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        1990년대 이후 루바의 개혁과 대외개방

        곽재성(Jae-Sung Kwak) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2002 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.15 No.2

        With the collapse of the Soviet block in 1991, Cuba had to face severe economic contraction. Cuba's gross national product declined by 40 percent by 1994 compared to 1989. Because of the acute economic crisis, the government has been obliged to open up the island to foreign investors and tourists, dollarize the economy, and permit self-employment by Cubans, crafts, and services. At the same time, it is often argued that the government is effectively manipulating the Cuban economy, even to a greater degree than in the economies of communist China and Vietnam. Then, why has the Cuban government been so successful in its system of state control? Would the state control continue in the near future? Will Cuba keep or abandon long-lived socialist system? This study aims to answer above questions by providing a brief summary and evaluation of the main political and economic changes in Cuba. The thrust of the argument in this paper is that cuba is a country with a strong state. With this notion, it attempts to challenge the widespread assumption that Cuba's full transition to capitalism will be on the way in the near future, if Fidel Castro dies and the U.S. lifts the embargo. This paper assesses the issue by discussing three aspects: first, patterns of reforms and institutional frame in contemporary Cuba, second, increasing role of the military, third, implications of U.S. policy towards Cuba.

      • KCI등재

        아르헨티나의 부정부패와 사회적 책임성

        곽재성(Jae-Sung Kwak) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2006 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Promoting transparency and accountability in government is an issue in all democracies. For nascent and fragile democracies, however, it is a particularly thorny matter. Latin America has witnessed the decline of authoritarian rule and the emergence of democracy; yet this new form of democratic governance is plagued by corrupt institutions and is a source of great concern for civil society. Argentina is a noteworthy example. In 1983, the country endeavored to establish democratic institutions and forms of governance, casting off the shackles of a repressive, authoritarian-military regime. Yet, the transition to democracy and subsequent consolidation of democratic institutions has been marked by an overall disappointment in the ability to transform corrupt government and a deep concern about the quality and nature of democracy. The recent economic crisis, political calamities, and civil unrest in 2001-2002 have yielded profound changes on the social and political landscape that are deepened by formidable institutionalized political and economic corruption. The issue of corruption has reached critical juncture. Hence, the purpose of this project is to address the gap in current research by undertaking a case study of the role that civil society organizations in Argentina play in combating corruption and ensuring political accountability. In order to understand the mode of operation and accomplishments of civil society in combating corruption, specific activities of ‘Poder Ciudadano' will be drawn in three folds: election fund watchdog system, securing transparency in local government procurement and school textbook selection.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        브라질 열대우림의 개발과 환경문제

        곽재성(Kwak Jae-Sung) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2002 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.15 No.1

        The Brazilian military governments of 1964-1985 were obsessed with populating and developing Amazon, convinced that otherwise another power might seize it. Even if such paranoia has died down, Advance Brazil, the governments 776 billion reais economic-development plan, still assumes that it needs to be opened up with new roads and waterways. However many studies argued that such transport links, when built near forests, triggered massive deforestation. Also, government has attempted to settle landless peasants in forested areas, which has been a smaller but significant cause of deforestation. However, there are good reasons for hoping that things will not turn out so badly. This article concerns on these reasons which may become significant and meaningful cases for the sustainable development in Brazilian Amazon. Three cases were drawn from recent experiences First, the lowly coconut husk is processed into car seats, headrests and sun visors for Mercede's Brazil-made automobiles and commercial trucks. The production of seemingly-unlikely but environmentally-friendly coconut fiber auto parts is a result of a partnership between Daimler-Chrysler and POEMA(Poverty and Environment in Amazonia), a research and development project formed to protect the rain forest and combat poverty in the Amazon basin. As such the company applies three key criteria to its relationship with POEMA: local content, ecological soundness, and cost. Secondly, in parts of Amazonia where much local forest is either razed or damaged, timber firms are coming to see unharmed woodland as an asset that can yield a good income. Therefore, sustainable management of forests, known as "reduced-impact logging"(RIL) can be regarded as an alternative to the reckless conventional methods of timber extraction. Lastly, urbanization and the search for sustainable development present a dilemma in the Brazilian Amazon: how to accommodate an expanding urban population while creating and maintaining sustainable production systems that feed the people and manage the forest. A unique "peri-urban agroforestry" project, implemented by a municipal government in western Amazonia, seems to ba a viable option for other Amazonia cities that are experiencing increasing urbanization and its associated problems. In conclusion, such perspectives as importance of intensive use of the land, importance of land reform, effective institutionalization and administration, and international cooperation, are emphasized to consolidate the concept of the sustainable development in Brazilian Amazon.

      • KCI등재

        과거청산의 국제화와 보편적 관할권의 효과

        곽재성(Jae Sung Kwak) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2007 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.20 No.2

        From 1998 through 2000, General Augusto Pinochet, the former dictator of Chilean authoritarian government, was detained in London pending possible extradition to Spain to face charges of terrorism, genocide, torture, and the other gross violations of human rights. For the first time, the domestic court of one nation was successfully used to enforce internationally recognized human rights principles against a former head of state for crimes committed in a different country. However, while judge Baltazar Garzon has received significant international attention for his aggressive prosecution of Pinochet, the impact of his contributions - both intellectual and practical - to human rights have been largely ignored. This paper outlines the Spanish case, the extradition order, and the subsequent legal and political debates assess the significance of this case. The combined use of international and domestic law to bring a former dictator to justice brings of several debates which are discussed in the concluding part of the paper: conflict between law and politics, definition of justice in human rights issues, and relations between universal jurisdiction and democracy.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신식민지주의에서 신자유주의까지

        곽재성(Kwak, Jae-Sung) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2013 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.26 No.2

        This paper assesses the research of the late Dr. Sung-Hyong Rhee which he carried out as a political scientist. However, it is not within the scope of this paper to provide an assessment of the scientific significance of Rhee’s work, focusing instead on highlighting his contributions to the debates that have significantly enhanced the robustness of the field of academic Latin American studies in Korea. First, Rhee’s work started from a neo-colonial approach to the interrelationships among the different elements within Latin American social systems, a main research theme of his early career. Second, Rhee’s efforts moved toward critical evaluation of the impact of neoliberalism on development in Latin America, one of the key determinants of the political economy of the region. Fourth, we give special attention to the way in which Rhee forecasted the future of Latin America. Last, but not least, Rhee’s enthusiasm for the humanities and its influence on his work is emphasized, leading to his characterization as an ‘inter-disciplinary’ and ‘reader-friendly’ scholar. Rhee was outstanding in that he enjoyed sharing his ideas and knowledge not only with his colleagues but also with common people. In this manner he cultivated a mass audience and made area studies accessible to the public, by carrying out a fundamental shift in the approach to his research objects. However, this transformational approach has made him subject to criticisms for Dr. Rhee’s supposed weakness in theoretical approach and methodological maturity, although these would surely have been overcome in the years to come had he remained with us longer.

      • KCI등재

        라틴아메리카 외국인 직접투자의 효과

        곽재성(Jae-Sung Kwak) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2004 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.17 No.4

        This paper aims to explore the impacts of foreign direct investment in Latin America. Cases are drawn from automobile sector FDI in Mexico and Brazil. Since 1990s, FDI has transformed Latin America, modernizing branches of industry and improving many of its services and some of its infrastructure. Although multinationals have been active in recent years in Latin America, some questions are now being raised as to the net benefits of their operations in the region. This paper will assess the impact of FDI with regard to their contribution to the development of local production based on criteria such as export increase, change of production capability, technology transfer, local government subsidies and FDI. In this case the quality of FDI or the operations of MNCs are regarded as important as volume or scale of the investment. The classification of principal focal points of FDI suggested by CEPAL will be a departure of this paper which concerns a comparative study on Mexican and Brazilian automobile industries the efficiency seeking strategy of FDI in Mexican automobile : industry vs the market-seeking strategy of FDI in Brazilian automobile industry. Finally, this study has shown that the FDI under efficiency seeking strategy has generated more positive outcome than that under market seeking strategy. However the efficiency seeking strategy has also shown unsatisfactory results in certain criteria, such as technology transfer. Subsequently, one very important lesson can be drawn from the events in the region host countries should not only try to attract FDI but : should also be alert to its benefits and costs.

      • KCI등재

        쿠바 의료 외교의 유용성과 한계

        곽재성(Kwak, Jae-Sung),주효연(Hyo-Youn Chu) 한국라틴아메리카학회 2019 라틴아메리카연구 Vol.32 No.2

        In this paper, we assess Cuba’s medical diplomacy in terms of its achievements and limitations through a review of Cuban diplomatic tactics. In the international order in which the inequalities among the countries are institutionalized, the way in which the weak countries survive is to adapt to the system established by the great powers. However, there are exceptions to this structuralist approach, and the claim that the world system is not ordered through a simple law of the jungle is gaining momentum. It is important to establish a sophisticated diplomatic sense of balance and position in order to pursue the interests of the state in modern interdependent international relations, especially for the sake of the interests of the weaker countries. The Cuban case has revealed that a small country can explore and encounter spaces for diplomatic maneuver, starting from the sphere of politics and extending to the cultivation of economic benefit. Nevertheless, Cuban medical diplomacy has encountered some challenging issues such as service quality, gaps in domestic medical service, and the brain drain issue.

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