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      • KCI등재

        『태의국제과정문격(太醫局諸科程文格)』의 내용상 특징에 관한 소고

        국수호,김남일,차웅석,Kug, Sooho,Kim, Namil,Cha, Wung-Seok 한국의사학회 2019 한국의사학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        This study examines a Song-dynasty book entitled TaeYiKukZieKuaZungMun Kyuk (A Collection of Imperial Medical Service Examination Questions and Answers 太醫局諸科程文格), which is the collection of questions and answers in the state examinations on medicine. This book was compiled by Hah Dae-yim (何大任) who was the vice-principal of the TaeYiKuk (The Imperial Medical Service 太醫局). The book consists of nine chapters. The present study reviewed all the chapters and found a number of significant issues. First, test-takers were required to be highly proficient in the fundamental knowledge of canonic texts of East Asian medicine. Second, pulse diagnosis was emphasized among the four diagnostic methods (四診). Third, herbal medicine formulas are organized according to the fixed structures of Ki Bang (奇方), which contained an odd number of herbs and Wu Bang (偶方), which contained an even numbered herbs), and fixed ratios for mixing various herbs. Fourth, there is a theory for division of therapies in which acupuncture is used for meridian diseases and herbal medicine for organ diseases. Fifth, herbal medicine formulas based on Unki theory (運氣學) are simpler than those of the previous generations. Sixth, the knowledge on the place of origin of herbs was emphasized. Seventh, knowledge of the relationship between herbs was also emphasized. Eighth, Tang (湯) and San (散) were used most frequently as forms of medicine.

      • KCI등재

        太醫局諸科程文格 의 내용상 특징에 관한 소고

        국수호(Sooho Kug),김남일(Namil Kim),차웅석(Wung-Seok Cha) 한국의사학회 2019 한국의사학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        ThisstudyexaminesaSong-dynastybookentitledTaeYiKukZieKuaZungMunKyuk(ACollectionofImperialMedicalServiceExamination QuestionsandAnswers太醫局諸科程文格),whichisthecollectionofquestionsandanswersinthestateexaminationsonmedicine. ThisbookwascompiledbyHahDae-yim (何大任)whowasthevice-principaloftheTaeYiKuk(TheImperialMedicalService太醫局). Thebookconsistsofninechapters.The presentstudyreviewed allthechaptersand found a numberofsignificantissues.First, test-takerswererequiredtobehighlyproficientinthefundamentalknowledgeofcanonictextsofEastAsianmedicine.Second,pulse diagnosiswasemphasizedamongthefourdiagnosticmethods(四診).Third,herbalmedicineformulasareorganizedaccordingtothe fixedstructuresofKiBang(奇方),whichcontainedanoddnumberofherbsandWuBang(偶方),whichcontainedanevennumbered herbs),andfixedratiosformixingvariousherbs.Fourth,thereisatheoryfordivisionoftherapiesinwhichacupunctureisusedfor meridiandiseasesandherbalmedicinefororgandiseases.Fifth,herbalmedicineformulasbasedonUnkitheory(運氣學)aresimpler thanthoseofthepreviousgenerations.Sixth,theknowledgeontheplaceoforiginofherbswasemphasized.Seventh,knowledgeof therelationshipbetweenherbswasalsoemphasized.Eighth,Tang(湯)andSan(散)wereusedmostfrequentlyasformsofmedicine.

      • KCI등재

        『國譯編註醫學入門』의 편찬 과정에 대한 연구

        국수호(Sooho Kug),차웅석(Wung-Seok Cha),안상우(Sang-Woo Ahn),한창현(Chang-Hyun Han),김남일(Kim Namil) 한국의사학회 2021 한국의사학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        『醫學入門』은 16세기 중국 명나라시기에 李梴이 간행된 의서로서 조선 중기에 우리나라에 유입이 되었다. 그리하여 한국 한의학에서 중요한 저술이라고 할 수 있는『東醫寶鑑』의 성립에도 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 조선시대의 많은 의학자들이 『醫學入門』을 애독하였으며 조선시대에 『醫學入門』을 매우 중시하였다는 사실을 확인하였다. 이후 일제강점기 시대를 지내면서도 晴崗 金永勳, 李聖宿, 韓南洙 등의 한의사들을 통하여 한의학 내에서 『醫學入門』의 지위는 계속 강조되었다. 이와 같은 흐름 속에서 1970년대 한의사 단체인 漢方醫友會의 주도로 한의학 고전 번역사업의 일환으로서 『醫學入門』번역 작업이 시작되었다. 하지만 자금부족의 이유로 번역이 늦어져 1974년 10월 10일 초판을 발행하였다. 당시 번역을 주도하였던 사람들의 글을 보면 『醫學入門』의 번역은 단순한 번역 사업이 아니었음을 알 수 있다. 한국 한의학에서 『醫學入門』의 정확한 번역을 통해 한의학의 과학화와 현대화를 도모할 수 있으리라고 생각한 것이다. 그렇기 때문에 『國譯編註醫學入門』은 단순한 번역서가 아니라 한국 의학사에서 중요한 가치를 지닌 의서라고 간주해야 할 것이다. Uihagipmun was a medical book published by Leecheon during the Ming Dynasty of China in the 16th century and was introduced to Korea during the mid-Joseon Period. Thus, the establishment of Donguibogam , an important work in Korean medicine, was also greatly influenced. It was confirmed that many medical professionals of the Joseon Dynasty loved Uihagipmun and that Uihagipmun was very important during the Joseon Dynasty. Since then, the status of Uihagipmun in Korean medicine continued to be emphasized through Korean medicine doctors throughout the Japanese colonial era. Amid this trend, the translation of Uihagipmun began in the 1970s as part of the classical Korean medicine translation project under the leadership of the Korean medicine group “Hanbanguiuhoe.” However, due to lack of funds, the translation was delayed and the first edition was published on October 10, 1974. The writings of those who led the translation at that time show that the translation of Uihagipmun was not just a translation business. They thought that the exact translation of Uihagipmun in Korean medicine could lead to the scientific and modernization of korean medicine. Therefore, Gugyeok pyeonjuuihagipmun should not be regarded as a mere translation, but as a medical book of important value in Korean medical history.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 의과시험 교재로서의 醫學入門 에 대한 고찰

        국수호(Sooho Kug) 한국의사학회 2021 한국의사학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Uihakyimmun(醫學入門)waswrittenaround1580byLiTing(李梴)duringtheMingDynastyofChina.Later,duringthemid-Joseon period,Uihakyimmun(醫學入門)wasintroducedtoJoseonandisbelievedtohavecontributedtothedevelopmentofJoseonmedicine. TheimportanceofthisUihakyimmun(醫學入門)wasespeciallyevidentasitwasdesignatedasatextbookformedicalexaminationin thelateJoseonDynasty.ThispaperexaminestheprocessofUihakyimmun(醫學入門)beingintroducedintoJoseonbasedonhistorical records.ItalsoconsideredthereasonwhyMedicalEducationwasselectedasthetextbookforthemedicalexaminationinsteadof Donguibogam (東醫寶鑑).Asaresult,itwaswidelyreadbycourtdoctorsbeforebeingselectedasatesttextbook,andgradually becameaformaltextbookafterbeingusedininformaltests.Inaddition,itwasrevealedthroughhistoricalrecordsthatthereason whyUihakyimmun(醫學入門)waschoseninsteadofDonguibogam (東醫寶鑑)wasbecauseUihakyimmun(醫學入門)fitbetterwith Confucianvalues.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 의과시험의 실제 사례에 대한 고찰

        국수호(Sooho Kug) 한국의사학회 2021 한국의사학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        The appointmentofmedicalofficialsduring the Joseon Dynastywasconducted through medicaltesting.Todate,mostofthe researchdoneonthesetestshasfocusedonthetestingsystem anditsformalqualitieswithoutanystudyofactualtestcases.This paperconsiders the significance ofthe medicalexamination formatand contents through a testpapercontained in the book “Joseonuihaksageupjilbyeongsa(朝鮮醫學史及疾病史) byMikiSakae(三木榮).Theliteratureconfirmsthatthemedicalexam paperis thesameformatas“Gangji(講紙),”andthatthetestformatcalled“Gangseo(講書)”isaveryhigh-leveltest.Therefore,analysisof thecasesuggeststhattheformatofthemedicalexaminationreflectsthedemandforhigh-qualitymedicallearningforapplicants. Thisconsiderationismeaningfulbecauseexistingmedicaltestpapersareveryrare.

      • KCI등재

        청대 의과시험의 실제 사례에 대한 고찰

        국수호(Sooho Kug) 한국의사학회 2021 한국의사학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        과거제도는 동아시아의 교육사에서 중요한 제도이다. 특히 중국에서는 과거제도가 거의 1300년동안 지속되었다. 각 왕조는 이것을 통해 세습귀족에게 권력이 집중되는 것을 방지하고 능력 있는 인재가 국가의 중요한 자리에 오를 기회를 부여할 수 있었다. 의학교육에 있어서도 중국에서는 이미 송나라때부터 시험을 통해 의관을 선발하였다. 하지만 현재 각 왕조별로 남아있는 의과시험의 실제 사례는 매우 희귀하다. 본 논문은 첫째로 청나라 때의 의과시험의 시행방식을 살펴보고 그것이 어떻게 인사고과에 영향을 미쳤는지 살펴보았으며, 둘째로 현재 남아있는 청대의 시험문제의 실제 사례를 살펴보고 그것이 내용적인 측면에서 청대의 의학서적인 『醫宗金鑑』과 깊은 관계가 있으며 시험의 형식으로는 당시의 문과시험의 문체에서 영향을 받았음을 구체적으로 고찰하였다. The civil service examination system is an important system in the history of education in East Asia. In particular, in China, the civil service examination system lasted for almost 1,300 years. Through this, each dynasty was able to prevent the concentration of power to the hereditary nobles and to give competent talents an opportunity to rise to an important position in the state. In terms of medical education, in China, doctors have already been selected through tests since the Song Dynasty. However, the actual cases of medical tests currently remaining in each dynasty are very rare. This paper, firstly, examined the implementation method of the medical test during the Qing Dynasty and examined how it influenced the merit rating. and secondly, this paper examined the actual cases of the remaining Qing medical exam questions, in terms of content, deeply related to the medical text “Uijonggeumgam(醫宗金鑑)” and was influenced by the style of the civil service examination at that time.

      • KCI등재

        현종 비 명성왕후의 복약 기록 연구 - 승정원일기 의 의안을 중심으로 -

        박주영(Jooyoung Park),국수호(Sooho Kug),김남일(Namil Kim):차웅석(Wungseok Cha) 한국의사학회 2019 한국의사학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        QueenMyeongseongwasthewifeofKingHyeonjong,the18thkingoftheJoseonDynasty,andthemotherofKingSukjong.The clinicalrecordsofQueenMyeongseongaresummarizedonthebasisoftheSeungjeongwonIlgi(TheDailyRecordsofRoyalSecretariat ofJoseon Dynasty承政院日記)and reviewed through Donguibogam.Queen Myeongseong gave birth toonemale and three female childreninthetimeofthequeen.ShetookGeumgaedangguihwan(金櫃當歸丸),Dalsaengsan(達生散),Antaeum (安胎飮)duringher pregnancyandGungguitang(芎歸湯)duringpostnatalcare.Since1669,chesttightness,sleeplessness,arm painandnumbnessofarms hadbeenappeared.Ondamtang(溫膽湯)andDodamtang(導痰湯)wereusedbuttheywerenoteffective.However,whenhersymptomswere regardedasabenigntumorduetocoldandwetness,therewasadifferenceintheuseofOhjuksan(五積散).In1683,whenkingSukjong wascaughtinasmallpox,shetookcareofhim.Sheexorcisedinthemiddleofwintertoprayforherson’srecovery,anddiedoftheflu.

      • KCI등재후보

        『의휘(宜彙)』의 침구법 연구

        김남일(Namil Kim),조명래(Myoung-Rae Cho),국수호(Sooho Kug),정유옹(Yooong Jung) 대한미병의학회 2023 대한미병의학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Objectives “Uihwi” is a book of Korean medicine written under the pseudonym of Geumlisanin in the late Joseon Dynasty. At that time, it was published by collecting famous prescriptions of experience across the country, and it can be said to be an important data in that it gives a glimpse of oriental medicine at the end of the Joseon Dynasty, but there are not many studies on “Uihwi”. This paper attempted to examine the characteristics of oriental medicine at the end of the Joseon Dynasty. Methods Using the text of “Uihwi” as the subject of research, comparing to other medical texts, and to examine the position of acupuncture in it. Results Thus, the following conclusions were obtained. “Uihwi” was mainly edited by citing medical books published in Joseon, and is also a comprehensive medical book that combines the experiences of himself and other medical professionals. In addition, it can be seen that medicine at that time was very practical by presenting uncomplicated prescriptions. In the case of acupuncture, an acupuncture method that synthesizes the clinical achievements of Joseon was presented. Conclusions The practicality was emphasized by reducing the theoretical explanation, and based on this practicality, efforts were made to aggregate medicine in the late Joseon Dynasty.

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