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        대한민국임시정부와 재외동포

        김봉섭 ( Kim Bongseop ) 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2020 민족연구 Vol.0 No.76

        본 연구는 한말과 일제강점기 시절 중국, 러시아, 미국 등지에 거주하던 동포지도자들을 중심으로 결성된 대한민국임시정부(Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea)와 재외동포사회(Overseas Korean Community)가 어떤 관계를 유지해왔는지를 파악하는데 목표를 두었다. 이 시기의 재외동포정책은 다음과 같이 요약된다. 주권과 영토와 국민의 경계를 한반도 밖으로까지 확장하였고, 임시의정원에 재중·재러·재미동포 대표를 포함시켰다. 동포사회의 자조·자치능력을 독려하기 위해 ‘임시거류민단제’를 제정·공포하였고, 일제가 무조건 항복을 선언하자 중국에 주화대표단 등을 설치하여 동포들의 본국 귀환에 각별한 관심을 기울였다. 일제의 감시와 탄압으로 인해 해외에서 활동할 수밖에 없었던 임시정부로서는 국민적 기반이 절대적으로 필요하였는데, 이는 “국민=동포, 동포=국민”이라는 기본사상을 유지·계승한 결과였다. Overseas Korean policies of the PGROK(the following, 'PGROK'), can be summarized as follows; The PGROK extended the concept of sovereignty, territory, and nationality beyond the Korean Peninsula and granted Korean people in China, Korean People in Russia, and Korean People in America representation in the Provisional Assembly of the Republic of Korea. The PGROK established and proclaimed a 'temporary settlement corporation' system to encourage the autonomy and self-sufficiency across overseas Korean communities. Moreover, when the Japanese Empire declared its unconditional surrender, the PGROK established the 'Korean People in China at Delegation Foreign Affairs to China' and took many other measures to ensure the repatriation and overall safety of overseas Koreans. The PGROK which had no choice but to operate overseas due to the surveillance of the Japanese Empire, desperately needed public support and found it through the cultivation of relationships with overseas Koreans. The relationship between the PGROK and Overseas Koreans is based on the concept that “Korean Nationals=Korean Compatriots” and vice versa.

      • 자기부상열차와 항행안전시설간의 전파장애 유발 여부에 대한 비행검사

        김봉섭(Bongseop Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2016 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.5

        Urban maglev train maintains a constant air gap between the vehicle body and the levitation rail using attraction force. In addition, the way of driving takes advantage of the traction force of the linear induction motor. Therefore, the maglev train can safely drive while keeping the body around 8mm away from the rail by the attractive force of the levitation electromagnet. Since February 3rd 2016, Incheon International Airport(IIA) Maglev has started its commercial operation on the elevated tracks between IIA Station and Yeongjong Station every 15 minutes. The occurrence of radio interference between maglev and navigational aids was scheduled to be inspected on the request of the Incheon International Airport Corporation because IIA Maglev route was designed to cross the south takeoff (third, fourth runway) area from east to west at the time of planning. In this paper, we introduce not only the flight test and its procedures based on the Aviation Act but also the first flight test for railway applications.

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