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        고려 충선왕대의 문산계 개편 및 이후의

        李康漢 ( Lee Kang-han ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2022 大東文化硏究 Vol.117 No.-

        충선왕은 재위기간 동안 두 차례 문산계를 개편한 바 있는데, 본고에서는 그의 복위년(1308) 문산계를 검토하였다. 충선왕 복위년 문산계는 관계(官階)들의 다양한 명칭으로도 주목되지만, 기존 문산계의 대부계가 종1품에서 5품까지였던 것과는 달리 정1품에서 4품까지가 대부계였던 특징이 있다. 1308년 문산계의 가장 큰 의미는 고려 전·중기 문산계의 관직-관계 품급 불일치 현상을 해결했던 점에 있지만, 몇 가지 시행착오도 내포하였다. 이에 1310년 2품계 및 5품계를 조정했는데, 재상의 관직 품급에 맞춰 고위 관계의 품급을 조정하고 5품 관직자들도 달래기 위함이었다. 이후 충숙왕대인 1325년을 전후하여 정1품 관계를 세분하고 충선왕대의 통헌대부를 충렬왕대의 봉익대부로 개명했으며, 14세기 중·후반인 공민왕대에는 문산계 대부계의 위상 자체가 충선왕대에 비해 하락하는 추세도 감지된다. 충선왕대 제도개혁의 대표적인 사례로서의 충선왕 문산계는, 14세기 100여 년간 운영된 제도임을 감안할 때 조선시대 문산계 연구에서도 주목해야 할 대상이라 생각된다. During his reign, King Chungseon of Goryeo renovated the Goryeo government’s Munsan-gye system twice, first in 1298, and then in 1308. In this article, the latter version is examined. This system of Chungsoen is known for all the new names given to the individual ranks, but another important difference from the previous Goryeo system was the Daebu portion, as in Chungseon’s system it began at Jeong-1 rank(unlike the previous Jong-1 rank) and ended in the 4th (unlike the previous 5th). With this new Munsan-gye system, Chungseon was able to remedy an age-old problem that plauged the previous system, in which the Munsan-gye rank awarded to an individual official did not match the rank of the governmental post that individual was in possession of at the time. Of course, there were some glitches in Chungseon’s new design as well, so two years later in 1310, he rectified such problems by modifying the 2nd and 5th ranks. Then later, his son King Chungsuk divided the Jeong-1 rank, while also renaming Chungseon’s Tongheon Daebu to Bongik Daebu (from King Chung’ryeol’s days), and even later, his grandson King Gongmin seems to have operated the system in a manner which led to the overall stature of the Chungseon-designed Munsan-gye system deteriorating a little bit. Nonetheless, this system developed by Chungseon was another example of his efforts in the early 14th century which continued with the intention of overhauling many aspects of the Goryeo system. Considering the fact that the system was maintained for nearly a century, which was not that short considering the previous system was only operated for less than two centuries, I think the system itself deserves more attention than it had from researchers in the past.

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