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      • KCI등재

        스라이드임신진단법과 한국산 개구리 임신진단법의 비교관찰

        권영조(YJ Kwon) 대한산부인과학회 1964 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.7 No.8

        1. 정상임부 14예, 비임부 6예, 남성 1예, 유산 2예, 포상기태 1예, 융모상피종 2예, 계 26예에 대한 슬라이드 면역학적 임신진단법과 한국산 참개구리 임신반응을 동시에 시행하여 비교검토하였다. 2. 전예에 대한 진단적 적확률은 슬라이드법 100%, 개구리법 88%이었다. 3. 정상임부에 대한 양성율은 슬라이드법 100%, 개구리반응 93%이었다. 4. 비임신 및 남성뇨에 대한 위양성예는 양법 공히 없었다. 5. 비정상임신 5예에 있어서는 슬라이드법으로는 양성이나 개구리법으로는 유산 1예와 융모상피종 1예에서 위음성반응을 나타내었다. 6. 슬라이드법은 뇨비종이나 채뇨시간에 영향을 받지 않는다. 7. 슬라이드법은 생물학적 방법과 동일한 고율의 정확성을 가지면서 가장 간편하고도 신속하고 경제적인 임신진단법으로서 생물학적 임신진단법에 대치할 수 있는 우수한 임신반응이다. 소변임신반응검사..... Recent advances in immunology have opened a new approach to a rapid, inexpensive, and accurate test for detecting pregnancy. I have had the opportunity of evaluating a new rapid slide pregnancy test, marketed as Gravindex slide test for preguancy, supplied by Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, which is based on the principle of inhibition of agglutination of HCG-coated latex particles by anti-HCG serum when HCG is present the test urine. The purpose of my study was to determine whether such in vitro pregnancy was reliable enough to replace the biological test. A comparative study simultaneously employing the Korean frog test was conducted and the results were as follows; 1) 14 cases of normal pregnancy, 6 cases of non-pregnant women, 1 case of male, 2 cases of threatened abortion, 2 cases of choriocarcinoma, and 1 case of hydatidiform mole, totalling 26 cases, were studied with slide test and frog test. 2) General diagnostic accuracy was 100% with slide test, and 88% with frog test. 3) In pregnant patient diagnostic accuracy was found to be 100% with slide test, and 93% with frog test. 4) In the absence of pregnancy both tests were negative in 100% (No false positive test). 5) Slide test was positive in 100% of abnormal pregnancy, but frog tests were negative in one case of threatened abortion and one case of choriocarcinoma. 6) Accuracy of slide test had no relation to the time of collection and specific gravity of the urine specimen. 7) The slide immunological pregnancy test was fonnd to be a rapid, inexpensive, accurate, and easily performed office procednre, and enough to replace the bilogical test in the clinic and office procedure.

      • KCI등재

        중북자궁의 임신과 분만 ( 4예보고 )

        권영조(YJ Kwon),김성심(SS Kim),김영철(YC Kim),고근익(KI Koh) 대한산부인과학회 1965 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.8 No.10

        Full term pregnancy and delivery of double uterus are met extremely rarely on delivery floor, but we experienced 4 such cases during the period July, 1964-1965 at Seoul National University Hospital, which are, hereby, reported in details, with review of literatures on the female genital anomalies, including terminology, classification, incidence, complication, diagnosis and management. 1) Two cases of uterus didelphys and two cases of uterus bicornis unicollis were reported 2) Two cases of uterus didelphys were diagnosed prior to delivery, but the other two cases were recognized on the operation table. 3) Two cases were delivered by caesarian section because of mechanical obstruction of soft birth canal by nonpregnant semi-uterus(2 cases), and severe preeclampsia in breech presentation(1 case) 4) Presentations were: two cephalic and two breech.

      • KCI등재

        난산을 야기한 ABO혈액형 부적합에 기인한 태아수종의 1예

        권영조(YJ Kwon),지제근(JG Chi),안영국(YK Ahn),김형진(HJ Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1965 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.8 No.5

        A case of erythroblastosis fetalis due to BO incompatibility, featured by hydrops fetalis, with associated maternal syndrome (preeclampsia), causing dystocia due to a large baby and stillbirth, is reported, hereby, with review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 모유에 관한 면역학적 연구 ( 제1편 ) 초유에 함유된 Immunoglobulin의 정량분석

        권영조(YJ Kwon),이성근(SK Lee),임수덕(SD Lim) 대한산부인과학회 1966 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.9 No.11

        Comparative and immunochemical analyses of the milk and serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA&IgM were attempted in a series of experiments. In this paper, quantitative meaurements of the immunoglobulins in the colostrum and maternal serum using Oudin`s capillary tube technique were presented. Smaples were obtained from 21 normal Korean puerperas, totalling 21 colostrums and 11 maternal sera. Levels of the immunoglobulins in the colostrum were: IgG 118.2 64.35mg%, IgA 334.9 162.2mg%, IgM 50.4 23.1mg%,: and those of maternal sera were: IgG 1,979.1 702.5mg%, IgA 227.6 43.1mg%, IgM 88.4 15.2mg%. The high concentration of IgA immunoglobilin in the colostrum was most noticeable finding. In addition to the experiments, recent findings and knowledsge about the immunoglobulins were also described.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 모유에 관한 면역학적 연구 ( 제 2편 ) 정상모유에 함유된 Immunoglobulin의 정성분석

        이성근(SK Lee),권영조(YJ Kwon),옹상길(SK Ong) 대한산부인과학회 1966 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.9 No.11

        Quantitative measurement of the IMMUNOGLOBULINS in the milk of the Korean women was performed using IMMUNO-PLATE Human γM, γG, γA Immunoglobulin Test. Seven cases of normal women were followed up, whose sera and colostrums were measured for the immunoglobulins in the previous paper. The levels of the immunoglobulins in the mature milk were as follows; IgG 40.6 17.3mg%; IgA 53.9 19.3mg%; IgM 20.0 9.0mg%. The content in the milk was much lowered as compared with that of the colostrum, and any fraction of the immunoglobulins in the milk did not exceed those in the maternal serum and colostrum.

      • KCI등재

        면역전기영동법에 의한 자궁경관점액중의 혈청단백에 대하여

        박제우(JW Park),권영조(YJ Kwon),임수덕(SD Lim) 대한산부인과학회 1966 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.9 No.11

        In recent years the analysis of the protein components in the cervical mucus has drawn more attention with respect to the possible occurrence of a biologic infertility cause by an immune reaction between sperm antigen and cervical mucus antibodies, and antimicrobial prophyractic immunity. Immunoelectrophoretic studies on cervical mucus have already been undertaken by several workers, but there is not complete agreement as regards to proteins in cervical scretions obtained from nonpregnant women as yet probable due to differences in techniques used. It was the purpose of this study to investigate in single, undiluted specimens the appearance of serum proteins in cervical mucus of Korean women during different stages of the menstrual cycle. Summary 1) A complete study of the proteins of normal cervical mucus has been made by immunoelectrophoresis in cases of Korean women. 2) Albumin, transferrin, and gamma globulin(IgG) were always found, and in the half of the cases alpha-2 globulin and IgA were present. 3) No significant differences in protein component of cervical mucus were found in regard to menstrual cycle. 4) The possible role of cervical mucus(especially, IgG and IgA) in the production of biological infertility and antimicrobial prophylactic immunity was discrssed together with the limits and merits of the immuno elctrophoretic method in the study of the cervical mucus.

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