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차량 서브프레임의 진동특성에 미치는 주요 설계변수 공차의 영향 분석
김범석(Bumsuk Kim),김봉수(Bongsoo Kim),유홍희(Honghee Yoo) 한국자동차공학회 2008 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.16 No.5
In the design process of an automobile part, several analysis methods are usually utilized to evaluate the performance of the part. However, most automobile design engineers do not directly utilize CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) tools since specific skills are required to obtain practical results. Moreover, CAE requires a huge amount of computation time and cost. In order to resolve these problems, a new design approach named First Order Analysis (FOA) technique has been proposed. In this paper, the FOA technique is employed to design a vehicle sub-frame. An equivalent model of the vehicle sub-frame which only consists of beam elements is proposed and the modal properties obtained with the model are compared to those obtained with a full scale finite element model. The effect of some parameter tolerances on the modal characteristics of the vehicle sub-frame is investigated by employing the FOA equivalent model.
서브프레임 등가모델을 이용한 전차량 모델의 진동특성 분석 방법
김범석(Bumsuk Kim),김봉수(Bongsoo Kim),배경일(Kyungil Bae),유홍희(Honghee Yoo) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2009 No.11
The large structure, such as passenger vehicle or aircraft, cannot be modeled into simple vibration system because the various substructures were complicatedly combined each other. So, the finite element method technique is generally used to model and simulate the physical behavior of bodies with arbitrary shape. However, FE analysis requires a huge amount of computation time and cost to construct the analysis model. Accordingly, the vibration characteristics of large structural systems are often analyzed using the component mode synthesis techniques which is one of the substructure synthesis methods. The component mode synthesis (CMS) method is adopted to reduce the number of degrees of freedom of structures composed of two or more substructures, without losing the mean physical characteristics of the structure. In this study, an analysis of vibration characteristics of passenger vehicle applying substructure synthesis method is performed. The passenger vehicle model, consisting of a vehicle body, suspension systems and sub-frame, is presented. The physical parts of the vehicle system are idealized as equivalent substructures using the Craig-Bampton method of CMS. Vibration characteristics, such as modal results and frequency response, of the vehicle system are obtained. The effects of some design parameters variations on the vibration characteristics of full vehicle model are also investigated.
김범석(Bumsuk Kim) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2010 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2010 No.10
Wind energy market in the world grows continually every year, but the supply of wind turbine is not enough due to the shortage of some key components. Thus, most of wind turbine manufactures are trying to establish a solid supply chain by an exclusive long-term contract with component suppliers or merging them as affiliated companies. This paper presents a brief summary for the current status of wind turbine component supply chain and forecasts the expected changes in the wind energy market.
김범석(Bumsuk Kim),소선섭(Sunsup So),김병호(Byeongho Kim),은성배(Seongbae Eun) 한국정보과학회 2008 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.14 No.1
센서노드 운영체제는 다종다양한 센서를 효율적으로 관리하기 위해서 통일된 API와 효율적인 디바이스 드라이버 매니저를 지원하여야 한다. 하지만 Tiny-OS, Nano-Q+ 등의 기존 운영체제들은 이와 같은 디바이스 드라이버 매니저를 지원하지 않는다. 본 논문에서는 센서 I/O 서브시스템을 제안하여 응용프로그래머에게 통일된 API를 제공하며 디바이스 드라이버의 장탈착이 용이한 디바이스 관리 매니저를 제시한다. 탈부착이 가능한 스마트 센서를 위하여 원격 디바이스 드라이버 업데이트 방식을 제안한다. 이 방식은 일부 센서가 변경되었을 때 전체 응용이 아닌 디바이스 드라이버만의 다운로딩이 가능하다. ETRI가 개발한 Nano-Q+에 상기한 기능을 추가하여 설계하고 구현하였다. 기존 운영체제와 성능을 비교 평가하였고 디바이스 드라이버 부분 다운로딩이 다운로딩 속도를 획기적으로 개선시켰다. Sensor Node OS should support unified API and efficient sensor device management system to overcome the diversity of sensors and actuators. However, conventional OSs like Tiny-OS and Nano-Q+ do not. In this paper, we propose a sensor device driver management system that present application programmers with unified API and easy deployment of sensors. When a sensor is deployed in our device management system, the device driver is downloaded. This scheme differs from traditional OS like SOS in that only sensor device driver is downloaded, not the whole application image. We designed and implemented the system into Nano-Q+. We described the comparison with other OSs and showed that our system obtains the considerable speedup of downloading.