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HFCT를 활용한 고전압직류송전 케이블 부분방전 위치추정
홍선민 ( Seonmin Hong ),손우영 ( Wooyoung Son ),천혜원 ( Hyewon Cheon ),강대경 ( Daekyoung Kang ),박종후 ( Jonghoo Park ) 한국센서학회 2021 센서학회지 Vol.30 No.2
Detection and localization of partial discharge are considered critical techniques for estimating the lifetimes of power cables. High-frequency current transformers (HFCTs) are commonly used for the detection of partial discharge in high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) power cables; however, their applicability is compromised by the limitations of the installation locations. HFCTs are typically installed in cable terminals or insulation joint boxes because HVACs induce strong time-varying magnetic fields around the cables, saturating the ferromagnetic materials in the HFCTs. Therefore, partial discharges near the installation locations can be detected. In this study, the feasibility of partial discharge detection using a HFCT was investigated for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) cables. We demonstrated that the HFCT could be installed at any location in the HVDC power cable to monitor partial discharge along the entire cable length. Furthermore, we showed that the HFCT could detect the location of partial discharge with high accuracy.