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        조만제 慶星大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        Die deutsche Ostkolonisation kann sich ruhmen, das neubesiedelte Land im Osten durchkultiviert zu haben. Die deutschen Einwanderer waren hier die Trager einer hoheren Kultur als die der Einheimischen. Doch auch wurde den Volkern, die die Siedlungsgebiete bewohnten, haufig von den Deutschen erst das Christentum gebracht. Damit aber trugen die Deutschen die christlich-abendlandische Kultur uber ihre Grenzen nach Osten. Eine der grossen Kulturleistungen der deutschen Ostkolonisation war die Verbreitung des deutschen Rechts in den neugewonnenen Gebieten. Die deutschen Siedler brachten in die neugewonnenen Gebiete das Recht ihrer Heimat mit, das nun auch in den kolonisationslandern Fuss fasste. Die Burger und Kaufleute, die haufig weit ausserhalb der Grenzen des deutschen Volkstums Niederlassungen und Stadte begrundeten, schenkten das durchgebildete Stadtrecht ihrer Heimatstadt. Auch die bauerlichen Siedler des Landes brachten ein durchgebildetes Recht mit, das ihnen die kolonisatorische Leistung ermoglichte. Das Recht der deutschen Einwanderer hat wesentlich dazu beigetragen, die wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leistung der Ostkolonisation zu ermoglichen. Es hat daruber hinaus das Rechtsleben auch nichtdeutschen Ostens beeinflussen konnen. Ich mochte hier sagen, dass dieser Aufsatz, der keine eigene Forschungsarbeit, sondern die Ergebnisse der historischen und rechtshistorischen Wissenschaft nur zusammenfassen und unter grossen Gesichtspunkten zeigen will, verstanden werden soll, um damit die Bedeutung der Aufgabe herzustellen.

      • 밝은사회 운동과 평화사상

        趙萬濟 慶熙大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Today we are living in the nuclear age Mentioning that today's crisis is the first since the dawning of civilization in the Old Stone Age. Arnold Toynbee said, "The enemy which threatens annihilation of mankind is not bacteria nor virus, neither a tiger with its keen-edged teeth, but man himself. The following allegorical example of a quick-wit question has much analogy to the present situation of the world. "Shall the sparrow held in my hand be wrung to death: otherwise, shall it be flown in the air?" Of course, whether he kills it or not depends on the free will of man. There are many people who ask if another war will break out in the near future. Likewise, depending on his free will, man himself decides whether or not he will wage war. The will of mankind has persevered in ins efforts to build a better world. The road to the world peace should begin with our efforts to cultivate a peaceful mind. After all, whether the world peace that we are longing for can be achieved or not depends on the resolution of mankind. In that sense, it goes without saying that the world peace is to be based on peace of an individual. That each human being attains peace of mind with a good ideal is a shortcut to the world peace. We, all members of the Brighter Society Movement, should work fur the world peace through all our lives with a firm resolution to make good contributions to the establishment of the world peace that is the pressing need ol the times. If the lasting world peace can be realized on earth, the glory ol the splendid achievements will be attributed to us. In addition, in the process of realization of the world peace, we can also find our life hopeful and worthwhile. In conclusion, when each organizational unit of the Brighter Society Movement serves its society and its country with sincere commitment to love for peace, the world will naturally grow peaceful. This is "the main road to peace."

      • 21세기의 새로운 지도자상

        조만제 밝은사회연구소 1998 밝은社會硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        Just one year towards the 21st Century, we have a very strong sense of social crisis in every social aspect of life. It is because we do not have proper leadership to overcome this social crisis and provide for a reasonable path out of the deadlock. The current crisis of social degeneration and dehumanization cast a severely gloomy prospect for the future of Korea and Global Society. Lest this situatikon should continue in the 21st Century, the need for a new leadership is acute. What should the leadership for the 21st Century be? A true leader who can ovecome the current crisis and propose a vision for the progress of the history of humanity should be one who has the vision of the method to develop morality and humanity. He should have a sense of responsibility and determination to be a true leadr for the uncertain future of the 21st Century with the appropriate skill and knowledge to realize the blueprint for a better future. The true leader in the 21st Century should no confine his concern to his own country, but extend his efforts to solve social pathology of the Global Society. He should specify the direction of the future society and plant the seeds of hope for the restoration of morality and humanity in the mind of people in this era. True leaders should exert ceaseless efforts to create a better society of the 21st Century in which humanity will have more developed culture and environment than those of the 20th Century, Mr. Robert Bundy put a specifie importance on, among others, two characteristics of movement for the creation of a desirable future. The ormer is the belief that we cannot predict the future, but make all research-efforts resulting in practical alternatives for the future. Most activists of Futures Movement like Robert Bundy argue that world society faces a great transformation. This transformation arouses attention from the world society in the sense that it may bring ambivalent result, destructive and constructive, to the future of the whole human society. Then, what kind of society should we create to prevent the overall destruction of the Global Society? What is the practical way to do so? Seemingly, the answer depends on the creation of the leadership model for the 21st Century, education for leadership and leaders' successful activity. This paper begins with a comprehensive analysis on the social and cultural aspects of the 20th Century. Based on the analysis on the social patholgy of the 20th Century, this paper presents alternatives for the contemporary social problems, suggestina a new leadership model based on the Brighter Society Movement which is the spirit of the GCS International. Conclusively, this paper suggests a creative aspect of life for Korea and the Global Society for the 21st Century through the discussion on the role and philosophy of leaders in the age of culture, the 21st Century.

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