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        洪容憙 ( Hong Young-hee ) 한국윤리학회(구 한국국민윤리학회) 2019 倫理硏究 Vol.125 No.1

        中國實行九年制(6-15歲)義務敎育,學制爲6-3-3(或5-4-3). 敎育課程由國家制定標准之后,各地方按照此標准再設定地方標准. 根据憲法、敎育基本法中敎育的一般目標、敎育課程標准等設定敎育目標. 敎課標准(科目)爲小學包括思想品德等8個中學包括思想政治等12個等,學年爲每年9月到翌年7月. 學期制爲兩學期制,采用絶對評价,采取百分制或4-5等級評分法. 通常來說,小學是等級評价,中學以上是100分評价. 敎科書制度可以簡單的槪括爲已從國定制轉變成審定(審査)制(已在2001年完成中小學改革),實現了脫離敎學大綱幷轉換到課程標准,此標准從2001年起試行,目前已確定敎學科目的全部結構與體制. 從編纂與發行來看,是一科目多敎科書體制,具有編纂資格的人(個人或集體)可以通過申請發行敎科書. 由于是義務敎育(9年),敎科書供給方式是无償或部分有償(廉价)幷存. 敎科書則以提高素質, 提倡全面發展敎育, 建設社會主義現代化等爲特征. The period of China’s obligatory education is 9 years (from the age of 6 to 15) and students spend 6 (or 5) years at elementary school, 3 (or 4) years at middle school and 3 years at high school. The basics of education courses are made by the Chinese government and on the basis of those, each local government set up its own standards. Educational goals are presented in the Constitution, general educational goals contained in the Education Law, and the standards of education courses. The number of school subjects in elementary schools is 8, including Ethics and Thought. In middle school, 12 school subjects are taught, including Thought and Politics. Schools adopt the semester system and the evaluation of students is done by absolute evaluation. Evaluation is done by the maximum 100 point system or 4-5 level system. Most elementary schools adopt the maximum 100 point system and most middle schools adopt the 4-5 level system. National textbooks had been used previously, but authorized textbooks replaced them and they have been used in all schools, including elementary and middle schools, since 2001. The textbook contents changed from rough instruction of subjects to curriculum standard. After the test operation in 2001, the present structure and system of education subjects were established. More than 1 textbooks can be published for one subject, and qualified organizations or individuals can apply for publication. Since China adopts 9 years’ compulsory education system, textbooks are basically free, but some are sold in lower-price. Textbooks aim at improving qualities, developing all aspects of mind and body, and modernizing socialism. The period of China’s obligatory education is 9 years (from the age of 6 to 15) and students spend 6 (or 5) years at elementary school, 3 (or 4) years at middle school and 3 years at high school. The basics of education courses are made by the Chinese government and on the basis of those, each local government set up its own standards. Educational goals are presented in the Constitution, general educational goals contained in the Education Law, and the standards of education courses. The number of school subjects in elementary schools is 8, including Ethics and Thought. In middle school, 12 school subjects are taught, including Thought and Politics. Schools adopt the semester system and the evaluation of students is done by absolute evaluation. Evaluation is done by the maximum 100 point system or 4-5 level system. Most elementary schools adopt the maximum 100 point system and most middle schools adopt the 4-5 level system. National textbooks had been used previously, but authorized textbooks replaced them and they have been used in all schools, including elementary and middle schools, since 2001. The textbook contents changed from rough instruction of subjects to curriculum standard. After the test operation in 2001, the present structure and system of education subjects were established. More than 1 textbooks can be published for one subject, and qualified organizations or individuals can apply for publication. Since China adopts 9 years’ compulsory education system, textbooks are basically free, but some are sold in lower-price. Textbooks aim at improving qualities, developing all aspects of mind and body, and modernizing socialism. In this paper, I have studied on the curriculum of basic education and education reform in China.

      • 社會不平等機能論에 關한 社會倫理學的 硏究

        洪容熹 忠州大學校 1999 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.34 No.1

        Social theory has always carried political implication. Ideologies contain explanations of social inequality, and theories of social inequality have implications for ideologies. Since Aristotle, social philosophers have addressed and struggled with the problem of why social inequality exists. They have attempted to explain and justify the striking contrasts they observed around them in the social and economic standing of members of a society. Is stratification mainly the inevitable result of the authority hierarchies that accompany a complex division of labor? Does it merely emerge out of values consensually held by the people? Or is it a result of coercion and power exerted by a ruling elite? In sociology, these types of questions have been addressed by two major and contrasting theoretical paradigms. The first, functionalism, argue that inequality is necessary for the efficient functioning of the society, and it exists because it meets crucial societal needs, The second, conflict theory, maintains that society is made up of groups that compete for scarce and valued resources. Inequalities occur when certain groups achieve dominance over other groups. The most widely accepted theoretical paradigm in sociology is what is commonly labeled functionalism. Functionalism views societies as integrated systems held in equilibrium by certain patterned and recurrent processes. Also, functionalism as a theory seeks to explain social systems by looking at how the parts of the system satisfy the requirements for its continued existence. My task in this paper is to examine the functionalism theory of social inequality, the critiques of it, and the attempts that have made towards a synthesis.

      • A Study on the Functionalist Theory of Social Stratification Phenomenon

        Hong, Yong-Hee 충주대 2000 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.35 No.1

        사회계층화 현상은 경험적으로 존재하여 온 인간 사회의 어느 장(場)에서도 발생하여 왔던 중요한 문제이다.따라서 고대로부터 현재에 이르기까지 사회계층화 현상은 주로 사회철학자들이나 사회윤리학자들 및 정치철학자들의 깊은 관심의 대상이 되어왔다.그들은 사회계층화 현상의 항존성(恒存性)과 불가피성, 또는 그 극복 가능성에 대해 다양한 이론을 전개하여 왔으며, 그 사회적 목적에 대해서도 끊임없이 연구를 진행하여 왔다. 파슨스(Talcott Parsons)는 비록 19세기의 미국 사회학에 있어서 가장 영향력이 있는 이론가이지만, 특히 사회계층화 현상의 보편성과 필연성 여부에 관한 논의는 기능론적 관점에서 전개된 킹슬리 데이비스(Kingsley Davis)와 월버트 무어(Wilbert E.Moore)의 이론으로부터 시작되어 지금도 논쟁이 계속되고 있다.다시 말해서, 사회계층화 현상에 대한 기능론적 입장을 가장 강력하게 주장하였던 사람은 데이비스와 무어였다.그들은 사회의 유지와 존속을 위해 요구되는 과업을 달성하기 위해서는 반드시 노동의 광범위한 분화가 있어야만 한다고 역설하였다. 사회진화론자들의 주장처럼 사회 역시 최적자(最適者)가 최적소(最適所)를 차지하게 된다는 생각이 지배적인 사회에서는 사회계층화 현상에 대한 기능론적인 관점이 부분적인 비판을 받을 수는 있을지 몰라도 전체적으로 부정되기는 쉽지 않다.그러나 평등에 대한 의식이 광범위하게 확산되고 있는 현대 사회에서 사회불평등 현상을 사회의 존속과 유지에 기여하는 것으로 결론을 내린다면, 그것이 아무리 사회 현상을 체계적으로 분석하고 사회적 사실의 핵심을 지적하는 이론이라고 할지라도, 그것이 갖는 이론으로서의 가치 이전에 이미 사회윤리적으로 문제시될 수 있다. 사회계층화 현상에 대한 기능론과 갈등론은 정치적 편견 때문에 분리되기 쉬우나 그 둘은 상호 보완적 이라고 할 수 있고, 또한 그렇게 보아야 한다.기능주의를 체제 유지에 중점을 둔 거시적 차원의 이론으로 본다면, 갈등주의는 체제 내에서 부분적으로 발생하는 변화에 관련된 구성 요소들 사이의 관계에 중점을 둔 개인적 차원의 이론이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 사회계층화 현상에 대한 일반적인 이론적 틀과 개념 도식을 분석한 다음, 그러한 기능론적 관점이 지니고 있는 한계점을 비판하고자 하였다.

      • 生態學的 危機와 環境倫理學의 定立에 關한 硏究

        洪容憙 忠州大學校 1998 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.33 No.1

        Science is the body of knowledge obtained by methods which are based upon observation. And technology is the totality of the means employed by peoples to provide material objects for human sustenance and comfort. However, science-technology has been beneficial but harmful. It unintentionally has induced man to defy both nature and environment. Recent science-technology has shown that the desire, reckless and blind, to develop everything possible has made the amazing progress in materialistic civilization, but this erroneous notion now faces its limitations. In other words, excessive efforts in one direction bring, ironically enough, results quite contrary to expectations. Although most people, if not all, enjoy material affluence, as a result of the phenomenal development of science-technology, the world suffers from a host of undesirable, unexpected byproducts such as pollutants. Polluted water, air, foods, drugs, together with many waste materials have already blighted the natural environment. At this point, the ecological crisis could become real. And, if this situation is allowed to develop, the very existence of man will be gravely imperiled. Therefore, the development of science-technology must be directly related to the promotion of human happiness. The ecological crisis also calls for our immediate attention of the natural environment. Needless to say, the urgent tasks demanding our serious attention are the restoration of global environment and the efforts in the interests of ecological ethics. For the realization of these tasks, all the nations of the world must cooperate in the name of mankind. If we are not fully prepared, the ecological crisis will become uncontrollable within the foreseeable future. Now, therefore, is the time for us to concern ourselves about the environmental problems in the 21st century. In this paper, I have studied on the ecological crisis and the establishment of environmental ethics.

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