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      • 지속가능한 관광을 위한 동굴관광자원의 관리체계에 대한 연구

        충렬 ( Choong Real Hong ),김원진 ( Won Jin Kim ) 한국동굴학회 2004 동굴 Vol.64 No.-

        자연동굴은 생태환경교육의 장이며 주요한 관광자원으로 이용가치가 매우 크다. 그러나 현재 개방된 관광동굴의 경우 관리보존상의 많은 문제점을 나타내고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 우리나라 관광동굴의 관리실태와 문제점을 살펴보고 대안적인 동굴관리체계에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 검토결과 대부분의 관광동굴이 ``천연동굴 관리보존지침`` 을 제대로 시행하지 않거나 체계적인 관리운영이 이루어지지 않고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 동굴관리자를 대상으로 설문조사한 결과 동굴관리자의 근무환경 개선, 관광객에 대한 교육, 동굴관련 문화재보호법의 개정, 동굴관리자에 대한 전문가 교육이 요구되었다. 향후 지속가능한 관광을 위한 동굴관리 및 보존을 위해서는 동굴관리의 주체라고 할 수 있는 행정기관, 동굴관리자, 관광객의 상호협력적인 관리체계와 동굴내외부의 환경변화에 대한 세부적인 데이터베이스를 체계적으로 관리할 수 있는 동굴관리정보시스템의 구축이 필요하다. Caves have the values of learning sites and tourism resources. But show caves are at risk of being ravaged, destroyed, and Polluted. The Purpose of this study is to analyse the management condition and the problems of the show caves, and to suggest the alternative improvement for the cave management. The research of the Cultual Properties Administration revealed many Problems including the management system, safety diagnosis, the demand for comprehensive academic research and so on. An analyzing of the questionnaire about cave manager demanded to reform working conditions, tourist education, an amendment of the Cultural Properties Protection Act, expert education for cave manager. In conclusion, It is necessary that construct the mutual cooperation system of an administrative organization, cave manager and tourist, and the Cave Management information System to manage database of cave environment.

      • 관광동굴 주변 관광자원의 유형별 분포 특성

        충렬 ( Choong Real Hong ),김원진 ( Won Jin Kim ) 한국동굴학회 2005 동굴 Vol.67 No.-

        자연동굴은 오랜기간 동안 생성된 귀중한 문화유산이며 관광자원이다. 우리나라에는 많은 석회동굴과 용암동굴이 분포하고 있다. 그중 천연기념물과 지방기념물로 각각 21개가 지정되어 있고 관광동굴로 개발된것이 12개이다. 본 연구 결과 기념물로 지정된 동굴은 강원도와 제주도에 많이 분포하고 있으며 관광동굴은 강원도와 충청북도에 많이 분포하고 있다. 12개 관광동굴을 대상으로 각 동굴 주변에 분포하고 있는 주요관광자원과 연계성을 살펴본 결과 자연적 관광자원과의 연계성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 관광동굴의 효과적인 관광자원화를 위해서는 주변 관광자원과의 연계를 고려한 관광루트 및 관광상품의 개발이 필요하다. This study is basic research to present the activation of cave tourism. So first of all for establishing of this study, we examined the distribution characteristics of natural caves and monument caves. The results of this study are as follows; First, monument caves concentrate upon Gangwon-do and Jeju-do. Second, open caves concentrate upon Gangwon-do and Chungcheongbuk-do. Third, typical linkage characteristics of tourism resources surrounding open caves are very high in natural tourism resources. Fourth, It is necessary to develop tourism route though the linkage with other tourism resources. But this study have been partial and fragmentary. In order to increase the number of tourists, we should make them curious about the specific region by presenting the unique characteristics of the region, for example its cultural, social, recreational etc. In other words, in order to attract the tourists open caves should differentiate from other open caves.

      • KCI등재

        관광동굴에 대한 이미지 및 형태 특성

        충렬(Choong Rearl Hong),김원진(Won Jin Kim) 한국호텔관광학회 2001 호텔관광연구 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to investigate the image and behaviour characteristic of tourist on cave-resort in order to reveal the ways to promote the demand of tourism. This research carried out surveys to the visitors of Gosu-Cave, and 241 survey results were available. Cognitive image was the most important element for the tourism image by visitors, followed by the image such as the creature and landscape of cave-resort. Tourists have strong preference for family-based tour, including tourism to other resorts located nearby. Mostly, tourists obtain their tour information from personal relationships rather than from mass media or internet. It is thus required to develop local tourism programs for the effective increase of cave-tour demand, for example new tour route development program with linking to other nearby resorts and the development of event program such as special experience at cave-resort. Avertising and other ways of tourism-boosting activities by local government and agents are important for the increase of tour demand, and also the development of sourvenir on the image of cave-resort will be helpful for this.

      • 관광업의 전자상거래 활용 방안 모색에 관한 연구

        충렬 ( Choong Ryol Hong ) 한국동굴학회 2000 동굴 Vol.61 No.-

        The remarkable development of information technology today is significantly increasing the desire for related services as it allows one to process and transmit information fast and accurately as well as in an efficient way. Particularly, the spread of the Internet even changes our life pattern, not to mention allowing us to provide or share information. One of the most typical example is electronic commerce. The e-commerce industry, which is build upon informations super high way, is growing rapidly, backed on the development of communications technology and the combination of various media. Companies are active in embracing and utilizing the cutting-edge information technology, whereas the tourism industry in general is still at a rudimentary stage. Therefore, it is expected that the industry will harness e-commerce in many aspects. Tourism, in its characteristic, has a variety of sectors, and cross-sector cooperation is essential. Therefore, the industry can provide better services by connecting or integrating network systems and taking advantage of e-commerce, while it is of no less importance to have information system for promoting products. This thesis will look into and the basic concept and role of e-commerce as well as the existing tourism information system. It will also study ways to make good use of e-commerce by adopting it into the tourism information system.

      • SPA 개념(槪念) 정립(定立)을 위(爲)한 이론적(理論的) 접근(接近)

        김주환 ( Joo Hwan Kim ),충렬 ( Choong Real Hong ) 한국동굴학회 2006 동굴 Vol.74 No.-

        SPA(Speleologic-Photo-Artist)란 동굴학적인 소양과 능력을 갖춘 사진예술가, 즉 동굴사진 예술가를 말한다. SPA가 되기 위해서는 동굴학 분야, 사진학 분야, 순수예술분야의 종합이 필요하다. 이 경우 각분야는 주전공을 무엇에서부터 출발하느냐에 따라 각각의 난이도가 달라질 것이다. SPA의 경우 동굴학에서 출발하여 사진분야, 순수예술분야를 추가로 학습하는 것이 기타 타분야에서 접근하는 것보다 용이하다고 생각한다. 이렇게 기본적인 소양을 습득한 뒤에는 현실적이고 제도권안에 있는 사진작가가 되는 길을 모색하여 동굴사진예술가가 될 수 있다고 본다. 이러한 자격을 가진 사람이 교육에 종사할 경우 좀더 깊이 있는 내용을 피교육자에게 전달할 수 있으며 동굴학의 저변을 확대하는데 매우 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있으리라고 생각한다.

      • 鑛山洞窟을 利用한 洞窟觀光 활성화

        金源振(Kim, Won-Jin),洪忠烈(Hong, Choong-Ryeal) 청운대학교 관광산업연구소 2013 관광산업연구 Vol.7 No.1

        This study discusses how to vitalize cave tourism with exhausted mine caves. It is possible to build excellent tourism contents by solving both institutional and environmental problems and considering success cases in advanced countries and the characteristics of Korean tourism. The examples of it can be cave storytelling, cave history and culture, geosciences, geotourism, cave exploration, and theme park construction. It is needed to conduct positive demand analysis on how to improve related institutions and differentiate cave tourism as well as research and examination on how to estimate the value of exhausted mine caves in Korea afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        식물공장 인공광원이 케일의 생육 및 글루코시놀레이트 함량에 미치는 영향

        이광재(Guang-Jae Lee),허정욱(Jeong-Wook Heo),충렬(Chung-Ryul Jung),김현환(Hyun-Hwan Kim),조정수(Jung-Su Jo),이준구(Jun-Gu Lee),이경자(Gyeong-Ja Lee),남상영(Sang-Young Nam),의연(Eui-Yon Hong) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2016 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 식물공장 인공광원이 수경재배 케일의 생육, 수량 및 글루코시놀레이트(GLS) 함량에 미치는 영향을 구명코자 수행하였다. 인공광원으로 LED B:W(1:1, BW), R:B:W(2:1:3, RBW), BW+형광등(1:1+FL, BW+FL) 등 3 처리를 하였다. 수확 엽수와 엽중은 BW+FL이 BW와 RBW보다 우수하였다. 엽장은 BW+FL에서, 엽폭은 RBW가 우수하여 다른 처리와 통계적인 유의성을 나타냈다. 엽록소 함량과 ‘L’ 값은 처리간에 유의성이 없었으며, ‘a’ 값과 ‘b’ 값은 BW+FL에서 가장 낮았다. GLS 함량은 모든 처리에서 glucobrassicin, glucoiberin, gluconasturtiin, sinigrin, progoitrin, glucoraphamin, epiprogoitrin 순으로 많았으며, 총 GLS 함량은 RBW에서 가장 높았다. 잎의 수분 함량, 조단백질, 조지방 함량, 회분 함량은 처리간에 유의성을 나타내지 않았다. 결론적으로 광은 생육과 2차 대사산물의 합성에 차이가 나타내며, 기능성 향상을 위해 후속 연구가 필요하다고 판단된다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of artificial light sources on growth, yield, and glucosinolate content of hydoroponically grown Peucedanum japonicum in plant factory. Treatments were given with LED Blue:White(1:1, B:W), LED Red:Blue:White(2:1:3, RBW), and LED Blue:White(1:1)+Florescent lamp(BW+FL). Number of harvested leaves and leaf weight of BW+FL were higher than BW and RBW. BW+FL in leaf length and RBW in leaf width were significant difference with other treatments. Chlorophyll content and ‘L’ value were not significant difference among the treatments. The ‘a’ and ‘b’ value is the lowest in BW+FL. Glucosinolate content was high in order of glucobrassicin, glucoiberin, sinigrin, gluconasturtiin, progoitrin, glucoraphamin, and epiprogoitrin in all treatments, and total glucosinolate content was the highest in RBW treatment. Moisture, crude protein, crude fat, and ash content of leaves were not different among the treatments. In conclusion, this study showed that light caused growth and secondary metabolites synthesis, and we recommend to further study between light and secondary metabolites for increasing functionality.

      • 대학생들의 관광행태에 따른 관광수요 증대 방안

        충렬,김원진 한국관광정보학회 2001 觀光情報硏究 Vol.- No.9

        The aim of this research is to find the ways to improve the demand of tourism by an analysis on the image and characteristic of tourism behaviour in university students. Surveys were conducted to reveal image and tourism behaviour on cave-resource tourism in university students who had an experience on cave-resort tour. 197 reliable surveys were utilised for this research. Cognitive image was the most important element in cave-resort tour and tourists have a preference for family-based tourism. It is thus required to development the programs to boost the demand of cave-resort tourism, for example the development of event-based programs such as special experience, extracurricular work, and field research. This research found the low utilisation of internet for the information of tourism in university students, it si thus beneficiary for local government and tourist agents to debelop new styled internet-contents and 3D visualisation, and also it must be helpful to urilise internet search(engine) firms or internet-site related firms for the increase of local tourism demand. In addition, it is also important to support the comfortable and pleasant sight-seeing environment with reducing unneccessary artifical facilities in cave-resort.

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