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        李欣丽(XinLi Li),涂波(Tu Bo) 한국국회학회 2022 한국과 세계 Vol.4 No.6

        宜宾市有着2200多年的建城史,是中国国务院命名的国家历史文化名城之一。宜宾市作为重要的白酒生产基地,白酒酿造的历史悠久,其酿酒产业不仅在中国的知名度较高,而且宜宾的白酒还销往全球的各个国家。当前,宜宾正在响应中国的十四五规划,以文化建设带动城市建设,打造长江上游的示范性生态新区,并争创“经济副中心”。宜宾城市的建设和酿酒产业的发展相互交融,酿酒产业的发展对宜宾的城市建设,特别是文化城市的建设有着重要的影响。本文运用文献分析的方法,考察了酿酒产业对宜宾文化城市建设的影响。综合宜宾文化城市的发展与酿酒产业的相关度,本研究认为酿酒产业主要改变了宜宾文化城市的面貌布局,影响了城镇文化景观、周边建设和布局结构;酿酒产业丰富了宜宾市人民的生活文化习俗,使城市文化变得更加丰富多彩;酿酒产业还给宜宾市提供了独特的酒都文化旅游资源,推动了宜宾市旅游文化的发展。 With the history of more than 2,200 years, Yibin is one of the national historical and cultural cities named by The State Council of China. As an important alcohol production base, Yibin city has a long history of alcohol brewing. Its brewing industry products are not only well-known in China, but also sold to various countries around the world. Yibin is currently responding to China's 14th Five-Year Plan, promoting urban construction with cultural construction and developing the alcohol industry ,and trying to build an ecological new area in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to become an “economic sub-center” in Sichuan province. The construction of Yibin city and the development of alcohol industry are intertwined together, and the development process of alcohol industry has an important influence on the urban construction of Yibin, especially in the cultural city construction. In this study, we used literature analysis to investigate the influence of alcohol industry to the construction of Yibin cultural city. Based on the degree of correlation between development elements of Yibin cultural city and alcohol industry, we believe that the alcohol industry mainly has changed the appearance and layout of the cultural landscape, and influenced the urban surrounding construction and distribution structure. What’s more, alcohol industry has enriched the life of Yibin people, and made the urban culture more colorful. Last but not least, the alcohol industry also has provided Yibin with unique tourism cultural resources, which promotes the development of Yibin’s tourism culture.

      • The Current Situation, Problems and Solutions of China's Basic Legal System of Digital Economy under the Background of Global Digital Governance

        郭文强(Wenqiang Guo),李欣丽(Xinli Li) 아시아사회과학학회 2024 International Science Research Vol.4 No.1

        The digital economy has emerged as a new driving force for China's economic growth. However, while digital globalization injects fresh impetus into China's economy, it also presents a range of challenges, such as data security, digital divide, disorderly competition on digital platforms, and inadequate mechanisms for intellectual property protection. These challenges highlight the insufficiency of China's capacity for effective regulation and systematic governance of the digital economy. To address this, the study utilizes literature review and field research to examine the development of China's foundational legal frameworks for the digital economy. It identifies several issues within the legal system, including insufficient legal authority, an underdeveloped legal framework, lack of coordination between laws, unclear legislative models, and inadequate foundational research on legal concepts. To resolve these issues, this study advocates for a systemic and comprehensive legislative approach in constructing the legal framework for the digital economy. This includes reinforcing the integration of different institutions, emphasizing the synergy between ethics and rule of law, and continually enhancing the foresight, scientific basis, and authority of digital economy legislation. This, in turn, will improve the legal infrastructure of China's digital economy and support its healthy and sustainable development. 当今数字经济逐渐成为了推动中国经济增长的新引擎。然而,数字全球化在为中国经济注入新动能的同时,也给中国带来了数据安全、数字鸿沟、数字平台无序竞争和产权保护机制缺失等一系列问题,凸显了中国对数字经济进行有效监管和系统性治理的能力不足。为此,本研究通过文献和实地调研的研究方法,梳理了中国数字经济基础法律制度的建设情况,并发现了中国数字经济基础法律制度存在着法律权威性不足、法律体系不健全、法律之间的协调性不够、立法模式不明确以及法律概念基础研究不足等问题。为了解决这些问题本研究认为,中国在进行数字经济基础法律制度建构时,应坚持系统、综合的立法思维,强化制度之间的整合,注重伦理与法治的结合研究,不断提升数字经济法律制度的前瞻性、科学性和权威性,从而不断提高中国数字经济的法治化水平,从而支撑数字经济健康、持续发展。

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