatal mortality rate was decreased, especially after the period of fetal mornitoring application (27.1/1976-77, 15.7/1980-1981).

      • KCI등재

        산부인과영역에서 Cefoperazone ( Cefobid ) 의 임상적 효과

        박인서(IS Park),박형무(HM Park),송시종(SJ Song),김영제(YJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1983 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.26 No.1

        결과 Celfozone 2gm 1일 2회 정주 투여 방법에 의한 산부인과 영역의 임상실험의 안전성과 임상효과를 평가하여 본 결과 전체적으로 만족스러운 임상효과를 보았던 경우가 87%에 해당되었다. Cefoperazone, a new broad-spectrum semisynthetic cephaiosporin, is one of the new third-generation cephalosporin which has been shown to inhibit most of the important Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. This is a report based on 31 cases of clinical trials of these drugs on serious obstetric and gynecologic patients in this hospital during 1 year period from April 1981 to March 1982. Six cases were primarily treated with Cefoperazone and 25 cases were treated with Cefoperazone mostiy due to be refractory to the previous antibiotic therapy. Cefoperazone was mainly administrated by 2gm/day intravenously. We had an excellent results in eradication rate of organisms by Cefopcrazone as follows. E. coli, Enterococcus, Klebsiella. Serratia, Proteus and Neisstria showed 100% eradition, and Staphylococcus 80% eradication, respectively. Pseudomonas was eradicated in one case of two, and EnterococcuS or Acinetob-acter was not eradicated in each single case. respectively. The overall eradication rate corresponded to 87%. Side effects were almost negligible in all cases. Two out of 31 patients experienced mild degree of nausea with vomiting and dizziness with flushing, but became under control with smiple symptomatic treat-ments.

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