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      • KCI등재

        조선시대 향교의 교생에 관한 연구

        한동일 성균관대학교 인문과학연구소 1981 人文科學 Vol.10 No.1

        The conclusion of the study on the students of Hyang-Gyo in Yi Dynasty could be summarized as following. 1. The number of persons to be admitted to Hyang-Gyo was 15-50 persons per each school in the early era of Yi Dynasty, but since the era of the king Sye-Jo the number were increased as much as by double. 2. The applicants for admission into the Hyang-Gyo were confined to the age group from 16 to 40 years old. 3. The applicants for admission into Hyang-Gyo were required to have the quality for understanding of basic chinese characters. 4. The privileges of the students of Hyang-Gyo were several kinds. The one is the privilege of temporary exception from military service. The other is that of qualification for the higher public service examination. The another one was that of free education for all the students.

      • KCI등재

        놀이를 통한 교수-학습이 장애아동의 연산능력에 미치는 효과

        한동일,우병호 한국시각장애교육&재활학회 2010 시각장애연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The study is to find out effects of teaching and learning through play-based activities in order to improve arithmetic capacity of production of children with mathematic learning disability. The subjects of this study selected two children with mathematic learning disability attending J elementary school, in Pusan city. Their intelligence quotient appeared 85-95 by KEDI-WISC, showed two year delay at capacity of addition, subtraction. The duration of intervention was 10 weeks, twice a week, after activities, formation appraise was practiced once a week to investigate capacity of addition and subtraction and in post-test step, once a week, during five weeks. The findings showed that during intervention steps than pre-steps, capacity of addition and subtraction of children with mathematic learning disability improved, in post-steps than pre-steps, capacity of addition and subtraction improved. The conclusions of this study are as follows; learning through play-based activities have an positive effects on capacity of addition and subtraction of children with mathematic learning disability. The suggestions based conclusions of the study are as follows; There are many limitation in generalization to all children with mathematic learning disability because of the subjects of the study two children mathematic learning disability. So future study should be implemented to verify the effects of application to many children with mathematic learning disability. 본 연구는 놀이를 통한 교수·학습이 수학학습장애아동의 덧셈과 뺄셈 능력, 덧셈 능력, 뺄셈 능력에 미치는 효과를 알아보는데 그 목적을 두었다. 이러한 연구 목적에 따른 실험을 위하여 부산 J초등학교에 재학 중인 2명의 수학학습장애아동을 연구대상으로 삼았다. 이들은 지능이 KEDI-WISC 85-95사이의 아동으로 덧셈과 뺄셈능력이 2년 이상이나 지체되어 있다. 실험기간은 2006년 3월 4주부터 2006년 5월 4주까지였고 중재 기간은 총 10주이며 주 2회 실시하고, 활동 후 주 1회씩 형성평가를 실시하여 아동의 덧셈과 뺄셈능력을 알아보았으며, 사후단계 검사는 2006년 6월 3주부터 1주에 1회씩 5주간 실시했다. 아동들의 덧셈과 뺄셈 능력을 놀이중심 학습을 적용하여 그 중재효과를 알아보았다. 본 연구 결과와 그에 따른 논의를 통하여 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 놀이를 통한 교수·학습이 수학학습장애 아동의 받아올림이 있는 한 자리 수의 덧셈 능력을 향상 시키는 데는 효과적이었다. 둘째, 놀이를 통한 교수·학습이 수학학습장애 아동의 받아 내림이 없는 한 자리 수의 뺄셈 능력을 향상 시키는 데는 효과적이었다.

      • KCI등재

        망막색소변성 시각장애학생의 시각환경 특성과 교육지원 요구

        한동일 한국시각장애교육&재활학회 2017 시각장애연구 Vol.33 No.2

        This study was conducted to find out the characteristics of students with retinitis pigmentosa visual impairment and their needs for education support. To that end, in-depth interviews were done on 5 students enrolled in a visually impaired school located in Chungbuk province, and the collected contents were analyzed. From the analysis, the following results were summed up: First, as for the characteristics of the visual environment of students with retinitis pigmentosa visual impairment, the responses indicated that the symptom occurs in diverse age scope from juvenile to middle age, with some progressing slowly, and others quickly, and all the study subjects maintained residual visual acuity. Initial symptoms included night blindness, dazzling and decrease in visual field. As for visual acuity for reading, the respondents answered that since general correction methods are not that effective, they read large characters or regular print by using video magnifier. Second, as for the education support for students with retinitis pigmentosa visual impairment, the respondents remarked that classrooms require non-optical aids like curtain to prevent direct influx of bright sunlight, and wide desk and power supply devices to use assistive technology. In reading material, the study subjects preferred to reading bold large characters or regular prints by using video magnifier. 이 연구는 망막색소변성 시각장애학생의 시각환경 특성과 교육지원 요구를 알아보기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 연구 목적 달성을 위해 충청북도 소재 시각장애학교에 재학 중인 5명의 학생을 심층면담하여 수집된 내용을 분석하였다. 이로부터 얻은 결과를 정리하여 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 망막색소변성 시각장애학생의 시각환경 특성에 대한 응답은 발생 시기와 진행 경과에 대해 다양한 연령에서 발생한다는 언급을 보였고, 모든 연구 대상자가 잔존시력을 보유하고 있었다. 초기 증상으로는 야맹증과 눈부심 및 시야 감소에 대한 언급이 있었다. 읽기 시력은 일반적인 교정 방법으로는 도움을 받지 못해 진한 큰문자나 일반묵자를 전자확대기를 사용하여 읽는다고 언급하였다. 둘째, 망막색소변성 시각장애학생의 교육지원에 대한 응답은 교실환경 조성에서 직사광선이나 밝은 햇빛이 직접 들어오지 않도록 커튼과 같은 비광학적 차광장치가 필요하다고 하였고, 읽기 자료 제공은 진한 큰문자나 일반묵자를 전자확대기로 읽는 것을 선호하였으며, 각 개인마다 잔존시력과 시야가 상이하므로 이에 대한 평가를 통한 지원 방안 마련이 이루어져야 할 것으로 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        차세대 웹을 위한 시맨틱 UI의 프로토타입 모형 개발

        한동일,박세권 한국경영공학회 2008 한국경영공학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Since the information volume produced by the internet and the time consumed for the information retrieval are increasing rapidly, the importance of web search is also getting bigger in these days. Accordingly, various development methods are being proposed for the next generation search engine, such as semantic search(web 3.0), clustering search and personalized search. Most of the methods proposed for the next search engine have their own problems and are opened for solutions to respective defects. That is, in the semantic search, we have to generate and manage semantic graph; in clustering search, we need to resolve the ambiguity of criteria; and in social/personalized search, we need to alleviate the subjective inclination. Although there are generally two aspects in the course of web evolution (one is web 2.0 which is mainly a service to us from commercial point of view and the other is semantic web from technical point of view), we focused the semantic web for this study, since these two aspects are complementary to each other. In this study we have derived the key factors for designing the semantic UI of the next generation web, developed a prototype, and verified the feasibility of semantic UI by user survey.

      • 파시즘과 敎育

        韓東一 成均館大學校 1963 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In each case in the history Fascist rulers have come to power either in a society that was defeated in the war or in one that was dissatisfied in its expectations by the outcome of that conflict. Disappointed national ambitions, that is to say, has in each case been an element in the rise of the Fascist party to power. In every stage of history, the appeal of the Fascist party, has been an appeal to the oppressed elements in the national community; the unemployed, especially the unemployed ox-officer, the declasse intellectual, the petit bourgeois. Fascism is hostile to the internationalism preached by humanitarians and liberals. It makes the nation, not a means to humanity, not a stepping to a new world order, but an end in itself. It is militarist, highly illiberal and tyrannical. Having attained power by a system of terror, destory their opponents and they inevitably establishes a monoparty state. This has meant that opposition to the party has become opposition to the state, with the result that, more or less rapidly. every aspect of the national life, cultural, political, economic, social, has become subordinated to the single need of the party's retention of power. It puts national interest alike above those of the individual and above those of humanity. The individual is an instrument of the state. The state has rights but the individual has only duties. Since the state is, for all essential purposes, the Fascist party, the subordination of the individual to the Fascist party is the inevitable accompaniment of its evolution. And this has set the perspective of the Fascist politics of education. Fascist looks upon education as an effective agency for assistance in the perfomence of their governmental purposes, and recognizes that education is an instrument to maintain and progress toward its national ideals. Fascists always intended to control the education of its people virtually from the cradle to the grave. Fascism, that is to say, affected education on every level from the elementary school to the university as well as the institutions for the training of teachers and those of social education, and fostered intense, restricted loyalties for their own country and violent hatred of other nations in the individual citizen. Education is used to develop military aggressivness, preparedness, and national unity. For example, the combined effects of the Nazi policy of education reduced school life to a sham of military and party routines and utilized all channels of educational communication to brutalize the individual into an obedient slave of a power-mad state. The slogan of Fascist education was, in short, "Believe, Obey, Fight" The tendency in all national systems of education is toward a highly centralized organization with a hierarchy of military gradation of administration and supervision. Numerous other social education establishments were created or revised for the political indoctrination. Intellectualism was de-emphasized. Major emphasis was placed on national political education, physical education, and military subjects. Honest citizens loyal to the country and to the Fascist regieme were desirable for the Fascist regieme. It mould oblige all citizens to conform to a common standard of manners and morals and to share the same unreasoning enthusiasm for it.

      • 유럽연합에서 채무불이행에 대한 유럽지급명령절차 : 유럽공동체규정 제805조와 제1896조 중심으로

        한동일 서강대학교 법학연구소 2009 서강법학 Vol.11 No.1

        Propositum consociationis inter Nationes Europae statim ad historiam nos reportat et ad omnes illos homines, philosophos politicosque, qui exoptaverunt Europam coniunctam, a Carolo Magno ad Macchiavelli, a rege Luigi XIV ad Napoleonem. Somnium quod numquam ad effectum perductum est, quia Europa etiam nunc ex Nationum("Stati") multitudine componitur, aliquae recentis creationis, omnes distinctae cultura sua et ratione iuridica sua, quarum quaeque peculiares virtutes singularium differentiumque identitatum nationum("Stati") imitatur. Tamen, inspecta diligentius, talis differentia profunda non est. Principia et praecepta exsistunt, quae semper remanserunt et nunc officium centrale habent in iuridica europea sententia. Ulterior gradus in integrationis et europeae harmoniae itinere factus est recente iudicialium singularium normarum introductione, adhibendarum in omnibus Nationibus("Stati") partibus Unionis, excepta Danimarca. Aliter ac quod provisum ab aliis praecedentibus Communitatis instituds, etiam ipsa tendentia ad harmoniam et unitatem iudicialiumrationum Europae, iudiciales normae nunc introductae, praesertim Institutum n. 1896, primum iudiciales europeas singulares regulas introducunt, quae in inferiore loco nationum normas collocant adhibendas solum raro et tantum ad complendas europeae disciplinae normarum lacunas. Hae normae pertinent ad instituta de creditorum recuperatione in civili et commerciali re inter Nationes("Stati") Unionis partes. Horum duorum Institutorum ultimum, n. 1896, sumptum in mense dicembri 2006, die 12 dicembri 2008 valuit et nunc intra europeas Nationes("Stati") adhiberi conatur, ad simplificandas et celeriores efficiendas in Unione Europea controversias in civili et commerciali re, praecipue quoad attinet credits non impugnata. Talium Institutorum origo communis est: immo dicere possumus ea se collocare in eiusdem itineris evolutivi ambitu, cum alter alterius logicus progressus esset. Ex Communitatis legislatohs iudicio, talis ratio utilis esse deberet ad favendum creditorum non impugnatorum celeri et efficaci recuperationi, et usu septem modulorum "standard", cum inspectionum facultate ex competentibus iudicibus, et omnium rationum in exsecutione eliminatione. Hoc favere deberet turn creditori qui, cum in difficultate esset ad recuperationem creditorum quae sibi debentur, in discrimen non solvendi venire potest, tum relationibus commercialibus inter singulas Nationes("Stati"). Talia Instituta se interponunt in ambitu coniunctionis cooperationis iudicialis civilis factae introductione Tituli IV in Amsterdam foedere diei 2 octobris 1997, quod die 1 maio 1999 valuit. Patet talium normarum proprietatem europeam necessariam mutuamque integrationem Institutorum Europae et Nationum("Stati") postulare, etiam quia ipsorum proprietas transnationalis ducit ad duos magni momenti exitus. Horum primus pertinet ad discrepationem quae evenire potest inter Nationum("Stati") normas et Unionis normas. In hoc casu discrepatio resolvi potest pro Unionis normis, etiam si praecedentibus Unionis normas. Deinde, alia incerta circumstantia causah potest prescriptione sua et criteriis interpretationis ideo adhibendis. In adhibendis his institutis, nam, aequalis usus intra Unionem Europeam praestandus erit, cum omnibus differentibus institutis iuridicis singularium Nationum("Stati") Unionis partium.

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