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      • 인터넷을 활용한 관광학습 방법개발

        백태 대구산업정보대학 2000 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to develop teaching and learning methods through the internet, an important tool of information age. The internet is a leader in providing information involving every part of society, for example education, culture, economy, politics etc. It will have an important role in distance education and home-schooling in the future. This paper also introduces the methods needed to use major internet search engines and websites about tourism in Korea as well as out side of the country which are helpful and useful in teaching and learning tourism. As one of the computer programs, internet can offer the merits of computer-assisted instruction. In addition, the internet can provide students with various learning resources and instructional materials.

      • Walt Whitman시의 Hindu사상(2) : 존재와 자아를 중심으로 Focused on 'Self and Existence'

        白泰孝 대구산업정보대학 1997 논문집 Vol.11 No.1

        'Song of Myself', as is evident from the title, celebrates the 'self' poet, giving enough scope to readers and critics to wonder why does the poet sing so ecstatically about his own self after assuming several roles simultaneously. Many images have been assigned to the enigmatic Walt Whitman and the bulk of critical studies has increased over recent years, but those critics have not stressed adquately the severl roles played by the poet's self one after another. An intensive study of Whitman, however, will justify this myriad of images. In "Song of Myself" the poet says : "No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair, I have no chair, no church, no philosophy." The "Good Gray Poet" of the nineteenth century refuses to be streo-typed by virture of his many-faced being. So it must be admitted that no coherent system is to be found in Whitman's works : he eludes systemization. However, it is possible to perceive some inner consistency of spirit in his works and to point to recurrent themes or tendencies. There are definitely strains of Hindu thought in Leaves of Grass. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not to demonstrate that there were direct influences of Hindu thought upon Whitman, but rather to indicate certain parallels. Throughout Leaves of Grass and his other poetry, Whitman unintentionally reflects and projects some of the basic tenets of the Hindu philosophy concerning the unity of life, the nature of reality, man's place in the universe, the idea of caste and duty, and man's goals. For Whitman and the Hindu, the worship God is at the same time to find the real self and its meaning. One of the oldest religions in the world, Hinduism has for centuries helped people find answers to their deepest questions. Throughout his writing, Whitman asks the essential Hindu quests : What am I? What is my life? How can I enjoy life? How can I know God? Whitman's answers to these questions are an outline of the essential Hindu creed : My reality lies in my inner self and I am part of God. Life is a search to find God within oneself, and yet, all life is one. Whitman, as we have seen, was only superficially familiar with the writings of the East.

      • W.Whitman 과 T.S.Eliot 시의 도시 이미지

        白泰孝 대구산업정보대학 1996 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        This paper deals with contrasting images of the city in Whitman's poetry and T.S.Eliot's poems of 「Prufrock and Other Observations」. The great urban effect which appeared in literature in the poetry of 1930s modesnists'. The city is said to be the essential foci of modern life and to shape what is called the ecological characteristics in Western Society. As poems are the reflection of life, so the urban images are the reflection of modern life. So the T.S. Eliot's poems of 「Prufrock and Other Observations」 indulge in self-mockery, ridicules serious feelings and represent mixed reactions to things, the subjective mocked by the objective, the discrepancy between appearance and reality. The close examination of Whitman's poetry, however, reveals the fact that he shows more affection for the life of the city. By recording the casual contact between strangers, Walt Whitman tries to capture the ephemerality of the street in the substance of the poem and creates a poetry of the city that attempts to transcend limits of the text by fashioning its own physical universe. Whitman absorbs urban industrialization into his poetry and uses the city as his poetic object. Whitman treats the city as a metaphor of his poetic self and attempts to show that the objects found in the city are woven into his poetry and try to incarnate his poetry to make his poems tangible to his readers.

      • 멀티미디어를 이용한 실용영어 교육

        백태 대구산업정보대학 2001 논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a new method of multimedia assisted practical English teaching at the junior college level to improve students' listening and speaking abilities. Computer technology now has a significant impact on almost every aspect of our lives and it continues to extend its applications to business, entertainment, research, instruction in school, and so on. What concerns us here, in particular, has been the application in the field of English education. The application of computer technology has been recently dubbed as 'computer-assisted language learning' (CALL), which is one of the sophisticated ways to facilitate language learning in that it enables computer users to interact with computers. Interactivity in question renders multimedia proponents to consider the notion of multimedia in a somewhat different way. As its name suggests, multimedia was widely described as something that simply combines the capabilities of technologies that used to be separate such as plain text, sound, still graphic images, motion graphics, and so on. In fact computer technology has dramatically changed language teaching and learning. It is becoming an exciting experience for language learners as well as teachers. They can understand real language used in the real world far removed from a student's own reality, which takes them beyond the confines of their own learning boundaries. This is the reason why we suggest the multimedia aided teaching method

      • Whitman의 "The Sleepers"에 나타난 죽음의식

        백태 대구산업정보대학 2002 논문집 Vol.16 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to trace the meaning and genuine value of death in some of Whitman's poems. Throughout his lifetime, Whitman was interested in man more than anything else and it is evident that he chanted life and death that are the biggest problem to man. Whitman attempts to transcend death. At first he accepts death as a brutal fact of life, and then gradually believes that death equalizes all men, and from this point of view death is no longer a threat. Whitman's view of death is quite different from our long-cherished view of death that destroys all living things and is a dreadful and painful reality. From the view of life he believes that death will create a new life and death is not a break, not an ending, not a cessation but simply a cosmic change. In "The Sleepers", life and death, these two processes are correlatively circulating and surrounding the universe. Death as well as life is never static but moving timelessly. This idea of moving, moving of the human soul and moving of the universe in a spiritual sense seems to be the fundamental idea of Walt Whitman. In his universe, life involves death in itself and at last arrives at the very death, and the process to create new life repeats itself forever.

      • 문학과 종교(1) : T.S.Eliot의 시를 중심으로 Focused on the poems of T.S.Eliot

        白泰孝,徐東薰 대구산업정보대학 1998 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        This study is concerned with the literature and religion focused mainly in case of T.S.Eliot's works. Eliot was brought up in a Christian family background. He found no solace but only anxiety in the old religion. He was converted from Unitarianism to Anglo-Catholicism. We may find some heathen elements in Eliot's poetry. There is unbreakable relationship between religion and literature, and so Eliot distinguishes between them. Great literature cannot be either a means of escape merely from the traigic burden of life, nor can it seek to provide the artist with no more than a means of self-realization without regard to the price society pays for that fulfilment. It is not the task of imaginative literature to be didatic; still more, that incalculation of any specific creed is not a duty to which any of the arts is called. The essential relaltion of culture to religion is contact as said no culture has appeared or developed expect together with religion. It is certain that the culture will appear to be the product of the religion, or the religion the product of the culture. As it is seen T.S.Eliot's works are' wholly tinted religious, the artisitc sensibility is impoverised by its divorce from the religious sensibility, the religious by its separation from the artistic. As the most important concern of both religion and literature is existence and how to express their belief or faith is nearly same, the boundaries to differ between these two are very ambigious. But it is absoltely different, of course. This reason makes us call such literature as describing our existence 'religious'.

      • 삶과 죽음 : 미국문학의 경우 Focused on some American novel and poetry

        백태 대구산업정보대학 2003 논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to compare the meaning and genuine value of death and life in some American literature such as of Whitman’s and Hemingway’s. Throughout his lifetime, Whitman was interested in man more than anything else and it is evident that he chanted life and death that are the biggest problem to man. At first he accepts death as a brutal fact of life, and then gradually believes that death equalizes all men, and from this point of view death is no longer a threat. Whitman’s view of death is quite different from our long-cherished view of death that destroys all living things and is a dreadful and painful reality. Whitman attempts to transcend death. In some of his poetry, life and death, these two processes are correlatively circulating and surrounding the universe. Death as well as life is never static but moving timelessly. This idea of moving, moving of the human soul and moving of the universe in a spiritual sense seems to be the fundamental idea of Walt Whitman. From the view of life he believes that death will create a new life and death is not a break, not an ending, not a cessation but simply a cosmic change. In his universe, life involves death in itself and at last arrives at the very death, and the process to create new life repeats itself forever. But in case of Ernest Hemingway who were one of the members of lost generation, he has rather pessimistic view of life in his novels instead of his denial. In his novels death is an inevitable tragic fate or destiny. From his In Our Time till The Old man and the Sea he has consistent pessimistic view of life such sayings as ‘The facts are the same. You can’t win. In the long run, life will beat you.’ Through many novels, Hemingway always manifested that it is impossible for us humanity to escape from the tragic reality. It is superficially said that the notion between two writers are different, but the real meaning of both is the same. As many views on death are to be found in many American literary works, so are the views on life. Eventhough the notion on death are different from each other’s, the ultimate meaning of both consciousness is the same. It is because life and death are not opposite but one side of coins.

      • 로버트 프로스트 시의 자연 이미지

        白泰孝 대구산업정보대학 1998 논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        The rural world is not only the area in which Frost finds his most congenial subjects; it provides the framework in terms of which he can most effectively picture reality. Frost focuses on the human observer. Frost saw the barrier separating man and nature, and his concerns are always with the truth of nature. So they are each different in depicting nature. In other words, in depicting nature, Frost is different from Wordsworth in their identification with natural forces. Both Frost's subject and his methods derive from his conviction that poetry is not a social philosophy but a unique discipline with its own theme and language. Thus, nature in Frost's poetry is used as a background to supplement the human foreground, that is as a metaphor of human reality. Frost's chief interest lies in the pursuit of the reality of human existence and in the exploration of the possibility for us to live both with and against flux and to survive to continue our existence on the Earth. His rural landscape provides him with the setting and personae to fulfill his commitment to this poetic theme. Thus, nature in Frost's poetry is used as a background to supplement the human foreground, that is as a metaphor of human reality. Frost refuses to be confined within the urban boundaries but chooses to take the rural world, which he is familiar with, as the background of his poetry. His poetry deals with neither social problems nor ethical standards which are subject to time and space. Frost's chief interest lies in the pursuit of reality of human existence and in the exploration of the possibility for us to live both with and against flux and to survive to continue our existence on the earth. His rural landscape provides him with the setting and personae to fulfill his commitment to this poetic theme.

      • Walt Whitman 詩와 Hindu 思想 (1)

        백태 영남영어영문학회 1996 영남저널 Vol.7 No.-

        Many images have been assigned to the enigmatic Walt Whitman. The bulk of critical studies has increased over recent years, but the poet still eludes restricted and rigid classification. An intensive study of Whitman, however, will justify this myriad of images. In $quot;$quot;Song of Myself$quot;$quot; the poet says: $quot;$quot;No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair, I have no chair, no church, no philosophy.$quot;$quot; The $quot;$quot;Good Gray Poet$quot;$quot; of the nineteenth century refuses to be streo-typed by virture of his many-faced being. So it must be admitted that no coherent system is to be found in Whitman's works: he eludes systemization. However, it is possible to perceive some inner consistency of spirit in his works and to point to recurrent themes or tendencies. There are definitely strains of Hindu thought in Leaves of Grass. The purpose of this thesis, however, is not to demonstrate that there were direct influences of Hindu thought upon Whitman, but rather to indicate certain parallels. Throughout Leaves of Grass and his other poetry, Whitman unintentionally reflects and projects some of the basic tenets of the Hindu philosophy concerning the unity of life, the nature of reality, man's place in the universe, the idea of caste and duty, and man's goals. For Whitman and the Hindu, to worship God is at the same time to find the real self and its meaning. One of the oldest religions in the world, Hinduism has for centuries helped people find answers to their deepest questions. Throughout his writing, Whitman asks the essential Hindu quests: What am I? What is my life? How can I enjoy life? How can I know God? Whitman's answers to these questions are an outline of the essential Hindu creed: My reality lies in my inner self and I am part of God. Life is a search to find God within oneself, and yet, all life is one. Whitman, as we have seen, was only superficially familiar with the writings of the East.

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