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        부정사구문의 의미해석 -A.c.l.-구문을 중심으로-

        김연찬 ( Younchan Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2004 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.34

        The theme of base structures for bare infinitive constructions runs throughout this paper. The former transformational grammar tried to explain these constructions with Raising rule. which raises a subject of an embedded sentence to the object position of the matrix sentence. But dass-sentence has a different meaning from the corresponding bare infinitive construction. The dass-sentence presupposes the simultaneity. while a bare infinitive construction does not. On this ground I insist that perception verbs have the same structure (under 4b) as other trivalent verbs. This analysis is true of the verb lassen. Personal and reflexive pronouns stand in complementary relation to each other. This article shows which of the two pronouns is right for each bare infinitive construction. Above all, I stick to the opinion that grammar is a set of syntactic rules and sentences in one form. Thus, it should be handled uniformly and consistently with same rules: (1) a. Der Gefangenei lasst den Polizisten auf *sichi/ihni achten. b. Hansi lasst Maria zu sichi/*ihmi kommen. (2) a. Peteri sieht Hans von *sichi/ihmi betrogen. b. Hansi fuhlt die Freundin von sichi/*ihmi weggezogen. In the case of examples in (1) and (2), the difference in distribution of pronouns is based on individual language uses. not on grammatical rules. The base structure for bare infinitive constructions looks like (4b), not (4a): (3) a. leh sehe mich mude b. Ich fuhle mich viel besser. (4) a. IP b. IP --------- --------- NP VP NP VP --------- --------- IP V NP V`` --------- IP V

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