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        Motion Error Estimation of Slide Table on the Consideration of Guide Parallelism and Pad Deflection

        김규하,한준안,이선규 한국정밀공학회 2014 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        This paper presents a motion error estimation method for a slide table using a transfer function method, which calculates motionerrors due to the rail straightness of a slide guide stage. The proposed transfer function method uses a new reaction force-momentmodel with a double spring system to consider the effect of the reaction moment resulting from a pad pitch error. This paper alsoproposes a new straightness measurement method, which takes guideway parallelism error in account. Guideway straightness datawere measured using a stage suspended by porous air pads. Over a working distance of 1,620 mm, stage motion errors were measuredeach 20 mm. Measured straightness data were used as input to the motion error analysis of the slide guide table. The estimated motionerrors were compared with both the measured data and the estimated motion errors by the existing transfer function method. Theestimated results agreed with the experiment results. Moreover, the estimation errors of pitch and yaw of the proposed reaction forcemomentmodel were smaller than those of the existing reaction force-moment model.

      • KCI우수등재

        배심제도에 관한 연구 : 주권자의 사법통제를 중심으로

        김규하 한국공법학회 2003 공법연구 Vol.32 No.2

        In a modernized state, in general, a constitutional principle, Sovereignty rests with feature itself. Its principle is derived from an Article l, clause 2 from the Sovereignty belongs to the people of Korea and all power. In other words, the people of Korea can check the people Koreas constitutional law, also comes from the people of Korea all powers. Unlike both the Administration and the Legislature, these two are actually lied on by the mass through democratic vote system, the Justice indirectly controls the people of Koreas sovereignty. Because the jury system has both advantageous facts and featured factors, I thoroughly examined some documents about the U.S jury system. As a brief summary, I agreed A. Hamiltons opinion about the value of jury system, Its value is lied on the protection of the freedom and this freedom rules the Justices dominance to all affairs to the mass. One more thing that I go is J.S. Mills advocacy. He said that the jury system could be possible through some ethical education in solving from resolution of official affairs. And he also emphasizes the jury system is more superior to presidential elections or the Assembly elections because the jury system is closely related to the sovereignty. Through these above stated two opinions, we can understand the U.S jury systems politically. On the other hand, political ideologies such as democracy, defending human rights and legalism continuously raise a modernized state to have updated law systems. Specifically, if a certain nations political system is basically operated based on liberal market economy, developed states new systems strongly influence to some underdeveloped states. And underdeveloped states actively accept these new systems. Through these procedures, these systems become universal. Japans judicial reform is the right to explain the above stated statements. Because many trials are done just based on the relationships among judges, attorneys and prosecutors, Japan has seriously concerned for a long time to find a solution of social problems that are originated from the side effects of these relationships. In the end, in 1999, Japan had set up a Judicial Reform Committee in a cabinet and tried to change law educational systems and remained three parts judicial officers (Judge, Attorney, Prosecutor) including the jury system. To be more specific, Japan has already started to changing economic reforms including political and administrations. The aims of these reforms are to set up an efficient and transparent administrative system and simultaneously, to increase the transparency and responsibility of a regime. Without Judicial reform, organizing an open and aboveboard is impossible.

      • 행정상의 의무이행 확보수단

        김규하 경기대학교 1999 論文集 Vol.43 No.1

        지금까지 행정목적을 달성하기 위해서 행정청이 상대방에 대하여 의무의 부과나 과거의 의무불이행에 대한 행정벌을 中心으로 하였다. 그러나, 현대에 들어와서 행정상의 의무이행을 확보하기 위해서는 종래와 같은 수단으로는 목적을 달성할 수 없다는 결론에 도달하였다. 즉, 행정벌은 과거에 대한 의무불이행에 대한 威□效果를 기대하나 현대의 利己主義的인 의무자는 의무를 이행하는데 요하는 경비와 불이행에 대한 경비를 감안하여 의무의 이행·불이행을 결정하는 일이 많으므로 행정상의 의무이행확보는 더욱 어려워진다. 이러한 행정벌에 대한 과도한 기대는 결국 前科者를 양산하는 결과에 이어지게 된다. 다른 편으로, 행정상의 수단을 본래 예정된 목적과 다른 목적을 위한 강제수단으로 활용하는 것이 법치주의 하에서 용인될 것인가가 문제된다. 이는 법률의 유보 원칙과의 조화의 문제이다. 대개 일반적으로는 제도가 예정하고 있는 목적 외의 활용은 문제가 있는 것으로 보이나, 다른 의무이행 확보수단이 없고, 행정권에게 사태해결을 바라는 경우에는 반드시 그 轉用自體가 곧 違法이라고는 할 수 없는 것으로 생각된다. 결국은, 개별·구체적으로 행정에 의해서 추구되어야 할 이익과 당사자의 보호의 필요성과의 형량의 결과에 의할 수밖에 없다. 또, 상대방의 이익에 대한 법적구제 방법에도 문제는 있다. 예를 들면, 잘못된 공표의 구제수단으로서 국가배상을 인정할 것인가, 그 구제의 정도는 어떻게 할 것인가 등이 문제이다. 국가에 의해 상처받은 신용·명예는 당사자로서는 대단히 타격적인 것이기 때문에, 소위 謝罪廣告的인 것으로 충분할 것인가 혹은, 공표행위자체의 취소소송을 인정해야 할 것인가 등에 대한 검토도 있어야 할 것이다.

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