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      • 洛東江 三角洲의 地形景觀 變化

        潘鏞夫 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 自然科學論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        This study concerned with the changes of geomorphic landscape in the northern part of the Nakdong river delta, focused on during 1900∼1990. The results are as follows; 1. The Taejeo island has the most large landform in the Nakdong river delta. But it is not a single island but it composed with several small islands. These small islands were reclamated and became to a large single island. The Taejeo Island composed with many small interdistributary mouth bars which named Chuldudo, Taejeochido, Pyounggangdo, Toyeojeo and 10 nameless small islands. 2. Chuldudo was the first appeared island as a interdistributary mouth bar. It locates on eastern part of the upper Nakdong river delta. And the others grow up after one by one. 3. These natural levee areas have higher relief in the Nakdong river delta area. This high place is favorite for cultvation. 4. At the beginning of 1900, the Japanese immigrate into this area, and possessed of the land on this area by almost force and cleared it for farming of pear gardens. 5. At that time, this area was waste land, except rice cultivated land by Korean. 6. After 1910, the Japanese extending their domains and rice field change to gradually for pear gardens. 7. Around 1970, this land was almost change from a paddy field to pear gardens. 8. After 1970, area of pear gardens decreased and changed to rice or dry fields, again. Because after 1945 the owners of fruit garden went back to Japan and pear trees are too old so it's productivity also decreased due to the this area stands close to Pusan and Kimhae, the land value has increased. 9. At 1990 almost of pear gardens are diminished and change to dry fields for cultivate of fresh vegetables, flowers, fruits and other garden farmings. The northern part of the Nakdong river delta will be successed to built-up area.

      • 洛東江 河口 沿岸砂州 地形

        潘鏞夫 新羅大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This study intend to clarify geomorphic characteristics and geomorphic development of alluvial land form relating with natural environment of the Nakdong River mouth. The investigation is concern with landform classification, stratigraphic analysis, and restoration of the past sea level change, and make an analyis of component of sediment materials. Especially, this paper is focused on the distribution of grain size which deposited on the strface of the barrier islands. The rerults of this study are as follows: 1. The Nakdong delta consist with three different geomorphic units, those are the upper delta, the lower delta and the marginal deltaic basin. 2. The alluvium which consist of the Nakdong delta is about 60m thick. It had deposited after post glacial transgression. 3. The alluvium of the delta area is classified into, a) upper sand stratum: 2∼6m thick. b) clay stratum: 17∼27m thick. c) lower sand stratum: 4∼17m thick. d) sand and gravel stratum: 3∼16m thick. e) basal gravel stratum: 2∼6m thick 4. The hight of natural levee is 1∼4m, it consist of silty sand which transported by sliding or saltation. Back swamp is consist of clay which transported by suspension. 5. Upper delta is composed of interdistributary islands which developed along the river flow and lower delta is composed of beach-ridges on the Myongho island and tidal mud flat and barrier islands. Generally, barrier islands have developed almost at a right angle to the river flow. 6. Upper delta is influenced by fluvial processes and lower delta is largely influenced by wave, longshore current, and tidal current etc. 7. The most of alluvial materials are supplied by flood usually occurred from June to September. 8. The Sea-level of around the Nakdong River mouth at B.P 4500 years was above 5m and at B.P 3500 years was above 7.5m and at B.P 1700 years was above 6.5m of the present sea-level. The Nakdong delta have had formed since B.P 1600 Years. 9. 28 families and 97 species of plants are growing on the barrier islands. Salsola komarovi, Cynodon ciactylon, and Carexpumila had invaded into the barrier islands as the pioneer plants. Sand dune formation and subsequent fixation accelerated by pioneer species. In the salt marsh, Carex scabritolia, Zoysia sinica, and Phragmites communities followed the pioneer species and play a role of same kind of the agent. The vegetation types of the Jangja island and the Baghapdeung were divided broadly into two groups; mixed plant community of sand dune vegetation dominated by Cynodon, Lathyrus Japonica and Oenothera odorata, and salt marsh vegetation dominated by Carex scabrifolia, Phragmites communities and Zoysia sinica. The vegetation of the Saedeung and the Namusitdeung were limited in the centeral parts because of ecological performance was so early and very poor compared with those of the Janja island and the Baghapdeung. Barrier islands had developed the Jangia island, the Baghapdeung, the Namusitdeung, the Saedeung orderly. 10. During flood times, most of the Nakdong River sediments are discharged out of the river mouth by suspension and bed load. And then the suspended load discharged into the Korea strait and the bed load deposited near the barrier islands. In no flood time, the coarse materials of the bed load deposited at the barrler islands by wave activities, and the finer ones deposited within the river mouth by flood tides. 11. The analyze of grain size in barrier islands sediments are as follows: The shapes of histogram for grain size distribution have single peak and are concentrated. It is noteworthy that since the materials hold finer grains, the shape of histogram enlongated tail to the right side. -------------------------------------------------- Saedeung Baghapdeung Namusitdeung -------------------------------------------------- Mø 1.5 2.4 2.46 SDø 0.36 0.33 0.4 SK -0.2 0.16 0.06 ------------------------------------------------- The grain size of the barrier islands distributed from 2ø to 4ø and the peak is 3ø. In the distribution curves of cumulative grain size on normal probability paper most deposits constitute with three straight segments which are: lower, middle and upper segments. These three segments were labelled as coarse, medium and fine population. It is that coarse population reflects rolling and sliding, medium population reflects saltation, and fine population reflects suspension mechanism, respectively.

      • 梁山川上流의 段狀地形

        潘鏞夫 新羅大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        Along the upper Yangsan River banks, Platforms morphologically similar to river terraces. The platforms which are located along the river banks in Korea are usually known as the river terraces. But the majority of these platforms lack evidences that they have been formed by the rivers, even though they are found along the river banks, in the shape of platforms. The purpose of this study formation of platforms-morphology and outcrops along the river sides. The target areas of this study has following characteristics; The slopes of this landform are changed as follows;rapid slope surface, gentle slope and platforms. The platforms are located at the altitude of 30m∼140m, and large ones are found along the convex banks, and their slopes are 1°∼3°in gradient. The depth(thickness) of deposited materials are 5m to 7m, and become thin downward to the river. As matrix, sands abound in the upper streams, silt and clay abound in the downstream. The diameter of materials which are composed of deposits is along coarser in the upper stream, and becomes finer the downstream. The roundness of rocks becomes very round toward the downstream. The depth of weathering front becomes lower toward the downstream and it is 3m to 5m below platform surfaces. All the baserocks are not the same level. The deposit materials of these platforms originated from the back mountains. Deposited materials are produced by congelifration and transported by massmovement of solifluction under periglacial environment, repetition of freeze-thaw. The surface of gentle slope had been eroded by rainwash, especially sheet erosion. The platforms are covered with a sliding materials. And these materials have eroded the gentle slope and platforms at first. The active erosion has resulted in formation of potholes, attrition of rocks and gradual lowering of the altitude of river beds in the direction of the upper stream. These phenomena are especially conspicuous toward the headstream from the knickpoint located near Tongdo Hotel. Generally the platforms were formerly, last interglacial period, old river beds, and recently have been eroding down along the Yangsan fault line, because of lowering down of sea level. The agency of platforms seems to be river terraces and climatic terraces. formed by river and climatic activities.

      • 제6차 고등학교 "공통 사회"과 교육과정의 성격 : 지리 영역을 중심으로

        반용부 新羅大學校 1999 論文集 Vol.48 No.-

        This study concern with the clarify the 6th curriculum of senior high school according to the an integrated course of social studies focus on the field of geography. We have experienced changing curriculums 6 times during last 50 years. The government have attempt to geography history and social study integrated into a single course of social studies. Elementary school and junior high school have already an integrated course of social studies. In senior high school, geography and social study were integrated a single course of social studies result from the 6th curriculum period. The curriculum named 'common social studies' but the textbooks divided two separated books, social study and geography of Korea. The characteristics of geography field result from the 6th curriculum of senior high school are as follows ; 1. Geography of Korea and social study were reorganized into common social sudies. 2. One of the purpose of the common social studies is essential course of learning. 3. At the view point of structure of curriculum, it suggests that integrated and synthesized organization. 4. At the dimension of learning theory, it shows that methodologial centered course of study. 5. Although integrated into a single course, geography and social study have their own proper characteristics of as a disciplinary. 6. The content of the course organized with the develping ability for knowledge, morality, human relation, decision making, good citizenship.

      • 洛東江 河口 沿岸砂州 地形의 變化

        潘鏞夫 新羅大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.40 No.1

        This study concerned with the landform changes of barrier islands around the Nakdong River mouth, especially before and after the construction of an estuary bank of the river. The results are as follows: 1. The landform changes of barrier islands; The barrier islands were first represented in Taedongyeojido(大東與地圖), one of the Korean old maps which published at 1861. since that time, new barrier islands have been developed, continuously. Myungho-do(1861), sinho-do, Taema-dung, Jinwoo-do(1904), Jangja-do(1916), Paekhapdung(1955), Sae-dung(1975), Hongti-dung(1983), Namusit-dun(1986), Chulsae-dung(1988) were formed, orderly(the do and the dung named barrier island). 2. In a view point of particle diameter of the sediments ; Mean particle diameter of the sediments are becomes coarser through the whole barrier islands except the Sae-dung. Transporting mechanism of the sediments is bouncing along the bed as saltation load. Degree of sorting was not much transformed but it changed from very well sorted to well sorted or mederately well sorted. The skewness of sediments were transformed from positive to negative. It means that the environment of sedimentation around Nakdong River mouth is changed from effect of the river(low energy) to effect of waves(high energy). 3. The distribution of natural vegetation;Species and intensities of vegetation on the barrier islands are increasing. The barrier islands aroung Nakdong River mouth shall growing up in the futur The direction of the growth is toward the East-Nakdong River, predominantly. The ratio of sedimentation will higher at Tadaepo and molwoondae areas.

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