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        동강유역의 표유동물상

        우한정 ( Han Jung Woo ),최청일 ( Chung Il Choi ) 한국하천호수학회 2002 생태와 환경 Vol.35 No.5

        본 조사는 1998년 11월부터 1999년 7월까지 5회에 걸쳐 현지 조사를 실시하였으며, 과거의 문헌, 연구자들의 의견과 현지 주민, 공무원등의 의견을 청문하여 조사하였다. 현지 조사에서 24종이 확인되었으며, 각 연구자의 기록을 종합한 결과 6목 15과 41종으로 다른 지역에 비하여 풍부한 포유 동물상을 나타내었다. 조사된 포유류 중 천연기념물은 산양, 사향노루, 반달곰, 하늘 다람쥐와 수달 등 5종이었고, 환경부 지정 멸종위기종은 붉은 박쥐와 표범이었으며, 보호대상종은 삵과 대륙목도리담비이었다. 조사 지역은 남방계와 북방계의 인자들이 교차하는 지역이며, 북방한계종이며, 우리 나라 미기록종인 만주토끼와 무산흰족제비가 기록된 지역으로 동물 지리학적으로도 대단히 가치가 높은 지역으로 지속적인 조사·연구와 감시가 요구된다. 백룡동굴(천연기념물) 내의 붉은 박쥐, 관박쥐 및 기타 동굴 동물의 보존을 위한 종합 대책이 요구된다. The survey for mammalian fauna was conducted five times from September 1998 to July 1999 in the Dong River Valley of Korea. A total of 21 species was identified from the survey. Literature review found that a different number of species ranging from 7 to 34 by other studies was reported in the valley. Current survey on mammalians together with the aforementioned totals 6 orders, 15 families, 41 species including, 2 previously unreported species. Five species including amur goral, musk deer, river otter, Eurasian flying squirrel, and Ussurian black bear are natural monuments designated by the Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The Siberian leopard and orange0whiskered bat are endangered species. The area surveyed provides important habitat for the species identified, and is considered to be an important eco-corridor for northern and southern faunal distribution in the Korean peninsula. Future surveys and monitoring are recommended to establish the strategy of the preservation of mammalian fauna in the Dong River Valley.

      • 野生鳥獸의 分布와 捿息密度 및 食性에 關한 硏究 -第2報-

        金甲德,禹漢貞,金泰旭 서울大學校 農科大學 1980 서울대농학연구지 Vol.5 No.1

        1. Birds and Mammals census by line transect (Roadside census) and food plants for birds (plants birds like the most) was made at Mt. Baek Woon, No.4 No.5 No.6 and at Mt. Chi Ak, during 18 April 1978 to 11 February 1979. 2. The number per hour and percent dominance (for the total of all species) were calculated as indices for relative abundance of each species, (Table: 4,5,6,7). 3. Distance (per Km), width (per ha.), time (per hour) and relative abundance for each species in four census areas were observed. 4. 49 species of bird recorded, Great Tit, Parus major, Brandt's Jay, Garrulus glandarius, Crow Tit, Paradoxornis webbiana, Meadow Bunting, Emberiza cioides(resident) and Naumann's Thrush, Turdus naumanni, Brambling, Fringilla montifringilla, Rustic Bunting, Emberiza rustica(winter bird) were recorded as dominant species Mt.Baek Woon. Great Tit, Parus major, Blue Magpie, Cyanopica cyane, and Crow Tit, Paradoxornis webbiana were recorded as dominant species at Mt. ChiAK. 5. Blue Magpie, Cyanopica cyane is breeding at Mt. ChiAK but at Mt. Baek Woon it was not yet observed. 6. Korean Magpie, Pica pica is no distributed four census areas. 7. Mammalian fauna in four census area is relatively low and Korean Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes Chinese Wolf, Canis lupus and Siberian Leopard, Panthera pardus had exterminated since Korean War Table: 3) 8. A few number of Korean Flying Squirrel, Petaurista leucogenys hintoni is breeding at Mt. ChiAK.

      • 標識鳥에 依한 韓國産 철새集團의 季節的 分布와 그의 生産(Ⅱ)

        元炳旿,禹漢貞,具太會,尹茂夫 慶熙大學校 1969 論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Seasonal distribution and ecology of migrant bird populations were studies by mist-netting and banding primarily in the area of Kyunggi-do, Korea during 1967―1968. 1. From 1 January 1967 to 31 December 1968, a total of 57,087 birds of 105 species were banded in Korea. 527 (237 returns) recoveries have been reported in Korea(outside of baning sites) and 26 recoveries of 7 species from abroad. 2. Through a nationwide preliminary survey on the colonial breeding sites of Ardei dae, 14 breeding colonies were found, and, as a result counted 6340 birds of 5 species and 1580 nestling banded. (See Table 3,4 and Fig. 1). 3. Band returns of the House Swallow banded the previous year obtained within Kyunggi-do, showed that the percentage of returns was 5.66% of 1694 adults and 0.66% of 8600 nestlings. Although the returns are invitably lower than the actual number banded, some tendency as to age is indicated, (Table 12). 4. Based on 208 recoveries at nesting and at roosting sites, the distance beween the two was within a radius of 25㎞. (see Fig. 2 and Table 14). 5. An analysis of age composition and ratio sex of some migrants, and their body wieghts.

      • 標識放鳥에 依한 韓國産 철새 集團의 季節的 分布와 그의 生態(Ⅰ)

        元炳旿,禹漢貞,咸奎晃,田美子,尹茂夫 慶熙大學校 1967 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        實驗材料로 토기, 마우스 및 가물치를 使用하여서 致死至近量의 物理的 環境要因 (溫度, 重力, 電擊, 電離放射線 및 非電離放射線), 化學的 環境要因(無機이온) 및 生物學的 環境要因(媒質의 渗透壓)等에 依한 處理가 血液蛋白質의 電氣泳動像을 비롯하여 赤血球, 白血球, 헤마토크리트比, 血色素量, 赤血球脆弱性, 肝臟器官의 組織像 그리고 肝臟 및 腎臟器官重量等에 미치는 效果를 硏究調査하였다. 前記 致死至近量의 環境要因의 處理로 一般的으로 蛋白質代謝, 血液像, 肝臟器官의 組織像 및 肝臟器官重量等에 顯著한 變化를 招來함을 알 수 있었다. 總血淸蛋白質量의 顯著한 變化 및 알부민―굴로부린比의 變化等은 血液內의 渗透效果의 變化를 招來함을 示唆하여 준다. 血淸電氣泳動像의 變化는 前記 環境要因에 依한 處理로 因하여 蛋白質代謝의 異常 卽 肝臟機能의 異常을 招來함을 알 수 있다. 以上의 結果로 미루어 보아 致死至近量이 內的 및 外的의 物理的, 化學的및 生物學的 環境要因에 依한 處理로 因하여 血液蛋白質, 血液像 및 肝臟器官 等의 異常은 生體에 큰 損傷을 가져오며 아울러 生體의 生理的平衡에 有意性的인 變化를 招來한다고 思料된다. Seasonal distribution and ecology of migrant bird populations were studied by mist-netting and banding primarily in the ares of Kyunggido, Korea during 1963-1966. 1. From 6 June to 25 June 1963, 99 birds of 3 species and 3 July 1964 to 31 December 1966, a total of 123, 242 birds of 124 species were banded in Korea. 196 (144 Returns) recoveries of 22 species have been reported in Korea (outside of banding sites) and 7 recoveries of 5 species from abroad. 2. At Taenung, N.E. Seoul, Korea, 11623 birds of the Pied Wagtail and 9,013 birds of the House Swallow were banded in pear orchards. a. Both Wagtail and Swallow are summer resident Wagtail arrives Korea in the beginning of March and Swallows in early April and these gregarious species gather at night into large flocks to roost while juveniles maintain their post-breeding roosts in pear orchard from June to October until the time of Autumn migration. b. Both Wagtaill and Swallow maintain their roosts in the same site but they exhibit different roosting behavior. c. The time at which the Wagtails and Swallows arrive and leave the roost in relation to sunset varies with length of day, weather, however, light intensity mat remain the same. d. The Wagtail gathers around the feeding ground more than 20 kilometers from the roosting site. e. Some Wagtails and Swallows banded the previous year returned and roosted in the orchard. The fact that they repeatedly roost in the same areas suggest that after breeding some birds remain in the Orchard and some of them migrate southward. 3. During July 1964-October 1966, 78, 170 birds of 12 Emberiza species were banded primarily in Kyunggi-do. Emberiza rutila, Emberiza spodocephala, Emberiza tristrami and Emberiza aureola ornata are the dominant fall and spring migrants. In fall they prefer soy-bean, corn and especially millet fields while in spring they are mostly seen on wheat and barley fields. Emberiza rustica is the most abundant species during late fall and winter and they prefer open fields with bushes. Emberiza rutila migrates through Korea in May and from the beginning of August until the and of October. The sex ratio is 100 females to 155 males (11674 ♀, 17761 ♂). More males were caught than females each month except in September when more females were caught. Emberiza spodocephala migrates through Korea from the middle of April through the middle of May and from the meddle of September through October. Emberiza tristrami migrates southward through Korea the first half of May and during October. The sex ratio is 100 female to 140 males(392 ♀, 551 ♂). Emberiza aureola oruata megrates through Korea during May nd from early August until the end of October. Emberiza rustica migrates southward but some of them winter in Korea. The wintering period is from the early October until the end of April. The sex ratio is 100 females to 191 mules (13,450 ♀, 25,687 ♂). Emberiza yessoensis continentals migrates to Korea around the middle of October. Some of them wander in Korea while some of them migrate southward. The wandering period is from the middle of October to the meddle of February. Emberiza cioidos is a permanent resident and breeds in great number in Korea. However, they migrate southward in large flocks during winter and northward during spring. The sex ratio is 100 females to 159 males (497 ♀, 792 ♂). Emberiza e. elegans is a resident and breeds in fairly small number in Korea. but they migrate southward in large flocks around the end of October and northward around April. The sex ratio is 100 females to 280 males(462 ♀, 962 ♂). Emberiza f. fucata is a summer resident, arrives to Korea the middle of April and most of them migrate southward in September. Emberiza chrysophtys migrates southward through Korea in May and from September to October. Emberiza pusilla is a not uncommon transient during spring and autumn and some of it wanders during winter in Korea. Emberiza leucocephala leucocephala Known as a straggler based on the sex specimens but a rare winter visitor. It migrates southward through Korea and some of it wanders around the end of January to the middle of March. 4. Noteworthy records of 21 species observed by the authors and some new species in Korea are given, each with notes on banding and collection records-See text for each species. Observations were made on the feeding habits of nestlings of ten species, Lanius tigrinus, Butorides striatus amurensis, Fhnberiza f. fucata, Motazilla alba leucopsis, Oriolus chinensis diffusns. Accipiter nisus nisosimilis, Mierascelis amaurotis henssent. Garrulus glandarins brandtii, Accipiter solecnsis and Cyanopica eyamts Koreensis. The investigation was made in Kwangnung experimental forest, Kyunggido and the nearby open field by using collar method. Accipiter nisus nisosimiles, Microscelis amaurotis hensoni, Garrulus glandarius brandtii and Cyanopiea cyanus Koreenses are permanent residents and the other six species are common summer residents. The following is the food that these nestlings consumed. 1. Lanius tigrinus The food they consumed was animal matter Composes of; insect larvae-41.5%, insect adults-49.4%, spiders-7.69%, frogs-1.53%. The cicada, Gampsocleis ussuricnsis made up 33.8% of the insect larvae. The cricket, Platyplenra kacmpferi made up 35.4% of the adult insects. Only one species of spiders, Clubiona jucunda was seen, 7.69% of the food. 2. Butorides striatus amurensis The food was animal matters composed of; small freshwater fishes-18.57%, Ranidae-45.71%, others-5.71%. Twenty percent of the small freshwater fishes was Zacco platypus while Hemibarbus logirostris made up 14.28%. Among Amphibians, Rana n. nigromaculata included 22.8%. 3. Emberiza f. fucata The food was amimal matter; insect larvae-63.3%, adult insects-25.64%, others-12.78%, Since 48.1% of the food items was larvae of Pieris rapae, it is most useful for agriculture. 4. Motacilla alba larcopsis The food during their nestling period was animal matter compsed of; insect larvae-30.5%, adult insects-55.4%, spiders-13.9%. The commonest insect larvae were Odonata indet.-22.2%. The commonest adult insects were Syrphidae indet.-16.6%. Of the spiders Lyecsa sp. made up 12.1% and Lycosa astrigera-2.8%. 5. Oriolus chinensis diffusus The food was animal matter composed of; insect larvae-62.36%, adult insects-20.17%, others017.42%. It should be noted that from the initial time of its feeding until leaving it consumed Dendrolimus spectabilis, a noxious forest insect which made up 45.08% of the diet. Thus it is very useful birds eliminating noxious forest insects. 6. Accipiter nisus nisosimilis The food was animal matter composed of; small passerine birds-87.5%, Ranidac-12.05%. It consumed such forest birds as Paridae. 7. Microscelis amauretis hensani The food was primarily insect adults-79.65%, Mollusca-12.15%, vegetable matter-4.05%, insect larvae-2.70%. Araneina-1.35%. Homoptera was 43.35% of adult insects. 8. Garrulus glaudarins brandtii The food during its nestling pcriod was solely animal matter; insect larvae-38.80%, adult insects-28.90%, Araneina-24.87%, adult Amphibia-15.49%. Right afrer hatehing and until leaving its nest, Dendrolimus spectabilis-35.08%, Arancina-24.87%, Clubiona jueunda-6.43% were fed. Therefor 73.48% of the total food was noxious forestry insects. 9. Accipiter soloensis The food during the whole feeding period was primarily Rana n. nigroma-culata 89.09%, but small quantity of Platypleura Kaempferi 8.26%, was also fed. 10. Cyanopica cyanus koreensis The food was composed of; insect larvae-6.11%, adult insects-60.55%, Hyla arborea japonica 12.22%, vegetable matter-1.11%. Gampsocleis ussuriensis-23.39%, Platypleura knempferi-15.55%, and Hyla arborea japoniea-12.22% were the prefered food supplied during the whole feeding period.

      • 漢江의 越冬鳥類

        元炳旿,禹漢貞,金相旭,具太會,李斗杓,崔東信 경희대학교 한국조류연구소 1986 연구보고 Vol.1 No.-

        The Han River is an important river where some twentys pecies of waterbirds yearly visit for staging or wintering-including some species of surface-water (or inland-water ducks), geese, and diving ducks which are dominant. The river, which has the capacity for more than 15,000 waterbirds and which is located in their migrating route, is considered essential for their surviving. As we know, the accepted ornithological criteria for assigning international importance to wetlands as propounded by the International Wetlands Conferences in Ramar, Iran(1972) and Heiligenhafen, West Germany(1974) are: (ⅰ) the wetland should support at least 1% of the population of one or more species of waders or waterfowl in an international flyway. In the present context this constitutes Europe and North Africa; (ⅱ) the wetland should support totals of 20,000 or more waders and/or more than 10,000 wildfowl of all species. However, the number of the waterfowl visiting the Han River every year exceeds the figures suggested above for wetland criteria in Europe or North Africa. Thus, the Han River is regarded very important both domestically and internationally. The decrease in the past twenty years in the number of waterfowl and waders migrating to this river is largely due to the water pollution caused by industrial sewage and insecticides flowing into Han River and to the development of agricultural and recreation areas within the river which have encroached and impoverished habitats. For minimizing negative ecological impacts on wildfowl from the factors mentioned above and from Han River developing projects, constant efforts should be made for effective supervision and rational administration for nature conservation through scientific surveys and researches.

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