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      • 한국의 성씨(姓氏)와 족보(族譜)

        李成茂 ( Lee Song-mu ) 한국계보연구회 2010 한국계보연구 Vol.1 No.-

        성씨는 자기의 혈통을 밝히고자 해서 붙인 것이요, 족보는 자기의 조상을 존중하고 친족 간의 친목을 도모하고자 만들어졌다. 그런 데 전통시대에는 본관에 따라 신분이 달라지고,족보가 없으면 과거 (科擧)ㆍ승음(承蔭)ㆍ상속(相續)ㆍ사환(仕宦)을 할 수 없었으며, 군역 (軍役)까지 부과되었다. 그러니 무리를 해서라도 명족(名族)에 끼려 하고, 족보를 만들거나 위조하려 했다. 한국의 성씨는 6세기부터 왕실, 귀족들이 먼저쓰기 시작했다. 그러나 호족들이 대거 성씨를 가지기 시작한 것은 나말여초부터이다. 국가에서 주부군현의 토성(土姓)을 공인하고, 토성은 신분에 따라 인 리성 (人吏姓)ㆍ백성성 (百姓姓)ㆍ촌성 (村姓)ㆍ향소부곡성 (鄕所部曲姓)으로 갈렸다. 이 중 국가의 관품을 차지한 성씨가 양반으로 공인되고, 나머지는 소임에 따라 중인성(中人姓)ㆍ평민성(平民姓)으로 격하 되었으며, 천인은 성씨가 없었다. 양반들은 자기의 가계를 밝히기 위해 족보를 만들기 시작했다. 처음에는 가계도(家系圖)ㆍ세계도(世系圖)ㆍ족도(族圖)ㆍ팔고조도(八高祖圖) 등 가첩류(家牒類)가 유행하다가 15세기에 이르러 족보가 나타나기 시작한다. 이러한 족보는 17세기에 활발히 유행하다가 19-20 세기 사회변동에 따라 위보(僞譜)가 널리 유행해 모든 사람의 양반 화가 진행되었다. 그리하여 현대적인 새로운 가족ㆍ친족문화가 형성 되게 되었다. Family names are used to reveal their heritage, and genealogies are created to show one’s respect to one’s ancestors and maintain an amicable relationship among family members. Yet in the past, the ’region of the house(本貫)’ dictated one’s social status(class), and without a genealogy one could not present himself as eligible for applying to the national examination(科擧) or accepting a protective appointment(承蔭), or claim the right of inheritance and succession(相續)or the right to enter the government(仕宦).And without genealogy one would even have to report for military service. So one had to add oneself to the genealogy of illustrious families(名族), and in order to do so they fabricated or forged genealogy records. Korean family names(sumames) were first used in the 6th century by members of the royal families or aristocratic houses. Yet it was only the transition period between Shilla and Goryeo when local influentials(“hojok”) started to assume last names. The state would authorize the usage of some local surnames(土姓) in individual local units, and those local surnames included clergy surnames(人吏姓), commoner surnames(百姓姓), village surnames(村姓) and special colonies surnames(鄕戶斤部曲姓). Among them, surnames carried by people who obtained official ranks of the state were established as Yangban surnames, and the rest were classified as middle-class surnames(中人姓) or commoner surnames(平民姓) according to their duties, and the low-boms had no surname. The Yangban figures started to create genealogy records to clarify their descent. At first they created household genealogical records(家牒 類頁) for either individual families or individual lines of descent, or for individual groups or lines of limited ancestors(家系圖, 世系圖, 族圖, 八高祖圖), and then coming into the 15th century, standardized genealogy records began to surface. They really prevailed in the 17th century, yet coming into the 19th and 20th centuries the number of forged genealogies(僞譜)continued to increase. As a result, all people suddenly became members of the Yangban families. A new, contemporary culture of family and houses was formed.

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