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      • Simone Weil의 종교관에 대한 고찰(I)

        고원희 濟州大學 敎養學部 1975 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        Certains ont pens? et e'crit que le christianisme de Simone Weil e'tait, ou tendait a' e'tre, une abstraction philosophique de type platonicien, et que son Christ ressemblait aux id?es de Platon. Je le sais qu'elle a souvent une manie're a' elle de parler du Christet surtout de Dieu, qui fait penser a' un e'tre plut?t impersonnel; I'Absolu, dont elle est dans le monde un des meilleurs t?moins, mais qu'elle exprime Souvent avec maladresse, avec des informations parfois erron?es ou h?tives, dans une forme empreinte d'esprit math?matique et de spinozisme, est celui de la foi catholique. Par la compassion aux malheureux, Simone Weil, quelques dix ans plus tard, devait faire la decouverte de Dieu et de son Christ. L'amour de l'homme et le besoin de partager r?ellement la peine du plus malheureux ?tait l'un des traits marquants de son ?tre spirituel. La m?me attraction et le m?me vertige de l'Absolu se retrouvent dans l'attitude de Simone Weil ? l'?gard de l'?glise catholique.

      • 알베르 까뮈와 시몬 베이유와의 比較硏究

        高元禧 제주대학 1978 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        Camus a souvent évoqué l'auteur de l'ateur de l'Enracinement. Il ne la découvrit pourtant qu'au lendemain de la Libération de la Libération. Il eut alors la charge d'éditer, non sans difficultés ㅣ'essentiel de son oeuvre. Il appréciait son indépendance d'éditer, non sans difficultés l'essentiel de son oeuvre. Il appréciait son indépendance d'esprit l'esprit l'intransigeance qui la poussait à l'engagement total. La sympathie qu'il portait à Simone Weil et à son oeuvre a sans doute contribué à rapprocher Camus des milieux syndicalistes revolutionnaires oú elle avait longtemps évolué et où il retrouvait la même flmme intransigeante. On trouvera ici la présentation de l'Enracinement écrite par Camus pour le Bulletin de la N. R. F. (juin 1949 ) et un texte plus long, retrouvé en manuscrit; il s'agit là, semble-t-il, d'un projet de préface qu'il renonça à rédiger définitivenment, à la suite de devergences avec certains porches de Simone Weil. Voici ce que Camus dit: Simone Weil n'était prévenue contre rien sinon contre la cruauté ou la bassesse, ce qui revient au même. Elle n'a jamais rien méprisé sinon le mépris lui-même et, à la lire, on se dit que la seule chose dont fût incapabel sa surprenante intelligence était la frivolité. On lui demande en 1940 un rapport sur la situation morale de la France et elle écrit le livre publié aujourd'hui sous le titre l'Enracinement, véritable traité sur la civilisation. Tel set le personnage qui allait toujours, et comme naturellement, à l'ssentiel. L'Enracinement contient piusieurs des clés qui permettent de comprendre Simone Weil. Mais ce livre, un des plus importants, à mon sens, qui aient paru depuis la guerre, jette aussi une lumière puissante sur l'abandon où se débat l'Europe. Et il fallait peut-être la défaite, l'hébétude qui l'a suivi et la méditation taciturne que tout un peuple a poursuice dans les annéesobscures pour que des idées 면냐 inopportunes, des jugements qui renversent tant d'idées reçues, qui ignorent tant de préjugés, puissent trouver enfin chez onus leur exact retentissement. A. Camus a écrit qu'il me paralt impossible d'imaginer pour l'Europe une renaissance qui ne tienne pas compte des exigences que Simone Weil a définies. Simone Weil examine les rapports entre l'indivi여 et la collectivité. Elle montre les failles du monde moderne, la décomposition de la société contemporaine et esquisse les conditions d'une intégration harmonieuse de l'homme-et avant tout de l'ouvrière-dans un ensemble équilibré.

      • 프랑스語의 有機組織에 의한 音聲要素에 대한 考察

        高元禧 제주대학교 1972 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to study language there are two points of view that must be considered : One is a diachronic point of view ; the other is a synchronic point of view. I have treated the formation and the structure of four fundamental elements in French, form mainly a synchronous point of view. I have attempted to illustrate the function and the mutual relationships in French with the method of organic formation. 1. The relationship of the phonetic element and the graphic element : In this article I have emphasized the originality of the phonetic system in French as a system of expression. The phonetic system in French consist of 19 vowels and 17 consonants. Particularly, there are 19 diphthongs and 3 triphthongs in English, but modern French shows a tendency to keep away from this complicated vowel modulation except for accidental diphthongs. It is characteristic of its consonants that the phonetic keyboard in French is so extensive. So to speak, if 17 consonants and 19 vowels are associated, it may be possible that several hundred letters are also associated. There are six kinds of phonemes in French. But there are scarcely words that contain more than six phonemes. This point shows us a remarkable contrast with German, in that in French there is a tendency to prefer short words to long ones. If we compare this phonetic system to another language (ex. English and German etc.), French vowels do not have as complicated a formation nor a middle sound as in English. One does not find either an aspirate or a stiff sound as in german, not stop-sound as in English and German. Therefore, the effect is one of clearness, precision and clear-cut which is a unique peculiarity of the phonetic system in French. 2. The relationship of the phonetic element and the semantic element : For linguistic value, the grammarian insists on emphasizing differential value more than the positive value. In other word, we should recognize that the importance in the words is not in the sound itself but in the phonetic contrast. How we can really distinguish one word from another is determined by the phonetic difference, and this difference can produce significance. For instance, this difference (1) can distinguish the homograch, (2) can precisely distinguish the prefix and suffix that is not clear in orthograph. It is noteworthy that there are many cases in which the tendency of analogy can cause an important confusion, a phenomenon which Dauzat called "the paronymous attraction." as a result, the words are more of less transformed and expressed in entirely different meanings from their originals. This occurrance shows well how the phonetic element influences on the semantic element. 3. The relationship of the phonetic element to the grammatical element : There are frequent occasions when the phonetic element has much effect on grammar. This is because the phonetic element has a remarkably promotive effect, though it does not bring about the transformation of the syntactic system. In addition, the phonetic monotone in the French sentence has an effect on grammar. French is not an inflected language, partly because it does not have a sufficient amount of accents. Therefore, it became a tendency for word endings not to be pronounced clearly. As a result, it became necessary to insert special words (prepositions, articles and pronouns of conjugation) instead of inflectionnal word endings. The analytic tendency in French is thus promoted. Generally, the phonetic element is nothing but an accompaniment to the linguistic value and psychological tendency. And so we should recognize that the phonetic element can play a fundamental role in French. In this study I have explored a fundamental work of phonology. The analytic study of phonology will appear in a following issue.

      • Simone Weil의 不幸의 意識에 관한 考察 : 工場生活의 經驗을 中心으로

        高元禧 제주대학교 1977 논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        Il ne suffit pas a` Simone Weil de donner des conseils et d’e´laborer une doctrine sociale; elle veut partager le malheur d’une classe opprime´e. Consciente de l’importance du travial manuel, elle de´cide d’en faire l’expe´rience. Simone Weil a de´nonce´ dans le travail mort un mode d’activite´ essentiellement inhumain et me^me anti-humain. Dans le travail mort, l’homme n’est plus un e^tre pensant, mais un objet comme ceux qu’il est condamne´ a `produire. Et il produit uniquement pour ne pas mourir do faim; il n’est Pas question pour lui de participer consciemment a` l’effort immense de production auquel collaborent en face tous les travailleurs de toutes les spe´cialistes. Le travailleur mort est coupe´ de son ouvrage, coupe´ de ses compagnons et de leur ouvrage, coupe´ de l’humanite´, de lui-m^eme et de l’univers; il est donc coupe´ de la vie et du vrai bonbeur. Et derrie`re lui, c’est toute la masse des hommes qui est coupe´e d’elle-me^me, du monde re´el et des fins re´elles. Au travail mort, qui laisse l’ouvrier ignorant de son ro^le propre dans l’ensemble de la production, Simone Weil envisage de substituer co qu’elle appelle le travaille conscient. Sa manie`re de vivre, son tempe´rament supra-intellectuel, sa gaucherie sur le plan manuel, autant d’e´le´ments qui aggravent pour Simone Weil la durete´ de la vie ouvrie´re. Nous no voulons pas nier le caracte´re inhumain du travail en usine, mais il nous faut remarquer qu’il est conside´rablement majore´ pour Simone Weil. Ses jugements subirent aussi le centre-coup de son inadaptation personnelle. Simone Weil n’ignorait point le malheur, elle en e´tait obse´de´e, mais ce contact avec la masse anonyme lui donne un sens aigu de la souffrance. Pour elle, aussi, c’e´tait l’amour des malheureux qui dominait. Cette compassion des malheureux est un des traits essentiels do sa vie profonde. Cependant, Simone Weil e´tait loin de se sentir satisfaite; a`qui aime vraiment, la compassion est un tourment. En 1934 elle de´cida de prendre, dans toute sa durete´, la condition ouvrie`re. Elle y connut la faim, la fatigue, les rebuffades, l’oppression du travail a` la chai^ne, l’a´ngoisse du cho^mage. Pour elle, co n’e´tait pas une expe´rience, mais une incarnation re´elle et totale, Son journal d’usine est un te´moignage poignant. L’e´preuve surpassa ses forces: son a^me fut comme e´crase´e par cette conscience du malheur; elle en restera marque´e toute sa vie. Bien entendu, il est aise´ de trouver chez Simone Weil des constantes, nous dirions des constantes essentielles dans le sens de la charite´ et du sacrifice, dans l’ordre surtout d’une direction d’existence voue´e l’Absolu. La frame est identique, seul ledessin change, mais le dessin pout masquer la frame. Ce qui forme l’essence de la vie de Simone Weil, c’est son amour de la ve´rite´.

      • 우리말과 프랑스어의 보조어 및 술어의 구조비교

        고원희 濟州大學 敎養學部 1972 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        오랫동안 불어학연구에서 홀로 군림하던 전통적인 문법연구방법은 과학적인 기준의 결여로 인하여 구조주의 언어학에 의하여 점점 빛을 잃게 되었다. 그러나 Dubois와 Pottier에 의하여 도입된 구조주의 자체가 뚜렷한 방법론의 제시하기도 전에 미국의 변성방법이 불란서에 상륙하게 되어 일부 구조주의 언어학자는 자동적으로 변성문법연구로 방향을 전환하여 불어학계는 전통문법의 고수론자와 행동주의적 구조주의론자와 변성문법론자가 함께 공존하고 있는 실정이다. 변성문법 자체에도 Harris식 분석을 시도하는 M. Gross와 촘스키식 방법도입을 시도하는 N. Ruwet 등이 서로 다른 방향으로 불어에 대한 연구를 추진하고 있는 인상을 준다.

      • 프랑스어의 문법요소에 대한 고찰

        고원희 濟州大學 敎養學部 1976 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The grammatical species fulfil their function which is expressed a being, a process and a characteristic. 1) The grammatical species of noun is served as an agent of action, an object and a circonstance toward the process. That is because it represents the being. 2) The grammatical species of verb fulfil its function which is actualized the connection with another grammatical species in the tense. 3) The adjective of quality in expressed a fonction of epithet and that of complem-ent, because it represents the natuue of being. 4) The grammatical species of adver is not closely connected with the verb, just like the adjective and the noun, that is because the definition and the caracteristic toward the process is more external in contrast with the adjective. Therefore, that is one of the reason why the invariability of adverb is maintained in French. 5) The grammatical species of relation is ordinally indicated a co-ordinate relation and a subordinate relation, but it can hold an importance enough to influence the meaning of a phrase in the sentence. For that reason, the grammatical species of relation is turned out the element that is displayed the fundamental originality of language At this point of view, the functions which the words are represented according to the grammatical species. When a word is applied to a certain function, the grammatical species of the different result by virtue of the function. That is just the grammatical species of function. The function of subject and that of object which is composed a remarkable function of the grammatical species of noun is especially indicated according to word, word group, verb and clause. In such case, the subject and the object is distinctly proved to be the "represen-tant" of noun. In the same way, when a word is represented a function of epithet, the word can be kept the value of adjective. After all, in order to distinguish the grammatical species it is very important to consider various functions which words indicate in the sentence. I think that the above method of consideration can be brought about an useful result in the study on the grammatical construction. In conclusion, when I have considered the grammatical connection between grammatical spcies and functions, I think that it is a huge fault to make words divide into a grammatical species immovably or make words fix on a function from the viewpoint of grammatical function.

      • KCI등재

        문장 간 유사도와 문장 속성을 활용한 한영·영한 번역 병렬 말뭉치 품질 예측 모델

        고원희,최진혁,최규동 한국정보과학회 2023 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.29 No.9

        This study proposes a model for assessing the quality of Korean-English and English-Korean parallel translation corpora and applies it to assess the quality of existing Korean-English and English-Korean parallel translation corpora. The significance of the study is, firstly, it conducted Quality Estimation (QE) of Korean-English and English-Korean translation corpora using Direct Assessment (DA) scores, establishing related data for the first time. Secondly, it established a model for assessing the quality of parallel translation corpus, called TwiQE. Thirdly, it provided the basis for improving the quality of the parallel translation corpus by presenting quality standards established by multiple experts. Finally, using this model, it conducted a quality assessment on the two types of Korean-English and English-Korean parallel translation corpora available on AI HUB. Based on the quality assessment scores by TwiQE, the corpora that needed improvement was classified into two levels, and the quantity and proportion of corpora that did not meet the standards for each level to provide a basis for improving the quality of the corpora identified.

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